FCE Writing
例1-Essay (2)
例2-Essay (2)
例3-Essay正反分析 (3)
例4-Review正反例分析 (5)
例5-report (6)
例6-formal email正反例分析 (7)
例7-article (8)
Do you think adventure tourism in unexplored parts of the world should be encouraged?
Write about:
– effects of tourism
– personal risks
– …life experience…. (your own idea)
Sample answer:
Going on an adventure can be exciting but dangerous at the same time. This is why my opinion about this issue is divided.
Firstly, exploring wildlife can be seriously damaging for the environment. Most tourists are unfortunately careless and disrespectful towards wild animals and the planet by littering the area they visit. Creating nuisance by smoking or being obnoxiously loud can impact and disturb the wildlife.
Moreover, going to a jungle or North Pole can be very dangerous. So many accidents could have been
avoided, if only people hadn’t decided to act on an impulse and pursue their dreams so damaging not only to themselves but also local inhabitants.  Sometimes, nothing can prepare explores for the hurdles of an adventure, not even the strenuous physical and mental regime they had undergone before the expedition.
However, let’s face it, adventure tourism is guaranteeing a lifetime experience and provides a great opportunity to see different places. If you are motivated, brave and lust for knowledge, you should definitely go for it.
To conclude, I think adventure tourism must be encouraged if people are informed of what they are about to experience.
In these instructions, we must pay attention to the following:
•The first paragraph introduces the topic: …different ways in which you can protect the environment.
•The second sentence is usually the same in every task: Write an essay using all the notes…
•In the box, you are given the main topic as a question and they give you something to talk about: recycle, using bicycles and walking, your own idea. As
you can see, you have to come up with the third idea, something connected to
the topic which is not provided in the exam task.
反例And an example of a bad answer:
The above example does not adequately address all of the criterion – content, communicative achievement, organisation and language, mainly because:
1. The student does not include their own idea, so they are limited to scoring more than one or two marks out of five for content.
2. There is little variety in the student’s use of vocabulary and their sentences contain errors – e.g. ‘is not good to think in everything you see on Google..’. A better way of saying this would be ‘a lot of the in
formation online is not from a reliable source and so people should be cautious when looking for important information..’.
3. Text is poorly organised, with no title and with very few linking expressions. You should answer the essay question in your conclusion and link it back to your essay title if you wrote your own. Also include some concluding phrases, such as, ‘In my opinion’, ‘To conclude’, ‘In conclusion’ etc. Also, when mentioning two contrasting ideas you should use other linking expressions, such as ‘however’ or ‘on the other hand’.
4. The student makes several grammatical and vocabulary related errors, which suggests this student hasn’t checked their work over for mistakes.
5. Their answer generally isn’t very well communicated in the appropriate style, e.g. ‘we don’t know who write it??’ which is not only grammatically incorrect but it’s a little too informal for an essay style answer. Overall this essay would probably score less than half of all the available marks.
正例Here’s a good answer
What makes the above answer a better one?
1. There are five well written paragraphs with clearly defined purposes – an introduction, the first idea, the second, the student’s own idea and finally the conclusion.
2. The conclusion is both relevant and it answers the essay question. The answer also includes everything that’s required and discusses the implications of each point in a separate paragraph, so this student would score highly for the content criterion.
3. This student makes effective use of linking expressions and conjunctions to organise and join ideas together. The essay is coherent and includes rhetorical questions to engage the reader.
4. The style is also somewhat formal and not too informal (written for a teacher). This student would score well for the organisation and communicative achievement criterion.
5. The writer uses a good range of everyday vocabulary appropriately (aspect, such people, spend time, unable to make) and a range of simple and complex grammatical forms are used with a generally high level of accuracy. So the mark for the language criterion would be graded highly.
6. While there are one or two sentences which could be written a bit better (for example, if people spend all their time talking to others on their computers, then they  might find it difficult to form real relationships), the essay scores highly on all four sets of criterion.
How can you write it better? Plan first
Just like with the essay question in part one, you should plan what you’re going to include in your review as well. Here’s an outline of what I would want to include in my review: Style: somewhat inform
al: it’s for an English language website where other students of English are probably going to read it.
Course: my summer English course in London (easy choice, right?)