    This kind of person really troubles me. They are always negative and complain about everything. No matter what the situation is, they always find something to criticize or be unhappy about. It's exhausting to be around them because their negative energy brings everyone down.
    They are also very self-centered. They only care about themselves and their own needs. They never consider how their words or actions might affect others. They constantly seek attention and validation from others, but rarely give anything in return.
    Furthermore, they are not reliable. They make promises they can't keep and often let people down. It's frustrating to depend on them because you never know if they will come through or not. This lack of reliability creates a lot of stress and uncertainty.
    In addition, they are not open-minded. They are quick to judge others and are unwilling to
consider different perspectives. They think they are always right and dismiss any opinions or ideas that don't align with their own. This closed-mindedness creates a toxic and unproductive environment.
    Overall, dealing with this kind of person is a challenge. Their negativity, self-centeredness, unreliability, and closed-mindedness make it difficult to have a positive and healthy relationship with them.