大学生兼职 Doing a Part-time Job in College
Mostcollege students tend to do a part-time job, because they want to make theircollege life colorful and interesting.
Doinga part-time job brings them so many benefits. For one thing, college studentscan earn pocket money by doing part-time jobs, so that they needn't ask money fromtheir parents any more. For another, the part-time jobs can help them get moreworking experience.
Nowadays, the working experience is an important thing injob hunting, for most companies prefer to hire someone who is experienced.What's more, through the part-time jobs, they can make more friends and knowthe society better.
如今,在工作的时候工作经验是很重要的,因为大多数公司更喜欢雇用有经验的人。更重要的是,通过兼职,他们能结交到更多的朋友,更好地了解社会。river flowns in you
别哭了宝贝dj>我想我想Nevertheless,it's not absolutely right for college students to do the part-time jobs. Sincemost of them are always busy with their part-time jobs at night, so that theymay not have a good rest. Therefore, they can't listen to the teacherscarefully and fall asleep in class. I don't think it's wise for them to do so.As college students, study is their major task. If their part-time jobs have abad effect on their study, they had better give them up and pay more attentionto their study instead.