    My Awesome Summer Vacation
    Wow, where do I even start?! This summer was totally EPIC! I had so much fun and did a million cool things. First up was the last day of school in June. I was super excited for summer to start because 5th grade was hard work this year. Don't get me wrong, I love learning and all, but I really needed a nice long break to recharge my batteries, ya know?
    The first couple of weeks I just kind of chilled out at home. I slept in late, played a bunch of video games, and basically turned into a couch potato. My parents weren't too happy about the lazy routine after a while though. They were all "Jimmy, you need to get up and do something productive!" Which I guess was their nice way of saying I was being a bum, haha.
    So then I signed up for the town's summer day camp program. It was honestly the best decision ever! Every week had an awesome new theme like Outdoor Adventure, Wacky Science, or Superhero Training. We did all sorts of fun activities and games based on those themes. My favorite was probably Superhero Training because we got to make our own capes and masks. I went by the code name "The Zapping Zapper" because I'm a zapping kinda guy, duh!
    A few times that summer we took little family trips too. One weekend we drove up to the mountains for hiking and camping. That was a nice break from the hot city life. We told scary stories around the campfire, went swimming in an ice cold lake, and I even caught my first fish! The great outdoors was cool and all, but I have to admit I was very happy to come home to air conditioning and my soft bed after roughing it for a few nights.
    Another time we visited my aunt, uncle, and cousins who live up north near the beach. As soon as we arrived, my cousins and I ran straight into the ocean waves to cool off. We spent the whole week riding boogie boards, building awesome sandcastles, and having ud
der belly rides contests (my belly is superior, I won almost every time). We never wanted to leave the beach, but sadly all good things must come to an end.
    Oh, and I can't forget about the epic annual summer blowout bash my family throws every August! We have a huge party and barbecue in our backyard to celebrate the end of summer break. We invite all our relatives and friends over for a day of games, music, dancing, and just straight up goofing around. The food is always crazy good too. I stuff myself silly with hamburgers, hot dogs, my uncle's famous chili, and more ice cream than is probably healthy. By the end of the night I'm exhausted, but it's the best kind of exhausted from having too much fun.
    I could keep going on and on, but I think you get the picture. This was seriously one of the most fun and jam-packed summers I've ever had! Between all the activities, trips, friends, family time, and just general merriment, the months honestly flew by in a happy blur. Now that the new school year is starting up again, part of me is ready to get back to the books and see my friends every day. But another part of me is already counting down t
he days until NEXT summer when I can kick back and go on another amazing adventure all over again! Being a kid is the best.
    My Amazing Summer Vacation
    Wow, it's hard to believe summer vacation is already over! I had such an incredible time this year. My family and I went on the best trip ever to California and I want to tell you all about it!
    We started off by flying from Cincinnati to Los Angeles. I had never been on a plane before so I was really excited and a little nervous too. The flight wasn't too bad though and I loved looking out the window at the clouds and tiny houses and cars down below. It felt like I was in a whole new world up there!because of you mp3
    When we landed in LA, we picked up our rental car and drove straight to our hotel in Anaheim. We were staying right next door to Disneyland! I could barely sleep that first night
I was so pumped to go to the parks.
    The next morning, bright and early, we headed into Disneyland. It was even bigger and crazier than I had imagined! We started off by riding Space Mountain which was my first big roller coaster ever. I was screaming my head off the whole time but it was so fun and thrilling.
    After that, we went on rides like Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Star Tours, and so many more. We also met lots of the Disney characters like Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, and Cinderella. I loved getting their autographs and taking pictures with them.
    The fireworks show they have every night was breathtaking too. They shot fireworks high into the sky that were perfectly choreographed to classic Disney music. The colors and patterns were mesmerizing and magical.
    We spent three full days at Disneyland and California Adventure Park. By the end I was exhausted from walking around in the heat all day, but it was absolutely worth it! Disneyland really is the happiest place on Earth.
    After Disneyland, we drove down the coast to San Diego. One of my favorite things we did there was visiting the San Diego Zoo. They had gorillas, tigers, rhinos, and basically every animal you can imagine! The panda bears were definitely the cutest.