just one last dance mp3长大后我想成为舞蹈家的英语 的小作文
    When I Grow Up, I Want to Be a Dancer
    Hi there! My name is Riley and I'm 8 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my biggest dream for when I grow up. Can you guess what it is? That's right, I want to be a dancer!
    Ever since I was a tiny little kid, I've loved dancing more than anything else in the whole wide world. My mom says that even when I was just a baby, I would bounce up and down and swing my arms around whenever I heard music playing. I started taking dance classes when I was 3 years old, and I've been hooked ever since!
    At first, I took a mix of ballet, tap, and jazz classes. Ballet is where you wear those pretty pi
nk shoes called ballet slippers and do all the graceful spins and leg kicks. Tap is the one where you wear special shoes that make a cool tapping sound on the floor when you dance. And jazz is a fun, upbeat style with lots of jumps and turns.
    I loved all three styles of dance, but my absolute favorite has to be ballet. There's just something so beautiful and magical about it to me. Maybe it's the gorgeous costumes with the sparkling tutus. Or maybe it's the way ballerinas look like they're floating on air when they leap across the stage. Whatever it is, ballet makes me feel happier than anything else in the world!
    In my ballet classes, we started off learning basic foot positions and how to do cute little jumps called sautés. As I got older, the steps got harder and harder. By age 6, I had moved up to wearing real ballet shoes and learning complicated turns called pirouettes. It was pretty tricky at first, but I practiced every single day until I got it right.
    Now that I'm 8, I'm working on my arabesques, which are when you have to stand on one leg and hold the other leg super high behind you. Let me tell you, it's not easy! But I ref
use to give up because I know that professional ballerinas have to do even crazier poses and turns. If I want to make it as a dancer, I have to keep pushing myself.
    My dance teachers always say I'm an incredibly hard worker with excellent potential. At my last dance recital, I played Clara in our ballet school's production of The Nutcracker. All the parents cheered so loudly when I took my bows at the end. It made me feel like a total superstar! My dad recorded the whole show on video, and we watch it over and over at home. I never get tired of seeing myself up on that big stage, dancing my heart out.
    In the future, I hope I'll get to be in even more huge productions of famous ballets like Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and Don Quixote. Those ballets have some of the most challenging and breathtaking dance roles around. The thought of one day dancing those leads on a real professional stage makes me jump for joy!
    Of course, becoming a professional ballerina won't be easy peasy lemon squeezy. It will take years and years of extremely hard practice. I'll have to rehearse for hours upon hours every single day to get good enough. I'll have to learn crazy flexible moves that bend my bo
dy in ways you can't even imagine. And I'll probably have to go through lots of tough auditions and rejections before
    My Dream of Becoming a Dancer
    Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I go to Oakwood Elementary School and I'm in the 5th grade. Today I want to tell you all about my big dream for when I grow up - I want to be a dancer!
    Ever since I was a tiny little kid, I've loved dancing more than anything else in the whole wide world. When I was just 3 years old, my mom signed me up for my first dance class - it was a ballet and tap combo class. I can still remember how excited I was to get my first leotard, tights, ballet shoes and tap shoes. Putting on those dance shoes made me feel like a real dancer, even though I was just a little girl.
    In that very first dance class, I fell completely in love with dancing. I loved trying to mimic
the dance moves the teacher showed us. I loved letting the music flow through my body. I loved the freedom of self-expression through movement. And maybe most of all, I loved the way dancing made me feel - graceful, confident, joyful and proud.
    From that very first dance class, my mom could see how passionate I was about it. She says I was absolutely determined to perfect every single dance step and sequence. I would practice at home in our living room for hours, replaying the music from class over and over again. Sometimes I would even make up my own dance routines!
    After that first dance class, I just couldn't get enough of dancing. My parents put me in more classes - tap, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, you name it! I lived for my dance classes each week. Some kids don't like activities like sports or dance because they see it as hard work. But for me, dancing has always felt fun and freeing, not like work at all.
    As I got older, I started taking dance more seriously. I began to dream about becoming a professional dancer when I grew up. In 3rd grade, I started competing in dance competitions. I practiced my routines endlessly, perfecting every turn, leap and movement.
Stepping out on that big stage with the bright lights and loud music gave me an incredible thrill. Waiting for the