    Dad is finally back from his trip! I'm so excited to see him after such a long time. It feels like forever since he left. I can't wait to hear about all the adventures he had and the things he saw.
    When Dad comes back, he always brings us presents. He knows that I love collecting keychains, so he always tries to find a unique one from the places he visits. Last time, he brought me a keychain in the shape of the Eiffel Tower from Paris. It was so cool! I can't wait to see what he got for me this time.
    Besides the presents, I'm also looking forward to spending time with Dad. He always tells the best stories and jokes. He has this one story about a monkey that always makes me laugh. I can't wait to hear it again. We also have a tradition of going out for ice cream when Dad comes back. It's our special treat to celebrate his return.
i can wait forever
    I remember one time when Dad came back from a business trip to Japan. He brought back some Japanese snacks for us to try. One of them was called "Pocky." It's a biscuit stick covered in chocolate. I had never tried it before, but it was delicious! Dad also taught me how to say "thank you" in Japanese, which is "arigato." It was fun learning a new language from him.