    My Best Friend Jenny
    I want to tell you about my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Her name is Jenny and she is 9 years old like me. We have been best friends since kindergarten!
    Jenny has long brown hair that goes past her shoulders. It is very pretty hair. Her eyes are green like emeralds. She has a nice smile with straight white teeth. When she smiles really big, you can see her dimples in her cheeks. Jenny is not very tall, but she is not short either. She is just the right size for a 9-year-old girl.
    Even though Jenny is a girl, she doesn't act like a typical girl. She loves to play sports and games that boys usually like. Her favorite is soccer. Jenny is really good at soccer. She can ri can wait forever
un super fast and kick the ball really far. At recess, all the boys want her on their soccer team because she scores a lot of goals. Jenny is also good at climbing trees and riding her bike with no hands.
    But just because Jenny likes "boy" things doesn't mean she doesn't like "girl" things too. She has a huge collection of stuffed animals that she loves. Her favorites are the unicorns. Jenny's room is painted pink and purple, which are her favorite colors. She is really good at art class and loves to draw pictures of animals, especially horses. Jenny even takes horseback riding lessons on the weekends.
    My best friend has a great personality too. She is really funny and makes me laugh all the time. Jenny tells the silliest jokes and does crazy dances that make my belly hurt from laughing so hard. She never lets anything get her down and always has a big smile on her face. Even when things don't go her way, Jenny stays positive. I admire that about her.
    Jenny is also very kind and caring. If someone at school is getting picked on, she always sticks up for them. She shares her snacks and toys with everyone. Whenever I'm having a
bad day, Jenny cheers me up by giving me a big hug or drawing me a funny picture. She never makes fun of anyone and is friends with everyone in our class because she is so nice.
    I'm lucky to have such an awesome best friend like Jenny. We have been through everything together - from losing our first tooth to dealing with mean kids at school. No matter what, Jenny has my back and I have hers. We tell each other all our secrets and never break our pinky promises. I hope we can be best friends forever and ever!
    Jenny is the coolest, funniest, nicest person I know. She is good at every sport and every subject in school. She is pretty, smart, and the best friend anyone could ask for. I'm so happy Jenny is my bestie because she always makes me smile from ear to ear. I love you Jenny!
    My Grandpa
    My grandpa is the best! His name is Robert and he is 79 years old. He has white hair and a big smile. Grandpa is tall and strong. He walks slow but he can still play with me.
    Grandpa lives on a farm with my grandma Nancy. Their farm has lots of animals like cows, chickens, and horses. I love visiting the farm! My favorite animal is the big brown horse named Daisy. She lets me ride on her back. Grandpa taught me how to ride Daisy and how to feed her carrots.
    On the farm there is also a big red barn. Inside the barn there are tractors, tools, and hay bales. It smells like grass and animals. Grandpa does hard work on the farm every day. He milks the cows, collects eggs from the chickens, and grows vegetables in the garden. He gets up very early when it's still dark outside. Grandpa is never lazy!
    Even though Grandpa works hard, he always has time for fun too. My favorite thing is when we go fishing at the pond. Grandpa shows me how to put a worm on the hook and cast the line into the water. Then we sit really still and wait for a fish to bite. Grandpa tells funny stories while we wait. Once I caught a huge bass! Grandpa was so proud of me.
    Another fun thing is when Grandpa takes me on rides on his old green tractor. We ride all around the fields waving at the cows. The tractor goes really slow but I don't care. I like sitting next to Grandpa and hearing his stories about when he was a kid on the farm.
    After our tractor rides, Grandpa and I go feed the animals together. We give hay to the cows and horses. We scatter seed for the chickens to peck. Grandpa knows the name of every animal!  Betsy the cow is his favorite.
    In the evenings, we have delicious meals that Grandma cooks from food on the farm. We have fresh eggs, milk, vegetables, and sometimes steak from their cows. It tastes much better than food from the grocery store. For dessert, there is always Grandma's famous homemade apple pie. Yum!
    After dinner, Grandpa likes to sit in his rocking chair on the porch and watch the sunset. I sit on his lap and he shows me the colors in the sky. Red, pink, orange, and purple spread across the horizon. Sometimes we watch bats flying around catching bugs. When it gets totally dark, we go inside and Grandpa reads me stories before bed.