    I'm So Excited for the Art Festival!
    Hi! My name is Emma and I'm a 4th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. We're getting ready for the biggest event of the year - the annual Art Festival! I can't wait!
i can wait forever    Every student has to make an art project to display at the festival. We get to use all sorts of materials like paints, clay, paper mache, you name it! I've been working on my project for weeks already.
    I decided to make a big paper mache sculpture of a friendly dragon. First, I blew up a bunch of balloons and taped them together to make the dragon's body and head shape. Then I tore up newspapers and dipped the strips in a gooey mixture of flour and water. I wrap
ped the wet paper strips all around the balloons, layering it on thick. Once it dried, I popped all the balloons so just the hard paper mache shell was left in the cool dragon shape!
    Next came the really fun part - painting! I mixed different shades of green and blue paint to get the perfect scaly dragon color. I even added some sparkles and glitter to make him look extra magical. For the spikes along his back, I cut triangles out of cardboard and painted them orange and red like fire. I can't wait for everyone to see my awesome dragon at the festival!
    But the art projects are just one part of the big celebration. There's also going to be a talent show where kids can sing, dance, play an instrument, or show off any other neat skills they have. My best friend Katie is an incredible dancer, so she's going to perform a hip hop routine. I'm a little nervous to be up on stage myself, but I might try to play a song on my recorder. We've been practicing every day in music class.
    The art teachers are also putting together an exhibit of famous paintings and drawings from art history. I'm really excited to see real artwork up close instead of just pictures in our
textbooks. My favorite artists are Picasso and Van Gogh - their wild colors and shapes are so cool! I wonder if any of their masterpieces will be on display?
    On the night of the festival, the whole school will be transformed. There will be colorful decorations hanging everywhere, with beautiful student artworks lining the hallways. In the cafeteria, there will be a huge bake sale with yummy treats that families baked at home. The music room will be set up as a theatre for the talent show performances. And in the gym, that's where all of the epic art projects like my dragon sculpture will be exhibited.
    I'm so excited for the art festival! We're making pretty pictures to hang up. I painted a rainbow and fluffy clouds. My best friend made a dog playing outside. We worked really hard. I can't wait for everyone to see our artwork! The whole school will be so colorful and fun.
    For a 2000 word essay on the same topic, here is one attempt in an elementary student's voice:
    The art festival at my school is coming up soon and I'm super duper excited! We've been working on projects for weeks to get ready. It's going to be the most amazingly artistic day ever.
    In my art class, we're all making pictures to hang up around the whole school. I decided to paint some happy clouds and a bright rainbow arching over a green hill. I mixed lots of different colors of paint together to get the exact shades I wanted. First I did a base coat of light blue for the sky. Then I dabbed on fluffy white clouds. For the rainbow, I made stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. I tried to get the colors in perfect rainbow order! My teacher said I did a terrific job and she's really proud of my painting.
    My best friend Sarah is making the cutest picture of her dog Baxter. She drew Baxter playing outside, catching a frisbee. Sarah is a really good artist. She colored Baxter with brown fur and floppy ears. Then she did the green grass and blue sky background. Sarah always puts so much effort into her artwork. I'm sure Baxter will be the best dog picture in the whole festival!
    Some of the other kids in our class made pictures of their families or houses. Michael drew a detailed picture of his baby sister in her crib. He worked really hard on getting her cute little face just right. Emma painted her home, putting in flowers and trees all around it. Our art teacher said she loves how creative everyone is being with their projects.
    We also have to write a few sentences describing what our picture is and why we made it. I wrote "The rainbow painting shows my favorite colors and makes me feel happy and cheerful. The clouds look so soft and bouncy. I hope my artwork brightens someone's day when they see it!" Sarah wrote about Baxter being her furry best friend and how he always cheers her up.