    Dad has been away on a business trip for what seems like forever. I miss him so much and can't wait for him to come back home. Every night before I go to bed, I look out the window and imagine him walking through the door, his suitcase in hand and a big smile on his face. I can't wait to hear about all the adventures he had and the people he met while he was away.
    I remember the last time he went on a business trip, he brought me back a souvenir from the city he visited. It was a little keychain in the shape of a famous landmark. I still have it on my backpack and it reminds me of him every day. I wonder what he'll bring back this time.
    I miss our Sunday morning breakfasts together, where he would make his famous pancakes and we would all sit around the table laughing and talking. Mom tries to make them the same way, but they just don't taste as good without Dad there.
    I can't wait for him to come back so we can go fishing together like we used to. Dad always tells the best stories while we're out on the boat, and I love listening to him talk about his childhood and the adventures he had when he was my age.
    I know Dad is working hard to provide for our family, but I can't help but feel a little sad when he's not here. I just want him to come back home so we can be a family again.
i can wait forever怀大笑。妈妈虽然也尝试着做,但总觉得没有爸爸做的那么好吃。