青少年应该拥有自己的压岁钱吗 英语作文can you feel it mp3
    Should Teenagers Get Pocket Money? An Essay by a Kid
    Hey guys! Today I want to talk about something super important – pocket money for teenagers! You know, that cash Mom and Dad give you to spend however you want. I think teenagers should totally get an allowance. Let me explain why!
    First of all, having your own money helps you learn how to manage it. When I was really little, my parents gave me a few dollars here and there as a treat. But now that I'm older, I get a small weekly allowance. At first, I just spent it all on candy and video games as soon as I got it. But my parents taught me that I need to save at least some of it. Now I put a little aside each week for bigger things I want, like a new bike or gaming system. Teenagers are almost adults, so it's critical they practice budgeting and not just blow all their cash right away on jun
    Secondly, pocket money gives teens independence. Instead of constantly asking their parents to buy them things, they can make their own choices with their allowance money. My friend Bobby used his savings to buy a fancy new skater helmet he had been wanting. His parents didn't love the helmet, but it was Bobby's money so they couldn't really object. For teenagers on the path to becoming responsible adults, it's liberating to have some financial freedom instead of depending completely on your parents.
    Additionally, an allowance can motivate teenagers to take on extra chores or jobs. My teenage sister Kayla earns money by doing yard work for our neighbors. She knows that if she works hard, she'll have more to spend how she wants. I've also heard of families where the teenage kids only get an allowance if they do extra tasks around the house, not just for existing. Either way, it pushes them to go above and beyond. When you're making your own money, even if it's just a small amount, you feel encouraged to keep earning.
    Some people worry that giving teenagers too much money will just spoil them and make
them greedy. I can see that side too – my teenage cousin Jacob is incredibly spoiled by his wealthy grandparents constantly giving him cash. He's kind of a brat about it. But in my opinion, as long as the allowance amount is reasonable (not hundreds and hundreds of dollars), it won't turn teenagers into greedy monsters. If anything, rationing out a sensible allowance can teach restraint.
    At the end of the day, learning money management through hands-on experience is invaluable for teens preparing for adulthood. Pocket money gives them a safe space to practice skills like budgeting, spending wisely, earning, and saving up for wants instead of just needs. It allows for healthy independence and responsibility. Of course, parent rules and guidance are still crucial. But an allowance is excellent practice for the real world of finances.
    So in my humble opinion as a 10-year-old money expert, teenagers should absolutely receive an allowance or way to earn their own pocket money. It's an important step in the journey toward becoming a financially literate grown-up! What do you guys think – should t
eens get paid or nah? I'm feelin' pretty convinced on this one. Now let me go count my
    Should Teenagers Get Pocket Money? An Essay by a Kid
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk about a super important topic - should teenagers (you know, older kids like my brother Billy who is 15) get their own pocket money or not?
    First off, what even is pocket money? Pocket money is when your parents give you a small amount of money each week or month that you can spend however you want! The money goes right into your pocket, hence the name. My little sister gets 5 a week for doing her chores.
    I think teenagers should 100% get pocket money from their parents. Here's why:
    It teaches them how to manage money from a young age. Money management is a really important life skill. If teens have their own pocket money, they learn how to budget, save up for things they want, and spend responsibly. My brother saved up his pocket money for a year to buy a new gaming console!
    It gives them independence. Part of growing up is becoming more independent from your parents. Having your own money that you control helps build that independence in a safe way. Teenagers can practice making their own choices with their pocket money.
    It lets them buy what they want. Parents can't always afford every single thing their teen wants to buy, like video games, clothes, music, etc. Pocket money ensures the teen can get those things themselves if they really want them, without constantly asking mom and dad.