Unit 4 The Professor and the Yo-Yo词汇讲义
I. New words:
1. modest (adj.) ----modesty (n.)
  (1) showing a not too high opinion of one’s merits, abilities, etc.
    e.g. To be ~ is considered as a virtue in China.
    be about
    e.g. Tom is about his achievements, that’s why he is popular with most people.
  (2) not large in size or amount 适度的
  e.g. He bought a ~ house in the suburb.
      How can he live such a luxurious life on a ~ income?
He bought the bicycle at a ~ price.
There has been a ~ decrease in house prices this year.
CF. modest & humble  均有“谦恭的”之意。
Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.
humble 指精神和行为上的谦逊。褒义指对自己或自己的成就不骄傲;还可以指“(身份、地位)低下的,卑微的”
Knowledge makes one humble; ignorance makes one proud.
He gave a great performance, but he was very humble.
a humble occupation
men of humble origin / birth
2. display (vt.): exhibit; show; reveal
  e.g. Peacocks like to ~ their fine tail feathers when praised for their beauty.
    It’s the first time the painting has been ~ed to the public.
    It’s fashion designers’ dream to ~ their dresses in Paris.
    His essay ~s his natural talent for writing.
    display (n.) =show; exhibition
      on                               a of
  e.g. Let’s go to the gallery this weekend. There’ll be many pictures on .
    Speaking in public is a fine of courage.
a of fear / knowledge / bad temper
All the parents were looking at the of children's work.
3. impress (v. ) --- impression (n.) --- impressive (adj.)
  sb. with sth.
be ed with / by / at sth.
e.g. Charlie Chaplin ed the audience with his excellent acting.
I am favorably ed with / by his appearance / sense of humor.
  We are most ed by / with you efficiency.
  I was ed by his simplicity though we had conflicting ideas.
  sth on sb: make sb. keenly aware of …; fix sth in one’s mind
e.g. My parents on me the importance of honesty time and again.
  They ed on their children the virtue of always telling the truth.
  be ed on ones mind
e.g. She repeated the directions so that they were ed on her mind.
  sb. as
e.g. He ed me as a modest scholar.
    Mary ed me as being very rude.
  impression (n.)
  give sb. a good ion
leave /make a good /deep ion on sb.
Fill in the blanks with impress, influence, affect. Change the form where necessary.
1) The school leaders were worried about the _________ of Western films and TV programs.
2) I tried to __________ my new boss with my diligence but in vain.
3) Cancer had ___________his lungs.
4) We were deeply            by the efficiency of the employees in the company.
4. function
(1) (vi. )work, operate; do the work of
    Some English adverbs as adjectives.
      My pen does not very well.
_______________________________(当计算机正常运转时) , the green light is on.
  (2) (n.) use, special duty or purpose
The of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
______________________________(大脑起三大作用): reading, recalling and analyzing.
funtional  (adj.) 功能的,官能的      functional disorder  机能紊乱
5. ambition: (n.):humble me strong desire to achieve sth., such as fame or power
Eric wasn't particularly intelligent but he had plenty of .
_____________________ (她的理想)was to be a famous singer.
A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan. ___________________________
  achieve / attain / fulfill / realize one’s 实现抱负
frustrate one’s           使某人的野心(或雄心)受挫
spur / stimulate / stir one’s   激发某人的雄心壮志
one’s life-long a           毕生的志愿
ambitious (adj.) full of ambition,esp for success or money; showing or requiting ambition
  Tom was an ambitious person when he was in his childhood.
be ambitious to be / to do
  Everyone should be ambitious to succeed in life.
6. immune (to): free from or unaffected by
e.g. Ordinary people may find it difficult to be to pretension, jealousy, resentment, etc.
    An official must be to greed, corruption, bribery, selfishness and so on.
Vaccination makes people to measles.
The criminal was told he would be ~ from punishment if he said what he knew about the murder.