Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Scene 1(片段一):PPT:破旧小屋(道具:扫帚)
Speak aside (旁白)Once upon a time there lived a lovely little Princess named Snow White. Her vain /vein/ 自负 and wicked /wikid/邪恶stepmother the Queen feared that some day Snow White’s beauty would surpass /səpa:s/ 超越her own. So she dressed the little princess in rags /rǽgs/ 破布and forced her to work as a scullery /sk˄ləri/ maid /meid/女帮厨each day.the vain Queen consulted /kən's˄ltid/ 商议her Magic Mirror
Scene 2(片段二):PPT:黑城堡(道具:镜子)(皇后,魔镜准备入场
Queen(皇后)Magic Mirror on the wall,who is the fairest one of all?
Magic Mirror(魔镜)Famous is the beauty, Majesty /mǽʤisti/ 陛下. But hold,a lovely m
aid l see. Rags /rǽgs/ 破布cannot hide her gentle grace/greɪs/ 优雅,she is more fair than you.
Queen(皇后)quickly,quickly! tell her name.
Magic Mirror(魔镜)Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony/ebəni/乌木. Skin white as snow.
wishing for u
Queen(皇后):Snow White
Scene 3(片段三PPT:森林道具:井)
Speak aside (旁白)Snow White is standing by a wishing well. she wants to make a wish into the well. that’s all you have to do,and if you hear it echoing /ekəuing/ 回声your wish will soon come true.Then the prince come to the well quietly.(白雪公主站井旁,王子幕后,不出场
Snow White白雪公主: l am wishing.
Prince(王子)l am wishing.
Snow White白雪公主: For the one l love . To find me.
Prince(王子)To find me
Snow White (白雪公主): Today.
Snow White (白雪公主):l am hoping.
Prince(王子)l am hoping.
Snow White (白雪公主):And l am dreaming of. The nice things.
Prince(王子)The nice things.
Snow White (白雪公主):He’ll say.
Prince(王子)He’ll say.
Snow White (白雪公主):l am wishing.
Prince(王子):l am wishing.
Snow White (白雪公主) For the one l love .To find me.
Prince(王子):To find me.
Snow White (白雪公主): Today.
Prince(王子): Today.
Snow White (白雪公主):Oh!
Snow White (白雪公主):Oh
Prince王子:Did l frighten you? Wait! Wait,please. Don’t run away. Now that l have found you. Hear,what l have to say. (白雪公主跑着退场)
Scene 4(片段四PPT:黑城堡 (道具:盒子)
Speak aside (旁白)the queen is really angry,then she calls housecarl /ˈhaʊsˌkɑrl / 侍卫 (皇后,侍卫入场)
Queen(皇后)Take her far into the forest,find some quiet glade/geid/林中空地.
Housecarl(侍卫Yes,my Majesty.
Queen(皇后)And there,my faithful Huntsman,you will kill her!
Housecarl(侍卫But,my Majesty,the little Princess!
Queen(皇后)Silence! You know the penalty /penəlti/ 惩罚 if you fail.
Housecarl(侍卫Yes,my Majesty.
Queen(皇后)But to make doubly /ˈdʌbli/ 更加sure you do not fail,bring back her heart in this.
Scene 5(片段PPT:绿森林 (道具:树)
白雪公主, 小鸟准备入场
Speak aside (旁白)Snow White sings and dances. she can pick wildflowers in the foreset.
Snow White (白雪公主): Hello Bird,what is the matter?
Bird (小鸟):Hello
Snow White (白雪公主): Where is your mama and papa? Why l believe you are lost. Oh,please do not cry. Come on
Bird (小鸟):Hello !(悲伤语气)
Snow White (白雪公主): Won’t you smile for me? That is better. Your mama and papa can not be far. There they are! Can you fly? Good bye,good bye!
Bird (小鸟):Good bye,good bye!
Scene 6(片段PPT:黑暗森林 (道具:刀)
Speak aside (旁白)Snow White sings happily,then she walk into the foreset.(侍卫入场,悄悄跟随白雪公主)
Snow White (白雪公主):oh? who' re you?
Housecarl(侍卫l can not. l can not do it. Forgive me. l beg of your highness /hainəs/ 殿下,forgive me.
Snow White (白雪公主): l do not understand!
Housecarl(侍卫She is mad,jealous /ʤeləs/ 嫉妒of you!
Snow White (白雪公主): But,but who?
Housecarl(侍卫:The Queen.
Snow White (白雪公主):The Queen?
Housecarl(侍卫: Now,quick,child,run. Run away,hide! In the woods! Anywhere! Never come back! Now,go. Go! Go! Run! Run! Hide!
Scene 7(片段PPT:小矮人家 (道具:楼梯床,桌子,椅子)
Snow White (白雪公主): Let’s see what’s upstairs. Oh! what adorable /ə:dɔ:rəbl/ 可爱的 little beds! And look they have their names carved /kɑːvd/ on them. Happy, Sneezing, Essence /esns/,Dopey /dəupi/ 迟钝的.What funny names for children! Grumpy/gr˄mpi/坏脾气的Bashful /bǽʃf ə l/羞怯的and Sleepy . I’m a little sleepy myself. Oh
Scene 8(片段 PPT:小矮人家 门外 (道具:铲子,铁锹等工具)
Dwarces /dwɔ:ves/(小矮人):We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig In our mine the whole day .
Dwarves /dwɔ:ves/(小矮人):It’s home from work we go.Ha--ho. Ha-ho . Ha-- ho. .Ha-- ho. Ha-ho