        [摘要] 王二妮简介个人简历目的 分析20072014年赤峰市人间布鲁菌病(以下简称布病)的流行特征,掌握赤峰市布病的疫情动态。 方法 20072014年赤峰市上报国家疾病监测信息管理系统的数据资料进行收集和整理,主要采用描述性流行病学方法对数据进行统计学处理及分析。 结果 8年间共报告人间布病11 252例,年平均发病率为31.39/10万,其中2014发病率最高(50.46/10万),2007年最低(14.29/10万);20072009年发病率逐年增高,回升趋势一直持续到2011年,2012年又开始降低,但到2014年发病例数骤增到历史最高值(2184例)。发病季节高峰为35月,4月发病例数最多。8年间全市12个旗、县、区均有布病的发病,其中林西县和巴林右旗的发病率最高,其次是克什克腾旗和巴林左旗,发病率最低的是红山区、元宝山区和宁城县。发病年龄以40夏洛特烦恼 插曲~
        [关键词] 布鲁菌病;发病率;监测;流行特征
        [中图分类号] R516.7 [文献标识码丛珊历任老公] A [文章编号] 1673-7210很想很想说再见(201508b-0063-04
        [Abstract] Objective To analyze human epidemic features of brucellosis during 2007-2014 in Chifeng City and obtain Chifeng City brucellosis epidemic dynamics. Methods Brucellosis information reported to National Disease Monitoring and Information Management System from 2007 to 2014 in Chifeng were collected to analyze. Descriptive epidemiological methods were mainly employed to make statistical data processing and analysis. Results 11 252 cases were reported of human brucellosis in last 8 years the annual average incidence was 31.39/100 000 the highest rates in 2014 50.46/100 000 and the lowest in 2007 你好陌生人下载14.29/14.29/100 000对折任贤齐. Morbidity from 2007 to 2009 increased year by year and this upward trend continued until 2011. In 2012 it began to reduce but by 2014 the cases were bumped up to historical peak 2184 cases. The highest onset seasons began from March to May April were the most. The 12 banners counties or districts were all the epidemic areas with pathogenesis of brucellosis Linxi County and Bahrain Right Banner had the highest morbidity Hexigten Banner and Bahrain Left Banner had the second morbidity Punavuori District Yuanbaoshan District and Ningcheng County had the lowest. Onset age was given priority to 40-