以一次争吵英语作文dont go away
The sun had just begun to set over the city skyline casting a warm glow across the living room where Emily and her boyfriend Michael sat in tense silence Both had their arms crossed defensively and avoided making eye contact the air thick with unspoken anger and frustration
Emily took a deep breath trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside her This wasnt the first time they had gotten into a heated argument and she knew it wouldnt be the last She hated these moments when they seemed so disconnected unable to communicate openly and honestly with each other 
It had all started innocently enough earlier that evening they had been discussing their plans for the upcoming weekend Michael had suggested they go away for a romantic getaway just the two of them but Emily had hesitated She reminded him that her best friends birthday was that Saturday and she had already made plans to celebrate with her group 
Michael had immediately become defensive accusing Emily of always prioritizing her friends over their relationship He felt like he was constantly having to compete for her time and attention and he was tired of it Emily tried to reason with him explaining that her friends were important to her and that she could still make time for a weekend away another time but Michael refused to listen
The argument quickly escalated with both of them hurling hurtful words and accusations at each other Emily felt ganged up on and Michael felt completely dismissed and unheard The more they yelled the more entrenched they became in their positions neither willing to back down or compromise
Eventually the shouting match had devolved into an uncomfortable silence as they sat there seething with resentment Emily could feel the tears welling up in her eyes but she refused to let them fall She hated feeling this way vulnerable and out of control
Michael on the other hand was doing his best to tamp down his own emotions He knew he had let his temper get the better of him and said things he didnt really mean But his pride w
ouldnt let him be the first to apologize Even though a part of him just wanted to pull Emily into his arms and make everything better his stubborn nature wouldnt allow it
They had been together for over two years and this wasnt the first time theyve had a blow up like this It seemed like no matter how hard they tried the same issues kept surfacing over and over again Intimacy trust communication it all became so much harder when emotions ran high
Emily thought back to the early days of their relationship when things had been so easy so effortless They had clicked instantly drawn to each others wit and charm captivated by the way they could talk for hours about anything and everything Now it felt like they were always walking on eggshells afraid of saying the wrong thing and setting the other off
She knew that relationships took work but sometimes she wondered if the effort was worth it Were the good times really worth enduring the bad Was their love strong enough to weather the storms that inevitably came their way 
Michael on the other hand had a harder time letting go of the past He remembered how close they used to be how in sync they were how natural it felt to be together Now it felt like they were drifting further and further apart no matter how hard he tried to hold on
He thought about all the plans theyve made all the dreams they shared Would it all just crumble away because they couldnt seem to get on the same page How could something that felt so right have become so complicated
As the minutes ticked by the silence became almost deafening Neither one of them willing to make the first move to break the tension Both too stubborn too proud to back down Even though a part of them just wanted to forget this whole thing had ever happened
Finally after what felt like an eternity Emily uncrossed her arms and turned to face Michael Her eyes were red rimmed from the tears shed been holding back but her gaze was steady
I cant keep doing this she said her voice barely above a whisper This back and forth its exhausting I hate feeling like were always at odds with each other
Michael nodded slowly not trusting himself to speak just yet He knew she was right They couldnt keep going on like this constantly fighting and making up only to repeat the cycle all over again
I love you she continued I really do but sometimes I feel like were just two people living parallel lives instead of building a life together 
Michael reached out and took her hand giving it a gentle squeeze I love you too he said his voice thick with emotion I dont want to lose you