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hello i love you
  人物:小沈阳 红太狼 灰太狼  主题:保护野生动物 主打幽默减压  第一幕  (2号追光打旁白)大幕在旁白说的同时拉开  第一幕  大幕在旁白说的同时来开  旁白:Here is a beautiful forest. Some wolves live here. There is a famous wolf—灰太狼。Because he can’t catch the sheep. He is always hit by the pan. He must do everything. Oh, my, god. His wife is coming. Let’s go.  (红太狼翘着二郎腿坐在台中央):Come here, my arms are so bad, touch my arms.  灰太狼(低头上台 双手高举 给红太狼做猛烈按摩):Are you OK?  红太狼:No,Go to catch many sheep.  灰太狼:You know the men catch a lot of sheep.There is no sheep.  红太狼:There is no sheep. There is no thing in the word. Don’t lie. Look at the pan(亮出平底锅)  灰太狼:No,no,no. I go ,I ,go.(跑走)(红太狼撅嘴,扭着下台)  第二幕  (灰太狼做护头状跑步上台)  灰太狼:Wow,wow,. My head,my head.  小沈阳(举旗跑来 伸手挥舞):Oh, it’s an forest. How sunny! How lovely.(青蛙叫)  旁白:That’s a toad.  小沈阳(转头看)
:Who is so hate? (走到舞台中央 配音"pia pia 地"):Hello,everyone. My Chinese name is 小沈阳。My English name is 小沈阳。  小沈阳:(鼓掌上,边上边说)dance well! Dance well! Ha,Ha.Let me sing a song foryou. What? What? Where’s my paper?(低头歌词)  灰太狼(躲在道具后面,探出头说):Wow !He isn’t a hunter. Oh! N0 gun…(跳出来)Hahaha.Days without me! I don’t eat sheep but I can eat him(悄悄绕到小沈阳后面)  小沈阳:小鸟对我笑 ……(狼嚎)  小沈阳:Oh, my god! What’s the matter? Who?Who?  (灰太狼踱到小沈阳后面 拍了他的肩膀):哭尼奇哇!  小沈阳:(吓一跳 转头 揉眼)Who are you?  灰太狼:Your wolf brother……  小沈阳(激动地拽住灰太狼的爪子 到处呼拉):Oh, oh, you are langlang. Play the piano at the concert!哎呀, I 服了 YOU. Help! Help! Don’t let him run away!  灰太狼(深沉地):Where are your eyes? You can’t run away this time!  小沈阳:Oh! My mother god! You see see! My eyes don’t open now!(头耷拉下来)  灰太狼:In fact, your life is too short,short…The eyes don’t open, your life is over.  小沈阳:Goodbye,mother,father,brothe,sister,classmates.  (灰太狼把小沈阳拉走)  第三幕  灰太狼(自言自语):Wife,wife,where are you?  旁白:She went out just now.  灰太狼:(咬牙切齿地说)The red wolf is not at home,come out, babies.  (众狼上场 歌舞):
别看我只是一只狼 肥肉因为我变得更香 ……  小狼1:Uncle hui ,the man wakes up.  小沈阳:(迷迷糊糊地):Where am I?  众 狼:The wolf’s house.  小沈阳:There is no building on the earth?  灰太狼:Xu……The red wolf is not here, I can’t eat you.  小沈阳:Who can eat me?I kill it.  灰太狼:Look,look,you are so stupid. There is nothing ,what can you do?  小沈阳:I have a gun.  灰太狼:Gun?(惊慌状)Don’t say it,Now, look at yourself.Sometimes you kill the animal with the gun. You are an evil.  小沈阳:呦呦呦,look at your words. You are the bad animal in the forest.  众 狼:Go out!!!  (黑场)(小提琴)(灰太狼及众狼低头抹泪)  灰太狼:You, you killed our brothers.  小狼2:Every day we sleep with the dead.  小狼3: we run and cry.  小狼4:we miss the happy life.  小狼5:we hide everywhere, see the tiagedies.  小狼6:The legs of sheep were hit.  小狼7:The skin of bear was cut.  合:we all live under one sky, but the lives are different.  小沈阳: I can’t bear it really!  灰太狼:Really  小沈阳(小声嘀咕):Who can bear that?  灰太狼(激动地):Really? I can’t believe there is a good man.  小沈阳:You are poor,too. I know you,brother, one is a hunter, the other is the red wolf. You are a hamburger!  灰太狼(高兴地与小沈阳握爪子):We are good friends.  小沈阳:It sounds strange!  {吉祥三宝调}  灰太狼:狼心? 
灰太狼:什么时候人类不再疯狂?  小沈阳:过几年  灰太狼:什么时候动物不再流浪?  小沈阳:不知道  灰太狼:什么时候我不用再害怕?  小沈阳: 不清楚  灰太狼:什么时候才能成为和谐的一家……  小沈阳: 狗肺?  灰太狼:干吗?  小沈阳:什么时候我们能再见面?  灰太狼:不知道  小沈阳:什么时候  (双追光)(声){林俊杰——杀手}街舞——猎人双舞(最后拿瞄准灰太狼及众狼):吧!(全是慢动作表演)  (猎人出场 其中一个揉眼睛):Oh, I don’t have glasses. OK. hit anyone(举射击)(幻灯片显示子弹 灰太狼高举双手 扑向小沈阳 痛苦地嚎叫)  (1号追光)灰太狼(深情自白):Some animals go out.There are no animals. Where are your kindness!!!{张栋梁——北极星的眼泪}(高潮部分缓慢倒地)  小沈阳:My mother!!!  (两猎人~舞者)上前搀扶小沈阳 小沈阳愤怒地甩开他们的手 掩面退场)  旁白:The wolf hit by the gun. We will see the wolf in the books.When there is no hill, no river,there will be no children,men or women. Please do something for the animals.让我们一起来保护野生动物!【篇二】