7B Unit5  Abilities
1 课时
comic and welcome to the unit
1. To learn some new words such as: ability , Super dog , fly , careful , collect elderly
2. To revise vocabulary about helping people in the community.
3. To generate ideas about ways to care for and help others
To generate ideas about ways to care for and help others.
To educate the students to be polite and helpful to others.
How to stimulate the students how to care about others and help.
Talking about what people can do.
1.Preview the new words.
2.Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.
Step1. Greetings Warming up
Step 2 Presentation
Step 3 Comic strip
Step 4 Learning Helping Hands Club.
Step 5 Make a survey
Step Five: Consolidation---an investigation
1.Play a game called: I can
Talk to students about Superman. Guide students to understand the meanings of can and can’t.
Watch a video about Superman.
Talk about the things what Superman can do in groups and report .
Talk about dogs can do and can’t do.
First get some information from the pictures and then ask questions:
1.What does Eddie want to do?
2.Can dogs fly?
3.What happened to Eddie?
4. What do you think of Eddie?
Listen to the tape and guess the meaning of Superdog, hurt, be careful
Ask students to think about the consequences of their daily actions Guide students to understand what they can do and can’t do.
Read and act.
Free talk: How to be a helpful person?
Present pictures about Daniel and his friends.
Ask questions about the pictures:
1.What is Daniel doing ?Do you often help the old or the blind cross the road?
2.What is Sandy doing? Why should we plant more trees?
3.Where are Daniel and the woman with a baby? What is happening? Have you ever given seats to others?
4.Which place is it? What are the children doing now? Have you ever done something good like this?
5.What are the students doing from the pictures? How much did you donate to the Project Hope this term? Is it better to give than to receive? Why?
6. Where are Daniel and his friends? What are they doing? Do you often leave rubbish everywhere? Is it our duty to protect our environment?
Read and understand the sentences.
Fill in the table about what you have done in your daily life at school to see if you are a polite and helpful boy/girl? If not ,What should you do next?
1.Can you Say hello to teachers when you meet them?
2.Can you clean the classroom carefully when you are on duty?
3.Can you pick up the rubbish in the classroom or around the campus?
4.Can you help your classmate with their homework?
5.Can you help stand in line at dinner time?
6.Can you give the thing back to the person who lost it?
7.Can you do something good to your teachers?
8.Can you look after the things in our classroom?
9.Can you take care of your classmate who is ill?
10.Can you keep our classroom clean and tidy?
To see how many are good enough and how many should improve their behavior.
Group work: What can /can’ you do in public? then ask the group leader to have a report.
1.Recite the dialogue and remember the sentences on Page 73.
2.Writing: How to be a helpful person ?
Ss listen and ask and answer.
Ss listen and try to answer.
Play the tape and ask Ss to repeat
Ss have a discussion
Ss do it by themselves.
Ss practise the dialogue.
7A Unit5 Comic strip& welcome
ability ,        Superdog ,          fly ,
careful ,        collect              elderly
初一年级教案活页纸          主备人:陈小军      审核人:初一英语组全体老师             
7B Unit5 Abilities
2 课时
Reading I
1.To introduce and expand vocabulary to describe dangerous situations.
2.To guess context from the text type, the title and the picture.
4.To identify the name of specific places and actions.
To know what to do in danger.
Award for Bravery
Use can or can’t to talk about abilities
1Preview the new words.
2Listen to the tape and read the text
Step 1.Revision
Step2 Reading
Step3 Practice
Step 4 Homework
Revise what the children learned in the last period.
1.be careful
2.Helping Hands Club
3.give seat to someone on the bus   
4. collect things for Project Hope
5.Clean up the park/playground     
6.visit a home for the elderly
7. plant trees         
8.a superdog
1. warming up:
Talk about danger and potential danger at home. Ask if any students have ever had an accident at home. Talk about what to do in case of danger.
2.Watch a set of pictures about a fire to present the new words:
neighbor, smoke, fire, rush, dangerous, burn, hurt, pour, rush, save, blanket, put out the fire
3.Read the story and try to get some information. Then say T or F according to the text.
1).  Zhang Hua helped his classmate out of a fire.
2).  Wei Hua’s neighbour is 79 years old.
3).  Mrs Sun couldn’t get out because he hurt his arm.
4).  Zhang Hua was afraid when he saw a lot of smoke.
5).  Zhang Hua put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs Sun out.
6).  The fire burned Zhang Hua’s neck and leg.
7).  Zhang Hua was in hospital for two months.
8).  Zhang Hua said he was glad to help others and fire was not dangerous.
Listen and read after the text and ask questions.
1).  How old is the brave boy?
2).  When did he help his neighbour out of a fire?
3).  How old is Mrs Sun?
4).  Where was Mrs Sun when there was a fire?
5).  Why couldn’t Mrs Sun get out of his house?
6).  How did Zhang Hua put out the fire?
7).  Did Zhang Hua hurt himself?
8).  How long was Zhang Hua in hospital?
5.    Discuss any problems about the text.
6.      Game :
Write the definitions fromPartB1 on the cards. Mix up the cards and let each group guess the word and read out the word. One who gets the most cards is the winner.
7.    Have an interview.
First fill in the blanks and read the conversation. Then have an interview in groups. One is Zhang Hua, the others are the reporters.
8.  Discuss in groups. What does the writer think of Zhang Hua? What do you think about him? Why do you think so? What do you do when you meet the accident like this?
1. Recite the new words and read the text.
2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.
3. Prepare the interview for the brave b.
Ss answer the questions
Ss listen and try to answer
Ss do it by themselves.
Unit 4  Reading 1
love story          1.What did Millie and Amy hear in the park when they sat under the tree?
funny story          2.What made the noise?
exciting story        3.At last, who found the ghost? And in fact, what was it?
ghost story     
初一年级教案活页纸          主备人:陈小军      审核人:初一英语组全体老师             
7B Unit5  Abilities
3 课时
1. Further understanding the text.
2. Introduce the use of the prefix un- and suffix –less to form opposites.
2. Learn more about fire safety.
To use different suitable adjectives to describe people’s behavior and character.
the use of the prefix un- and suffix –less to form opposites
prefix un- and suffix –less
1.Listen to the tape and read the text
2.To summarize key points of a story by sequencing statements
讲授法  练习法
Step 1 Revision
Step Two:  Presentation:
Step3 An interview
Visit Zhang Hua in hospital
Step4.Fire safety
Review the text through the questions:
Revise the vocabulary in the text by giving the definitions.
Ask students to read the text after the tape again.
Let students ask and answer questions about the story.
Revise the key words phrases and sentences .
1.help sb out of a fire  help  with /(to)do sth.
2.alone/lonely eg:I often stay home alone on Sundays but I don’t feel lonely.
3. hear sb do /doing sth; see do/ doing
I often hear the girl next door play the piano in the morning.
Last night when I was doing my homework, suddenly I heard someone shouting help! Help!.
4 a 79-year-old Mrs Sun ,an 8-day holiday two-hour homework
5.hurt  The boy fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg. hurt by fire
6.pour over
7.put out the fire  put on/ up/down/ into/away
8. be in hospital/be in the hospital Grandpa is ill badly today. Now he is hospital. His fater works in the hospital.
9.It is important to be careful with fire. Be care with sth Children must be careful with matches.
10.keep one’s life from danger  keep from  I should keep my father from smoking.
11.Thank you for joining us this evening.
First read the task to understand it.
Read the dialogue to find out and correct the mistakes.
Read the conversation in pairs.
Act it out.
Do it in groups. In each group one student can be Zhang Hua, the others can be reporters to interview her. Then choose some groups to perform .
Read the sentences and match the right pictures.
Read out the sentences.
Notes: leave on , keep  away from
Ask students to think of other ways about fire safety. Eg: Don’t run on the stairs. Don’t play on the road. Don’t lean out the window.
1.Revise what we learned from P78 and remember the new words.
2. Do some exercises.
Answer the questions
Unit5 Reading 2
1.    help sb out of a fire  help  with /(to)do sth.
2.    alone/lonely eg:I often stay home alone on Sundays but I don’t feel lonely.
3.    hear sb do /doing sth; see do/ doing
4  a 79-year-old Mrs Sun  an 8-day holiday two-hour homework
5.hurt  The boy fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg. hurt by fire
6.pour over
7.    put out the fire  put on/ up/down/ into/away
初一年级教案活页纸          主备人:陈小军      审核人:初一英语组全体老师             
7B Unit5 Abilities
4 课时
To develop an understanding of the use of adj. in different contests
To use suitable adj. to describe people’s behavior and character
To describe a good friend.
To present factual information in writing
To present an article about an animal
1.Preview the new words.
2.Listen to the tape and read after the tape
step 1 greetings
Step3. Practice
Step 4.Homework
Make sure that students understand the concept of opposite
Give some similar examples. e.g. hot /cold  , fast / slow ,
    big / small 
3.Explain the concept of prefixes and suffixes .Tell students that when we add  the prefix un-in front of some adjectives,  it usually means ‘ not’. Give some examples
eg. friendly / unfriendly , healthy  / unhealthy, lucky /unlucky ,usual /unusual .
When  w e  add the suffix –ful to the end of some  adjectives , it means ‘ full of ……’ i.e. the person or Teaching procedures:
3.Ask students to look at the words in the left  column of Part A and do the task on their  own
4. Have one student read out a word from the left.
5.Explain the context of Part B .You may want to remind students about prizes that can be won at your school and activate students’ knowledge about recommendation letters .
Ask students to read two reports on their own first.
Ask them to try to make sense of what is being said in the reports.
Then students read the first report again 
and use the mixed-up letters to help them make a suitable adjective .
Follow the same procedure for the second report. Ask students to read out the report one sentence at a time. Write the missing words on the board.
Ask students to write a report about
one of the classmates using one of
the reports in part B on page 77as a
model. Encourage them to use as
many adjectives as possible.
Ss listen and take notes.
Ss read
and answer
do the exercises
7B unit 5  Vocabulary
helpful            slow
brave              ungrateful
kind                rude         
careful              afraid
polite              unhelpful
grateful            unkind
quick              careless
happy            unhappy
初一年级教案活页纸          主备人:陈小军      审核人:初一英语组全体老师             
7B Unit5  Abilities
Grammar  A
To recognize and understand how to use: can and could to express
Ability in the present and past
Ability in the present and past
To recognize and understand how to use can and could to express ability in the present and past.
How to recognize and understand  the use of can and could
the use of can and could
Preview the new words.
Look up the words in the dictionary to find out the differences
Step 1. Revision
Step 2.Warm-up
Step3:.  Presentation:
Step 6: Homework
Revise the last lesson.
Ask the student on duty to give a free talk.
1Revise the key vocabulary about leisure activities and introduce row a boat/ride a bike /fly a kite Talk to students about summer camps in general and the type of activities offered /. Elicit as much real information from students as possible .
2Students have already learned the use
of can and may in making requests
(Book7A unit2) therefore ,you need to introduce the idea that here, 
the word can is used to express ability
1.Ask students to identify activities that
they can do well .Write students’
statements on the board .First write I
can on the board
2.Ask students to say the things they
can  do ,and sort them into categories :
sports/leisure/school subjects
3. Go through the tables at the top of  page 78 and explain the use of can/could and their negative forms. We use can to say that we are able to do something .We use could to say that we were able to do something in the past .
4. Ask students to work out the rule on
their own .Then they check with a
partner and  confirm that their answer is
be your superman correct with the whole class .
5. Ask students to check the information
table in Part1 about the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students’ abilities.
1.Reinforce the use of could/ could  not for the past and  can/can not for the
present .Then they complete the sentences
on their own .
2. Students do Part A2 first on their own and hen check their completed sentences with  a partner ,Then ask students to read the conversation in pairs  .
3. Check answers as a class, remind them to  write the pattern into their grammar pattern books together with their
own examples.
Free talk
Talk about what they can do
Go through the new words
Learn and practice
7B Unit5 Grammar A
can      can’t        could      couldn’t
She couldn’t swim last year.
She can swim now.
I could swim across the river when I was young
But I can’t do it now.