Lesson 9: The Way to Rainy Mountain
                                        N. Scott Momaday       
1.Key words, phrases & idiomatic expressions水树奈奈图片
1). Knoll: a small natural hill 小山,圆丘
2). anvil: a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering. 铁砧
3).writhe: to move in a twisting or contorted motion, esp. when struggling 翻腾
4). infirm: lacking physical strength/vitality 虚弱的,脆弱的
5). Headwaters: 上游(河源)
6) fork: 交汇的地方,岔道
7). Pilgrimage n. a journey to a sacred place朝圣之旅v. 朝拜
8). engender: to cause/ to bring about 使产生,使引起
9). consummate: make perfect; bring to perfection 是完成,是圆满
10). beadwork:小珠穿制(或缀有小珠)的装饰品
11). warlord: 军阀
12). hie :急忙,疾走,催促:
13). cleavage :a division or split 劈开,分裂   
14).deity:宾客斯的美酒 the state of being a god;a god or goddess 神,神性
15). caldron: a large kettle or boiler大锅,大汽锅
16). to wean: to cause to give up a former habit; to withdraw by degrees as by substituting some other interest 使断绝,使放弃
17). score: to make cuts or lines in or on 刻线,划线,得分
18). impale: to pierce through or fix with a sharp object 刺穿
19). skillet:a small frying pan 小煎锅
20). ample:large 宽广的,广阔的,(体积长度等)面积大;充足的,富裕的
21). wake: a watch or vigil held over the body of a dead person during the night before burial 守夜,守灵
台湾翠青22). perch: to alight or rest on 栖息,就位
23). purl: to flow with a gentle movement and a murmuring sound 潺潺地流
24). preeminently:much more important卓越地(显著地,极度)
a single knoll rises out of the plain.一座孤零零的小山拔地而起
a matter of disposition: 出于本性, 由于习惯
lose the sense of proportion失去(正常的)比例感
positively classified明确地归类
beyond all comparison:无可比拟,无以伦比
a lot of coming and going:人来人往
bore themselves upright腰板挺得很直
made of lean and leather精瘦
2.A one-sentence summary of the text
This excerpt of essay on one hand told readers a story happened to Momadays grandmother to reveal the pictorial description of the landscape, and on the other hand discussed  the history of Kiowas forefather and their traditional legacy to express the authors strong homesickness and pride, in order to remind people that one should always remember his blood and root so that he can live with loyalty and without the feeling of being at sea.
3.Outline of the paragraphs
Part One(Para1):
An outline of the author’s ancestral land.
Part Two(Para 2,3):
:Introduction of Rainy Mountain, on which his grandmother’s grave lie and summary of the history of Kiowas..
Part Three(Para4-10):
Exploration fo the three stages of the Kiowas’ culture—emergence, evolution and decline; Reasons to going back to Rainy Moutain and brief descriptions fo the authors grandma.His grandmother serves as a focus or a link by which the author moves his narrative from one stage to another.
Part Five(para11,12):
Memorys of his life together with his grandma.
Part Six(para13-15):
The author feeling changed on ancestral culture and compliment the active influence of the cultural heritage of Rainy Mountain.
4.Parts of the text you find difficult to understand
The authors feeling at the end of the article.
大漠的孤烟5.One meaningful question you especially want to raise about the text
What is the link between the authours ancestral culture and his narrator life? the rose 手岛葵