第一篇:love to be loved by you中英文歌词
love to be loved by you I can't believe I'm standing here Been waiting for so many years and 我不敢相信我一直在这里等了这么多年
Today I found the queen to reign my heart.直至今日才到支配我的心灵的皇后.You changed my life so patiently And turned it into something good and real 你让我的生命变得坚韧并且把很多事情变得美好而真实.I feel just like I felt in all my dreams.我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样
There are questions hard to answer, can't 有很多问题很难回答.你不会知道
Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 Show me how can I show you That I'm blinded by your light.告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛
When you touch me, I can touch you 当你抚摩我时
To find out the dream is true.我能感觉到梦是真实的 I love to be loved by you.我愿意你爱我You're looking kinda scared right now, 你看起来恐惧
You're waiting for the wedding vows.你正在等待婚姻的誓言
But I don't know if my tongue's able to talk 但是我不知道我能不能开口说话 Your beauty is just blinding me, 你的美丽让我失明
Like sunbeams on a summer stream 就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光 And I gotta close my eyes to protect me.我只能闭上眼睛保护自己
Can you take my hand and lead me from here please? 请你牵我的手带我离开这里
Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 Show me how can I show you That I'm blinded by your light.告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛
When you touch me I can touch you 当你抚摩我时 To find out the dream is true.我能感觉到梦是真实的 I love to be loved 我愿意你爱我 I need to be loved 我需要你爱我I love to be loved by you.我愿意你爱我I know they're gonna say Our love's not strong enough tO last forever.我知道他们说我们的爱不足以坚定到永远 And I know they're gonna say that we'll give up 我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境我们放弃我们的爱
Because of heavy weather.But how can they understand 但是他们怎么能够理解我们的爱正是上天给予我们的 That our love is just heaven-sent, We keep on going on and on 让我们一直拥有着它 Cause this is where we both belong.因为它属于我们两个
Baby, tell me how can I tell you That I love you more than life? 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你我爱你胜过我的生命 Show me how can I show you That I'm blinded by your light.告诉我我该怎么让你看到我被你的光芒刺伤了眼睛
When you touch me I can touch you 当你抚摩我时
To find out the dream is true 我能感觉到梦是真实的 I love to be loved 我愿意你爱我I need,
yes I need to be loved 我需要你爱我 I love to be loved by you.我愿意你爱我Yes, I love to be loved by you.是的 我愿意你爱我
《 When a child is born 》这首歌名叫《当孩子诞生时》,也有人称《当婴儿降生时》,是电影《狼人之恋》的主题插曲,由Johnny Mathis演唱,歌好听,歌词又充满了博爱的思想.Johnny Mathis约翰尼.马蒂斯。在婴儿降生时,婴儿有种源于自然的眼神,那种纯朴的哭声,是来自天堂的声音,很美!《When a child is born 》当婴儿降生时
A ray of hope flickers in the sky
一道希望之光,在空中闪耀 A tiny star lights up way up high
All across the land dawns a brand new morn“, 横跨整个大地,开展了一个崭新的黎明 This comes to pass when a child is born.这都是因为一个小孩的诞生 A silent wish sails the seven seas
无声的愿望航过七海 The winds of change whisper in the trees
转向的风在树梢呢喃 And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn, 猜忌之墙崩塌倾圮 This comes to pass when a child is born.这全是因为一个小孩的诞生 A rosy dawn settles all around
You got to feel you”re on solid ground
你感觉到了,你站在坚硬的土地上 For a spell or two no one seems forlorn
在这段期间,似乎没有人孤单 This come to pass when a child is born.这全是因为一个小孩的诞生(Spoken)and all of this happens bacause the world is waiting.waiting for one child,这些事情所以发生,是因为全世界都在等待 black,white,yellow,no one knows,等待一个孩子,是黑是白还是黄?没有人知道 but a child that will grow up and turn tears
但小孩会长大,将泪水化为欢笑 to laughter,hate to love,war to peace,将仇恨化成爱,战争化为和平everyone and everyone“s name,使四海成一家
and suffering will be words to be forgotten forever.悲痛与苦难将被遗忘,永远被遗忘 It”s all a dream, an illusion now.那是一个梦想,一个幻象 It must come true some time soon somehow
All across the land dawns a brand new morn
横跨整个大地,开展了一个崭新的黎明 This comes to pass when a child is born.这全是因为一个小孩的诞生 《yesterday once more》昨日重现
When I was young I'd listen to the radio
年少时我喜欢听着收音机 Waiting for my favorite songs
等候我喜欢的歌曲轻轻响起 When they played I'd sing along,我独自为它伴唱 It make me smile.让我感到欢喜
Those were such happy times and not so long ago
这样的幸福时光早已远去 How I wondered where they'd gone.我多想知道他们到了那里? But they're back again just like a long lost friend
象失散朋友再次回来 All the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我还是那样喜欢
Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.每一句 sha la la la每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
每一句sing aling aling that they're starting to sing so fine
When they get to the part
当歌曲演绎到伤心的地方 确实让我哭泣 where he's breaking her heart
It can really make me cry
回头看看走过的这些时光 just like before.幸福记忆让今天的我很感伤 It's yesterday once more.有太多已经改变