陈信喆Parents should try their best/do as much as they can to help children give up their bad habit of playing computer games.
Parents should do what/all that they can to cure their children of the bad habit of playing computer games.
Parents should try to rid the children of their bad habit of playing computer games.
Parents should try all possible means to help the children get rid of their bad habit of playing computer games.
Parents should make every effort to help the children get rid of their bad habit of playing computer games.
(1)I’ll do what/all that I can to help you know more about the history of Tang Dynasty in China.
(2)I’ll try all possible means to get you exposed to more about the history of Tang Dynasty in China.
(3)I’ll try my best to help you learn more about the history of Tang Dynasty in China.
try all possible means to do sth想尽一切办法做某事
make every effort to do sth尽全力做某事
get rid of去除
【典例2 我的车坏了。
My car is out of order.
My car doesn’t/won’t work.
There is something wrong with my car.
Something is wrong with my car.
Something has gone wrong with my car.
My car has broken down.
(1)However,the taxi was out of order halfway home.
(2)However,there was something wrong with the taxi halfway home.
(3)Halfway home,however,the taxi broke down.
be out of order/break down出故障
there is something ……出故障了
【典例3 我们如何能用更多的方法处理这个问题?
What can we do with the problem by using more methods?
How can we deal with/cope with the problem with more methods?
How can we handle the problem in more ways?
How can we solve/resolve/settle the problem by more means?
小可dj(1)What can we do with the problem by using better methods?
(2)How can we deal with/cope with the problem with better methods?
(3)How can we solve/resolve/settle the problem by better means?
do with/deal with/cope with处理   
【典例4 我们最好利用这次机会来提高我们的英语口语水平。
We had better take (full) advantage of the opportunity to improve our spoken English.
We might as well make (full/good) use of the opportunity to improve our oral English.
We may as well make the most/best of the opportunity to improve our spoken English.
(1)I wish you had better take (full) advantage of this chance to learn traditional Chinese culture further.
(2)I wish you might as well make (full/good) use of this chance to learn traditional Chinese culture further.
(3)I wish you may as well make the most/best of this chance to learn traditional Chinese culture further.
had better/may as well最好;不妨
take advantage of/make use of/make the most of利用
【典例5 他现在正处于困境,我们必须帮他渡过难关。
He is in trouble now,and we must help him out.
He is in difficulty now,and we must help him out.
We must help him out of the trouble he is suffering.
He is faced with many difficulties.It is necessary/essential/a must that we (should) help him pull through.
(1)They are now in danger,and we must help them out.
(2)They are faced with danger.It is a must that we (should) help them out.
in danger处境危险
help sb out 帮助某人摆脱困境
be faced with薇娅是谁面临
【典例6 虽然有许多方法能解决这个问题,但是我们还是不能断定哪一种是最合适的。
Although/Though there are many approaches to solving the problem,we cannot judge which one is the most suitable.
While there are many ways of solving the problem,which one is the most suitable still rem
ains to be decided.
We still cannot decide which is the most proper method among those that can be employed to settle the problem.
There is many a method/more than one method that can be used to deal with the matter.However,it still needs to be seen which is the most suitable.
(1)Although /Though there are many ways to find Uncle Paul’s farm house,we cannot judge which one is the best.
(2)While there are many ways of finding Uncle Paul’s farm house,we cannot judge which one is the best.
(1)There are many approaches to learning Chinese well.
(2)There are many ways of learning Chinese well.
the approach to doing sth ……的方法
ways of doing sth ……的方法