Unit 2  vocabulary
1. Loss of appetite(食欲) can be a result of minor infection or health conditions such as coughs ,fever or indigestion.
2. In societies where family lives are  decisively centered upon the wage system ,it is not surprising that unemployment can have a destructive(破坏的) effect upon families .
3.An advertising agency(代理) is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion for its clients .
4.Many processed(加工的) foods are made with saturated fats, large amounts of sodium and sugar.There types of foods should be avoided, or at least eaten sparingly.
5.My suede shoes were saturated(饱和的) with water during a storm .Now that they’ve dried ,the suede has lost its softness.
6.Blogging is ,to my mind ,a complete and utter (完全的)waste of time .Our time could be better spent on writing well-reflected articles in subject areas where we have more knowledge.
7.Yesterday villagers watched in excitement as a 100-tonne crane hoisted(升起) their new community hall into place .
8.I find it disturbing that media keeps referring to(参考、涉及) my marriage ,since I got divorced ten years ago .
9.Experiments confirm an observation experienced by most people :One can forget some information at one point in time and yet be able to retrieve(重新得到、恢复)so young suede it at a later point .
10.Jimmy Carter asked large businesses to hold down prices and labor unions to avoid new wage demands . Unfortunately(不幸的) his words had little effect.
Study after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases.
For example, a decreased risk of certain chronic diseases is associated with an increased consumption of plant-based foods.
Therefore, in the past decade, the American Dietetic Association has urged Americans to reduce their intake of animal fats, and to boost consumption of fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Meanwhile, the United States Department of Agriculture has released a document containi
ng the food guide pyramid, which encourages a minimum of three vegetable and two fruit servings perday.
However, many Americans still don’t listen to these recommendations.
Unit 3  vocabulary
1.Mary invited us to her birthday party last week ,and we received the written invitation(邀请) yesterday.
2. It  is known to all that facts are eloquent(意味深长的) ,speaking louder than words .
3. The presidential candidate refused to concede(承认) defeat in election and planned to demand a recount in some districts.
4. It is often vital for a leader to listen to different views on an issue ,even if these views are contradictory(相反的) .
5. Who ,after all ,has not worn a mask on occasion that suggests happiness and contentment but conceals(隐瞒) pain and frustration?
6.A survey shows that fewer wealthy people feel guilty(羞愧) about making luxury-goods purchases and more of them are proud to be recognized as rich.
7. It is difficult to generalize(概括) about students who are gifted because their characteristics and needs are so personal and unique .
8. We often get caught  in(陷入) heavy traffic during the rush hour ,when it takes a long time to move forward even an inch .
9.Unfortunately,  the apartment complex doesn’t  allow pets ,so my dog has to stay with my parents for now(至今).
10.Speaking at an international conference , Dr.Young pointed out that police officers should use force only as a last resort(作为最后的手段) and that the amount of force  must be in proportion to the threat they encounter .