1.Write the names of the authors of the following literary works.
2)Joseph Andrews
3)The School for Scandal
5)Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
6)Songs of Innocence
7)A Red, Red Rose
8)Lyrical Ballads
9)Kubla Khan
10)kidnapping an heiressPoems
12)Vanity Fair
13)Jane Eyre
14)Wuthering Heights
16)Treasure Island
18)The Forsyte Saga
19)The Return of the Native
20)Mrs. Warren?s Profession
21)2) The Rainbow
23)To the Lighthouse
24)Dombey and Son
25)Queen Mab: A philosophical Poem
26)The Jew of Malta
27)Gulliver?s Travels
28)Sense and Sensibility
29)Jonathan Wild
30)Tess of D?UrberviIles
31)King Lear
32)Don Juan
33)The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
34)The Shepherd?s Calendar
35)The Rape of the Lock
36)The Rivals
37)The Mill on the Floss
38)A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
39)An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
40)A Sentimental Journey
41)Ode to the West Wind
42)The Declaration of Independence
43)The Pathfinder
44)The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
47)Young Goodman Brown
48)Moby Dick
49)The Black Cat
50)Song of Myself
51)Captain, My Captain
52)Because I could stop for Death
53)The Road Not Taken
54)The Fall of the House of Usher
55)Uncle Tom?s Cabin56) The Rise of Silas Lapham
57)The Portrait of a Lady
58)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
59)The Cop and the Anthem
60)The Sea Wolf
61)The Red Badge of Courage
62)The Pit
63)Sister Carrie
64)In a Station of the Metro
65)The River-Merchant?s Wife: A Letter
66)Anecdote of the Jar
68)The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
69)The Grapes of Wrath
70)The Great Gatsby
71)The Sound and the Fury
72)The Old Man and the Sea
73)The Hairy Ape
74)Death of a Salesman
75)A Rose for Emily
76)The Hollow Men
77)The Song of Hiawatha
78)Of Mice and Men
79)The Gilded Age
80)U. S.A
2.Choose the right answer.
1.Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the characteristics of Renaissance?
A.Rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture.
B.Attempt to remove the old feudalist ideas in
Medieval Europe.
C.Exaltation of man?s pursuit of happiness in his life, and tolerance of man?s foibles.
D.Praise of man?s efforts in soul delivery and personal salvation.
2.It is  alone who, for the first time in English literature presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.
A.Edmund SpenserB. Geoffrey Chaucer C. William Shakespeare D. John Donne
3.The following belong to the characteristics of ?metaphysical poetry? represented by ?John Donne? except.
A. Conceits B. Actual imagery and simple diction C. Argumentative form D. Elegant style
4.Paradise Lost is actually a story taken from.
A. Greek MythologyB. Roman legend C. The Old Testament D. The New Testament