英文情诗:life in love
英文情诗:life in love
引导语:请你从你最遥远的疆域, 只看一眼这个深陷尘世与黑暗中的我。下面是小编收集的英文爱情诗,与大家分享。
Life in a Love 爱中的生命
Escape me? 你想逃脱我的缠绵?
Never— 永远休想-
Beloved! 亲爱的!
While I am I, and you are you, 我依然故我,你依旧妖娆。
So long as the world contains us both, 只要世上容得下我们两个人的身,
Me the loving and you the loth, 我-爱你的人,你-被我爱的人。
While the one eludes, must the other pursue. 一方必定会穷追天涯,当一方逃之夭夭。
My life is a fault at last, I fear: 我担心我的`生命终将是一场错:
It seems too much like a fate, indeed! 这似乎像命运,和命运像极。
Though I do my best I shall scarce succeed. 即使拼命我仍然缺少成功的机遇。
But what if I fail of my purpose here? 但如果我此生目的未能达成又如何?
It is but to keep the nerves at strain, 那也只不过是神经一直紧张,
To dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall, 跌倒时哭干眼泪,笑破肚皮,
And baffled, get up to begin again,— 摔倒了,爬起来从头再来一趟
So the chase takes up one's life, that's all. 这场追逐需要付出一生时间,仅此而已。
While, look but once from your farthest bound, 但,请你从你最遥远的疆域,
At me so deep in the dust and dark, 只看一眼这个深陷尘世与黑暗中的我。
No sooner the old hope drops to ground 一旦旧的希望掉落满地,
Than a new one, straight to the selfsame mark, 一个新的希望便会将它代替占据它的躯壳。
I shape me— 我意志弥坚
Ever 永远一样
Removed! 不离不弃。
A Red Red Rose a poem by RobertBurns
O my Luve's like a red, redrose我的爱人啊,就如那一朵烈焰般火热的玫瑰
That's newly sprung inJune;正如这突然到来的六月一般,热烈而美好
O my Luve's like themelodie我的爱人啊,如那悠扬的法式旋律
That's sweetly played intune.谱写着一支甜蜜的乐曲
As fair art thou, my bonnielass,你是如此的美丽啊,我的姑娘
So deep in luve am I;我已深陷爱情,无法自拔
loveless歌词And I will luve thee still,my dear,哪怕有一天你是我唯一爱着的人啊
Till a' the seas gang dry:海水枯竭
Till a' the seas gang dry,my dear,坚石化为了尘沙
And the rocks melt wi' thesun;我都依然那么炽热地爱着你
I will luve thee still, mydear,你是我唯一爱着的人啊
While the sands o' lifeshall run.我深深地爱着你
And fare thee weel, my onlyLuve,我们只是暂时的别离
And fare thee weel awhile!在那之后
And I will come again, myLuve,我亲爱的姑娘,我将和你重聚
Tho' it ware ten thousandmile.哪怕我与你相隔万里