1:早上好:good morning.
2:该起床了:it's time to get up
3:闹钟响了吗:Did the alarm clock go off?
4:我真不想起:I don't wanna get up
5:快点儿起床:Get up soon
6:你醒了吗?:Are you awake?
7:我刚醒:I am now
8:你不舒服吗?:Are you feeling sick?
9:没有,只是有点儿累:No,I'm just tired
10:睡的好吗:Did you sleep well?
11:嗯,睡得挺好:yes,I slept very well
12:哪呀,几乎没睡着:No,I couldn't fall asleep
13:能帮我关掉闹钟吗:Would you turn off the alarm clock?
14:请把闹钟关了:please turn off the alarm clock
15:你终于起来了:you finally got up
16:我还困着呢:I'm still sleepy
17:今天是个好天:It's a nice day
18:是不错啊:It sure is
19:昨晚你熬夜了:Did you stay up late last night
20:把被子叠好:let's fold up the futon
21:把被子收起来吧:let's put the futon away
22:昨晚你打呼噜了:you were snoring last night
23:影响你睡觉了吗:did I keep you up
24:我做了个可怕的梦:I had a nightmare
25:现在没事了:it's all right now
26:你一直没关灯呀:you left the light on
27:你忘了关灯了:you forgot to turn off the light
28:我得洗脸了:I have to go wash my face
29:该吃早饭了:it's time to eat breakfast
30:昨天的酒还没醒呢:I have a hangover
31:我是个夜猫子:I'm a night person
32:我可不是:I'm not
33:我喜欢早起:I'm a morning person
34:我是用咖啡来提神的:Coffee wakes me up
35:刷牙了吗:Did you brush your teeth
36:我得梳梳头了:I have to comb my hair
37:穿什么好呢:What should I wear
38:穿红的吧:the red one
39:快换衣服:hurry up and get dressed
40:把睡衣收好:put those paiamas away
41:我正要洗呢:oh I'm washing those
42:我走了:I'm leaving
43:回来见:I'll see you when I get back
44:你毛衣穿反了:you're wearing your sweater inside out
45:上下颠倒了:it's upside down
46:别忘了扔垃圾呀:don't forget to take out the garbage
47:忘不了:I won't
48:今天该你扔垃圾了:it's your turn to take out the garbage
49:今天你干什么:what are you doing today
50:今天我们开运动会:we're having a track and field meet
51:你快点儿,我们该迟到了:if you don't hurry,we'll be late
52:现在几点:what time is it
53:你锁门了吗:did you lock the door
还要多久才能见到你54:没忘了什么东西吧:Aren't you forgetting something
55:我想没有:I don't think so
56:都已经8点了:it's already8:00
57:我晚了:I'm late
58:快点吧:hurry up
59:我得赶紧走:I have to rush
60:你今天会回来得晚吗:are you gonna be late today
61:不,和平常一样:no,I'll be home at the usual time
62:几点回来:what time are you coming home
63:大概7点左右吧:around seven o'clock
64:饭盒带了吗:have you got your lunch box
65:今天好像要下雨:it might rain today
66:带上伞吧:take your umbrella with you
67:出门的时候,可别忘了锁门:don't forget to lock the door when you leave (二)从回家到就寝
68:我回来了:I'm home
69:你回来了:welcome back
70:今天过得愉快吗:Did you have a good time
71:今天过得怎么样:how did it go today
72:我可以出去玩会儿吗:can I go put to plat
73:写完作业再去吧:after you finish yout homework
74:我饿了:I'm hungry
75:吃点儿点心吧:we have some snacks
76:点心在哪儿:where are the snacks
77:在碗橱里:they're in the cupboard
78:我去补习学校了:I'm going to cram school now
79:下课后来电话:call when you finish
80:真累呀:I'm tired
81:我精疲力尽了:I'm exhausted[ig'z?:stid]
82:晚饭你想吃什么:what would you like for dinner
83:吃牛排怎么样:how about steak
84:你能帮我准备餐具吗:would you help me set the table
85:乐意之至:I'd be happy to
86:你能帮我把餐具摆好吗:help me set up the table,will you 87:晚饭做什么好呢:what should Imake for dinner
88:还是家好呀:it's good to be home
89:你能不能赶紧去趟商店:would you run to the store
90:稍等一下:in just a minute
91:洗澡水烧好了:the bath is ready
92:今天真累呀:it's been a long day
93:我要冲个澡:i'm taking a shower
94:晚饭做好了吗:is dinner ready
95:还没呢:not yet
96:该吃晚饭了吧:is it time for dinner yet
97:晚饭做好了吗:have you made dinner
98:今天晚饭吃什么:what's for dinner tonight
99:还要多久才能做好呀:how soon can you get it ready 100:再有5分钟吧:in about five more minutes
101:可以吃了吗:shall we begin
102:请先吃吧:please go ahead
103:这刀挺好使的,是不是:this knife cuts well,doesn't it 104:真挺快的:it sure does
105:水开啦:the water is boiling
106:开饭啦:come and get it
107:该吃晚饭啦:it's time for dinner
108:这就来了:i'm coming
109:我马上就去:I'll be right there
110:手洗干净了吗:did you wash your hands well
111:别弄洒了:don't spill it
112:把碗里的菜吃光:finish up your plate
113:不许挑食:don't be picky
114:谢谢你丰盛的晚餐:it was very delicious,thand you 115:能帮我收拾盘子吗:would you clear the table
116:把盘子洗了:do the dishes
117:今天不该我洗:it's not my turn
118:盘子:I'll dry the dishes
119:你干什么呢:what are you doing
120:我看电视呢:I'm watching TV
121:有什么好看的节目吗:are there any good programs on TV 122:8频道演什么呢:what's on channel8
123:能不能帮我换个台:would you change the channel 124:我还想看电视:I want to watch more TV
125:今晚你看得够多的了:you've watched enough tonight 126:铺床吧:let's spread out the futon
127:我困了:I'm sleepy
128:你干嘛不睡觉:why don't you take a nap
129:作业做了吗:did you do your homework
130:好好学习:study hard
131:快点睡觉:hurry up and go to sleep
132:游戏玩够了吗:enough with your video games
133:正好玩着呢:I can't quit now
134:一定要刷牙噢:make sure you brush your teeth
135:一定刷:I will
136:明天的东西准备好了吗:are you ready for tomorrow
137:没有,还没准备好呢:no,not yet
138:我去洗个澡:I'm going to take a bath
139:好好洗洗呀:make sure you wash up well
140:该睡觉了:it's time to go to sleep
141:再等一下:just a minute
142:电视还开着呢:you left the TV on
143:对不起,我忘了关了:sorry about that
144:你忘了关电视了:you forgot to turn the TV off
145:别把你的东西都摊在这儿:don't leave your stuff here 146:我把闹钟定在8点了:I set the alarm clock for8:00
147:明天7点叫醒我:wake me up at seven tomorrow
148:知道了:sure thing
149:晚安:good night
150:做个好梦:sweet dreams
151:做个好梦:have pleasantdreams
152:我真想睡个午觉:I want to take a nap
153:你不是刚刚起来吗:but you just woke up
154:我想趟会儿:I'd like to lie down for a while
155:我去躺一会儿:I'm going to lie down
156:我休息一会儿:I'm going to take a rest
157:你在装睡呀:you're pretending to be asleep
158:你其实没睡吧:you're just pretending that you're asleep 159:你睡着了吗:were you sleeping
160:我们来投球吧:let's play catch
162:漏水了:the water is leaking
163:全是灰呀:it's so dusty
164:我倒没注意:I didn't notice
165:得扫扫了:it needs to be dusted
166:这间屋子通风真差:it's stuffy in this room
167:这里真闷:the air is thick
168:这屋让人喘不过气来:I can't breathe in this room
169:空气混浊:the air is dense
170:这个房间很通风:it's drafty in this room
171:你能去喂喂狗吗:will you feed the dog
172:你去遛遛狗吧:will you take the dog for a walk
173:帮我照看一下弟弟和妹妹呀:take care of my brother and sister
174:放心吧:you bet
175:请(给植物)浇点水:please water the plants
176:要我帮忙吗:can I help
177:好吧,请帮我给花浇浇水:yes please water the plants
178:啊,怎么这么乱呀:what a mess
179:帮帮我吧:help me
180:我能帮你做什么呢:what do you want me to do
181:把你的屋子收拾收拾:clean up your room
182:帮我打扫打扫卫生:help me clean up the house
183:洗涤灵用完了:we're out of dish detergent
184:那我去买一瓶:I'll go get more
185:你能把衣服晾上吗:would you put up the clothes to dry
186:你能帮我把衣服叠起来吗:will you help me fold up the clothers
187:把地扫扫:please sweep the floor
188:把厨房的池子洗干净:please scrub the sink
189:我得用吸尘器吸吸我房间了:I have to vacuum my room
190:掸掸柜子上的土:please dust the shelves
191:请拖拖地:please mop the floor
192:你能把那件衬衫熨熨吗:will you iron the shirt
193:我的裙子得熨了:I have to iron my skirt
194:还得再买点牛奶:we need more milk
195:那我们去买东西吧:let's go grocery shopping
196:公园里人挤人:the park was crowded
197:今晚能帮我照看一下孩子吗:can you baby sit tonight
198:当然可以:sure I can
199:今晚有空吗:are you free tonight
201:今天晚上有事吗:do you have plans tonight
202:今天晚上忙吗:are you busy tonight
203:今晚你能和我约会吗:do you want to go out with me tonight
204:今晚出去吗:let's go out tonight
205:愿意和我一起去看电影吗:would you like to go to the movies with me 206:当然,我很乐意:I'd love to
207:我们喝点茶什么的吧:let's have tea or something
208:我们喝点什么吧:let's have something to drink
209:我想请你去看演出:I'd like to invite you to a show
210:我能和你约会吗:may I ask you out
211:对不起,我有男朋友了:sorry,I have a boyfriend
212:在哪儿见面:where do you want go meet
213:你觉得哪儿合适就在哪儿:any place you want
214:我们几点见面:what time should we meet