大学生活 College life 大学生活 Good morning everone.  I am ver glad to be here to share m ollege life ith ou . 早上好,同学们。我很高兴在这里与你分享我的大学生活。 When I as oung at high shool,I ouldn't stop dreaming about m ollege life again and again.Suffering too muh pressure form ollege entrane test,I alas admired ollege students for their relaxed life in ollege. 当我年轻的时候,在高中,我不能停止梦到我的大学生活一次又一次。太多的苦难,压力表的高考,我总是羡慕大学生在大学轻松的生活。 In m personal opinion,living in universit is  an enjoment.Ever da e an open our ees naturall,and put on lothes in our on  ithout arring about teahers'rigid
ontrol.Communiating ith great master is no longer beond our reah.Eah ourse e take an be a feast for our mind and soul.After lass,e ill lead a rih and olorful life filled ith various leisure ativities suh as .Librar in  u
niversit is another fator I pursue.I think it's an aess to enhaning our prehensive abilities to read even just san all  sorts of
ritings.What's more,e ill have so muh disposable time that e an do hatever orth. All in all,I one imagined that I an live a life that is substantial but meaningful. 在我个人看来,生活在大学是一种享受。每天我们可以打开我们的眼睛,自然,和穿衣
我比想象中爱你 js总之,我曾以为我可以生活是充实而有意义的。 But hen I entered ollege I found it quite different from hat I thought before ,I felt a little depressed .As I don’t kno hat to do after lass .in fat , e have far less lessons than e had in high shool;. So , hat should I do in the long spare time . I didn’t kno ,so I spent muh of m time reading , ou kno ,some novels , but ,da after da ,I began to feel boring onl to read . Will the next four ears be the same ? I ondered .if so , I ill be raz ,Four ears have too muh spare time , four ears reading novels ,four ears feel depressed ,I ouldn’t think more about it .So after a period of several
eeks , I started to make a plan for m ollege life , in order to make it olorful and valuable . 但是当我进入大学,我发现我先前想象的完全不同,我感到有点沮丧。因为我不知道怎么做课后。事实上,我们已经不在高中的课程比;。所以,我应该在漫长的课余时间。我不知道,所以我花了很多时间阅读,你知道,一些小说,可是,日复一日,我开始觉得无聊才读书。接下来的四年会是相同的吗?我不知道。如果是这样的话,我会疯的,四年有太多的业余时间,四年读小说,四年感到失落,我不敢想。所以经过几个星期的时间,我开始计划我的大学生活,以便使它丰富多彩和有价值的。 First of all , I should get up earl in the morning rather than sleep late , even on the eekends, then I an do some exerises as bod building .Seond , I should go to the librar , of ourse , not just for novels , other kinds of books like maths , English are inluded.Then,I should ativel involved in student union and
varies of assoiation. 首先,我应该每天早上早起而不是睡得晚,甚至在周末,这样我能做一些锻炼健身。其次,我要去图书馆,当然,不只是小说,其他种类的书,喜欢数学,英文是。然后,我积极参与学 1生会与各协会。 If I still have some spare tie , I ill find a part-time job . in this a , I ould gain some mone and hat is the most important, experiene , I an kno more about the real orld . 如果我还有时间的话,我会一个兼职工作。这样,我能赚一些钱,什么是最重要的,经验,我可以知道更多关于现实世界。 No, after half a ear of universit life, I have been a member of the student union, a member of the assoiation of flute. M life is rih and olorful. I stud everda, go to the librar to read a book, take part in all
kinds of ativities, suh as pratie plaing the flute. All of these make m universit life rih and full of passion. 现在,经历了大半年的大学生活,我已是一名学生会成员,一名笛箫协会的会员。我的生活也是丰富多彩的。我每天学习,去图书馆看书,参加各类活动,练习吹笛子等。这些都让我的大学生活充实而富有激情。 And no I have been here for ears. realling to the ears, I think I have to talk about one thing-----learning. learn ho to stud independentl, learn ho to get along ith others, learn to love, learn to… oh, there are too muh things e have to learn. 现在我在这里已经年许了。回顾这些年,我想我要谈论一件事-----学习。学习如何学习,学习如何和他人相处,学会爱,学会……哦,我们还有很多事要学习。 Comparing ith senior high shool, ollege is a rather different plae. there aren’t so man people to ath ou and guide ou ho to do something an more, neither are there so man students ho share ith ou one dream. in ollege, ou must think and stud ourself, so ou have to learn and pratie to ontrol ourself. 比较高级中学,大学是一个不同的地方。没有那么多人关注你,指导你如何做更多的事情,也没有太多的学生谁与你分享一个梦想。在大学,你必须思考和研究自己,所以你必须学习和实践自我控制。 Another relationship in ollege is friendship. m
roommates have lived to ears ith me. in these ears, the forgive m faults, r ith me, laugh ith me, pla ith me… the alas stand ith me and support me, I have learned a lot from them. I love them all and treasure the friendship ith them. 另一个在大学的友谊关系。我的室友和我住了两年。这些年来,他们原
谅自己的错误,和我一起哭,笑我,我玩……他们总是站在我、支持我,我从他们身上学到很多东西。我爱他们,珍惜与他们之间的友谊。 In the next ears,I’ll tr m best to and make great ontributions to soiet! that’s m ollege life. I herish all I have experiened in ollege. I love ou, m ollege! 在接下来的几年里,我会尽我最大的努力,为社会做出巨大的贡献!这就是我的大学生活。我珍惜我所经历的大学。我爱你,我的大学!That’s all, thank ou! 够了,谢谢。 2
大学生活英语演讲稿 Honorable Judges,Ladies and Gentlemen,it’s m great honor to be one of the speakers toda.M topi is “Campus life”is m top onern. It is saing that “Campus life is the most splendid time in one’s life time.” I ill never forget the da hen I stepped into the Hebei Normal Universit for the first time.I as impressed b its garden-like ampus, its enthusiasti students and espeiall its learning atmosphere. I at one fell in love ith it. After the arduous militar training, I get absolutel absorbed in m studies. The lasses given b the teahers are exellent. The provide us ith information not onl from our textbooks but from man other soures as ell. The easil arouse m insatiable desire to take in as muh as I an. Learning is a long proess,I'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knoledge to eih mself. No I've benefited a lot from letures and man other XXdemi reports. During the last ear,I’ve
been ativel involved in student union and varies of assoiation.But soon I realized that having a limited knoledge in ollege as not enough to promote m abilit.This summer I got out of the ivor toer and get several part-time jobs.Suh as handing out the leaflets on the street, being the sales
girl,helping a junior student ith hemistr lessons and so on.  Besides,I also took part in ativities onerning publi elfare.
I one ent to a barren mountain village ithm lassmates. We taught the kids there ho ould not afford shool. I as deepl touhed b their eagerness to learn, their honest and their purit. I ouldn't ontrol m tears on the da hen e left. The preious experiene ith the poor kids made me XXre of the responsibilit on the shoulders of us-----future teahers. The eihment of experiene taught me the signifiane of
modest,responsibilit,tolerane,and perseverane. In the next 3 ears,I’ll tr m best to and make great ontributions to soiet!