作者:刘利梅 余美侨 王为实
        【摘要】 目的 探討分析早期母婴分离对学龄前儿童情绪行为的影响。方法 采用整抽样方法抽取5所幼儿园进行自制母婴分离问卷调查, 发放问卷1000份, 回收问卷819份, 有效问卷680份, 有效率为83.0% 根据03岁母婴依恋形成的3个阶段(出生后~12周、12周~6月龄、6月龄~3岁), 详细调查所有纳入研究对象的一般人口学资料、有无早期(03岁)母婴分离经历、分离时间点、分离时间长度(≤3个月、>3个月)等情况, 根据调查结果将儿童分为分离组与未分离组, 并采用长处和困难问卷(SDQ)(父母版)进行儿童家长问卷调查。比较分离组与未分离组儿童的基本情况、SDQ评分及分离组不同分离时间点和不同分离时间长度儿童的评分。结果 680个儿童中, 分离组(412个, 占比为60.6%), 未分离组(268个, 占比为39.4%)。两组儿童的性别、年龄、独生子女比例、家庭月收入等人口学基本信息比较, 差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。分离组儿童SDQ的情绪症状、品行问题、多动注意缺陷、同伴关系问题、亲社会行为评分分别为(2.6±0.5)、(2.4±0.4)、(4.8±0.7)、(3.5±0.6)、(5.7±
        0.8)分, 未分离组儿童分别为(2.3±0.4)、(2.1±0.3)、(4.5±0.5)、(3.2±0.4)、(6.2±0.9)分;分离组儿童SDQ的情绪症状、品行问题、多动注意缺陷、同伴关系问题评分均高于未分离组, 亲社会行为评分低于未分离组, 差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同分离时间点儿童的情绪症状、品行问题、多动注意缺陷、同伴关系问题、亲社会行为评分比较, 差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。分离时间≤3个月儿童的情绪症状、品行问题、多动注意缺陷、同伴关系问题评分均低于分离时间>3个月儿童, 亲社会行为评分高于分离时间>3个月儿童, 差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 母婴早期分离儿童情绪症状、品行问题、多动注意缺陷、同伴关系问题更为突出, 亲社会行为相对更差, 而且分离越早, 分离时间越长, 发生情绪行为问题的风险越大。需要引起足够重视, 及早实施心理与行为干预。
        【关键词】 早期母婴分离;学龄前儿童;情绪行为
        Study on the influence of early mother-infant separation on emotional behavior of preschool children; ;LIU Li-mei YU Mei-qiao WANG Wei-shi. Department of Preventive
Medicine Shenzhen Longgang District Maternal and Child Health Hospital Shenzhen 518172 China
        Abstract Objective; ;To discuss the influence of early maternal-infant separation on emotional behavior of preschool children. Methods; ;5 kindergartens were selected by cluster sampling method to conduct a self-made questionnaire survey on mother-infant separation. 1000 questionnaires were distributed 819 questionnaires were collected 680 valid questionnaires were valid and the effective rate was 83.0%. According to the three stages of the formation of mother-infant attachment at 03 years old birth 12 weeks 12 weeks 6 months
        6 months 3 years), the general demographic data the experience of early mother-infant separation 03 years old), the separation time point and the separation time length ≤ 3 months and > 3 months were investigated in detail. According to the results of the survey the children were divided into separation group and nuseparated group and the parents’ questionnaires were conducted by strength and difficulty question
naire SDQ parent edition. The basic situation SDQ score were compared between separation group and unseparated group and the scores of children with different separation time points and different separation time lengths in separation group was compared. Results; ;In 680 children there were 412 cases in separation group accounting for 60.6%
        268 cases in unseparated group accounting for 39.4%. Both groups had no statistically significant difference in gender age proportion of only-child and monthly family income P>0.05. Separation group had emotional symptoms conduct problems multiple attention deficits peer relationship problems prosocial behavior scores respectively as 2.6±0.5), 2.4±0.4), 4.8±0.7), 3.5±0.6 and 5.7±0.8 points which were 2.3±0.4), 2.1±0.3), 4.5±0.5), 3.2±0.4 and 6.2±0.9 points in nuseparated group. Separation group had higher SDQ score of emotional symptoms conduct problems hyperactivity attention deficits and peer relationship problems than unseparated group and lower prosocial behavior score than unseparated group. Their difference was statistically significant P<0.05. There was stat
istically significant difference in emotional symptoms conduct problems hyperactivity attention deficits and peer relationship problems in children with different separation time points P<0.05. Children with separation time ≤ 3 months had lower emotional symptoms conduct problems hyperactivity attention deficits and peer relationship problems score than children with separation time > 3 months
        and higher prosocial behavior score than children with separation time > 3 months. Their difference was statistically significant P<0.05. Conclusion; ;Emotional symptoms behavioral problems hyperactivity attention deficits and peer relationship problems are more prominent in early separation of mother and infant and prosocial behavior is worse. The earlier separation the longer separation time the greater the risk of emotional behavior problems. Sufficient attention should be paid to the early implementation of psychological and behavioral intervention.
        Key words Early mother-infant separation; Preschool children; Emotional behavior
        早期母嬰分离是指婴幼儿时期母亲与年幼甚至是刚出生不久的子代分开, 由他人代养, 这会直接导致母婴依恋形成和发展的中断或者终止[1]。母婴依恋是婴儿与母亲形成的一种情感联结, 是儿童形成安全感、良好个性和健康人格的重要基础, 因此, 早期母婴分离可能会对儿童日后的心理发展产生较大的影响[2]。龙岗区聚集大量的非深圳户籍年轻劳动力, 其中不乏生育后将子代留在户籍地由他人代替教养者, 母婴分离至学龄前期、学龄期, 甚至更长时间, 即母婴依恋中断或终止[2]。母婴分离是个体生命早期的负性刺激事件, 严重影响个体后期的安全感、认知、神经心理行为的发展[3]。目前, 有关人母婴分离的研究主要集中在成人的回顾性研究, 针对学龄儿童、特别是学龄前儿童的研究极少, 而成人的回顾性研究时间跨度大, 存在较大回忆偏移, 而学龄前儿童的研究可以最大程度减少回忆偏移。因此, 本课题旨在研究早期分离对学龄前儿童情绪行为的影响, 为学龄前儿童心理行为干预提供线索及指导依据。现报告如下。
        1 资料与方法
        1. 1 一般资料 陈倩倩婴儿整抽取20178月~20183月龙岗区5所幼儿园进行问卷调查, 发放问卷1000份, 回收问卷
        819份, 有效问卷680份, 有效率为83.0% SDQ(父母版)问卷[3]收集评估学龄前的情绪行为问题信息, 所有儿童年龄36岁。排除标准:儿童具有明显的生理缺陷、合并家族病史、重症器质性疾病、精神性疾病或神经系统疾病等。儿童家长具有正常的理解与沟通能力, 经医院伦理委员会批准后, 与儿童家长签署《知情同意书》。
        1. 2 研究方法 本次采用自制母婴分离问卷, 根据03
        6月龄~3岁), 详细调查所有纳入研究对象的一般人口学资料、有无早期(03岁)母婴分离经历、分离时间点、分离时间长度等情况。根据调查结果分为分离组与未分离组。然后, 采用SDQ(父母版)问卷[3]进行儿童家长问卷调查, 调查前, 对调查员进行集中培训, 统一调查标准与方法。SDQ问卷表由情绪症状、品行问题、多动注意缺陷、同伴关系问题、亲社会行为5个因子组成, 每个因子皆有5道选择题, 共计
        25道, 回答由不符合、有点符合、完全符合”3个选项构成, 依次计分为“012。情绪症状、品行问题、多动注意缺陷、同伴关系问题4个因子得分越高, 表示问题越显
;亲社会行为得分越高, 表示亲社会行为越好。比较分离组与未分离组儿童的基本情况、SDQ评分及分离组不同分离时间点和不同分离时间长度儿童的SDQ评分。
        1. 3 统计学方法 采用SPSS19.0统计学软件对数据进行处理。计量资料以均数±标准差( x-±s)表示, 采用t检验, 多组比较采用方差分析;计数资料以率(%)表示, 采用χ2检验。P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。