21.(2分单选题When the world-famous
    teaching plan
    天津市实验中学 英语 学科课堂教学素质教育目标
    教养性目标 基础知识 to master the following new words and phrases: get on well with, ever, be angry with, usual, sound, choose, knock on, politely, a pair of, painter, chalk, neighbor, upstairs, take off, boot, downstairs, as usual, pe, chemistry, sweep, truck, seller, biology, be fed up with, refuse, scissorsto understand the following: bang, racket
    学科能力 to master the following: past continuous tense: statement forms and revise the following: 1. 5 basic sentence structures; useful expressions in checkpoints 2. modal verbs-can & may. 3. talk about food and ways to a certain destiny.
其实爱情本是一团烈火是什么歌    思想方法 to use the language and fulfill the tasks of listening, speaking, writing and other
exercises in the unit.1. check points of unit 15-22. 2. self-revision with the help of the teacher’s instructions.
    教育性目标 德育扩散 通过课文的自学,进一步增强严格遵守社会公德的意识。
    发展性目标 良好心理素质的培养 1. 通过比较现在进行时态和过去进行时态,能体会两者之间的相似点和不同点。2. 通过复习15单元至22单元,培养学生的自学能力
    i. teaching aims and demands:
    2. the ss learn to use the past continuous tense according to different tasks.
    3. the ss learn to self-revise what they learnt in unit 15 and unit 16.
    1. get on well with, ever, be angry with, usual, sound, choose, knock on, politely, a pair of, painter, chalk, neighbor, upstairs, take off, boot, downstairs, as usual, pe, chemistry, sweep, truck, seller, biology, be fed up with, refuse, scissors
    3. revision of unit 15 and unit 16.
    iii. teaching difficulties:
    1. how to make the ss fully perform the tasks designed by the teacher in revision of u15&16
    iv. teaching methods:
    v. teaching media:
    tape, recorder, computer, multi-media sys. courseware.
    vi. time allocation:
kalafina    period 1: finish off unit 23; lesson93 and 95; demands for the revision periods.
    period 3: lesson 94 and revision of unit 17 and unit 18.
    contents of learning basic goals higher goals top goals
    new words i can spell the i can use the i can use them and their changed forms.
    useful expressions in unit15-22; unit 24 i can understand the i can use the i know other phrases related to the
    dialogues i can understand the i can recite some of the i can recreate similar dialogues.
    text i can understand it. i can retell it with the help of key words. i can retell it and tell another related story.
    grammar 1. five basic sentence structures. 2. modal verbs: can; may; must; have to.3. past continuous tense. 1. adverbial clauses for time and condition.2. use of link verbs.3. using indefinite pronouns/adverbs. 1. the compound sentences.2. using reflexive pronouns.3. comparison structures.
    others i can understand what the teacher said about the unit. i can react to what the teacher said in class. i can fulfill all the tasks the teacher asks us to do.
    demands for unit 23
    1. read all the dialogues and texts 3 times and have one of your parents sign his/her name. group leader checks the next day. copy the new words of this unit.
    2. duty tasks: a. prepare an english song for your classmates to learn.
    c. lesson 96: role-play the text.
    3. individual tasks: a. revise unit15-unit22 and design test paper for each unit.
    period 1: finish off unit 23; lesson93 and 95; demands for the revision periods
    i. teaching aims and demands:
    1. finish off unit23-lesson 92.
    1. lesson 92; lesson 93 and lesson 95.
蓝宝石少女    iii. teaching difficulties:
    the ss can recite the dialogue and use the past continuous tense.
    iv. teaching medias:
    tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.
李晟的男朋友是谁>林心如婚纱照片    v. teaching procedures:
    step1. english song enjoyment
    step2. lesson 92
    1. puzzle dialogue.
    check it and mention the phrases “match … with…”, “what size does she wear?”, “almost/nearly”.
    2. read “mark twain”
    播放视频文件:mark twain,让学生对整个故事有个大概了解,然后出答案。
    teach the new words: speaker, lose, hide, conductor, check, lie, deaf
    explain the phrases: make sb. do sth., play a joke on sb.(可播放音频进行讲解)
    play the tape again and have the students listen and repeat. and answer the following questions.
    step3. duty report: talk about a famous person you know to your classmates.
    step4. exercise checking
    1. sb-p45-write.
粉红女郎翻拍    2. wb-p-ex3; p-ex1; p-ex2; p-ex3, ex5
    3. duty report: ex4 on p.
    4. wb-p-ex7.