Unit1 Know yourself
一、“Wu Wei is a born artist,”said his best friend.“吴伟是天生的艺术家。”他最好的朋友说。
1.born adj.天生的 指天生具有某方面的才能
(1)a born singer天生的歌手
(2)a born artist天生的艺术家
(2)be born 出生(be常用于过去式)
Amy was born in Jiangsu in 2006.Amy在2006年出生在江苏。
(3)be born with天生具有
Everyone is born with swimming.每个人生来就会游泳。
二、Wu Wei ,the young artist,has impressed the whole country with his creative work.年轻的艺术家吴伟用他的创意作品给全国人民留下了深刻的印象。
1.impress v.给...留下印象
(1)impress sb. by/with sth.某物给某人留下(深刻的)印象
She impressed us with her kind.她的善良打动了我们。
(1)make a good impression留下好印象
(2)first impression第一印象
三、His sculptures for sunshine town square have won high praise from the art community.他为阳光城广场创作的雕塑赢得了艺术界的高度赞扬。
1.praise n.赞扬,表扬
(1)win high praise ()赢得(...的)高度赞扬
Her performance has won high praise from the audience.
(2)be full of praise赞不绝口
(3)receive 受到...的赞扬
(4)in praise of 歌颂...,称赞...
四、…so I'm always searching for something better or different.…所以我总是在搜寻更好的或不同的东西。
1.search for 搜寻,寻
2.search for与search的区别
(1)search for+sb./sth.搜寻某人/某物,侧重于集中注意力搜寻
Im searching for something interesting.我正在搜寻一些有意思的东西。
(2)search+地点名词 搜查某地/search+sb搜某人的身
The police are searching the restaurant.警察正在搜查这个餐厅。
五、Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago…苏宁五年前放弃了会计的工作…
1.give up 放弃
若接代词作宾语,代词要放在 give 和 up中间。
My father said he would give up smoking.我父亲说他要戒烟。
English is very important. You should never give it up.
give away 赠送;捐赠
give off 发出,放出(气味、热、光等)
give back 归还
give out 分发;散发;用完,耗尽
六、Su Ning is now the general manager of the company.苏宁现在是公司的总经理。
(1)the general manager总经理
(2)general knowledge常识
2.in general总的说来;大体上
七、You either take the lead or fall behind.你要么领先,要么落后。
In the weekends,I either read book or play football.
2.lead n.领先地位;榜样
take the lead 处于领先地位
She took the lead on the second lap.她在第二圈时领先。
All the children followed his lead.所有的孩子都效仿他。
拓[动词]导致;通往;带领 lead to 导致,造成
All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。
From now on,you will lead the company.从现在起,你将领导公司。
3.fall behind 落后/落后于......反义词组take the lead
(1)fall asleep 睡着
(2)fall down 跌倒;摔下
(3)fall off 从...落下
(4)fall ill生病
(5)fall over 被....绊倒
(6)fall in love with 爱上
八、I'm ready to take on new challenges anytime.我随时准备接受新的挑战。
1.take on 承担(责任),接受(工作)
We should be confident enough to take on an challenges in the future.
take away 拿走,带走    take back 收回;退回
take off 起飞;脱掉        take part in 参加
take out 拿出,取出        take turns 轮流
take a look 看一看        take a walk 散少
take action 采收行动    take notice of 注意,察觉
take place 进行,发生    take photos 拍照
take the lead 处于领先地位take care 小心,注意;保重
the challenge of ...的挑战
face a challenge面对挑战
take on a challenge 接受挑战
3.动词 向...挑战   
九、Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the high speed railway connecting Sunshine town to Tianjin.刘浩是连接阳光城和天津的高速铁路的总工程师。
connect A to/with B把A与B连接起来
Action is the bridge that connects our dreams and goals to reality.
Many people connect red with national flag.很多人会把红和国旗联系起来。
connecting Sunshine Town to Tianjin为动词-ing短语,在本句中作后置定语,修饰"the high-speed railway"。
(1)单个动词-ing 作定语时,一般会放在被修饰的名词之前,说明被修饰名词的性质或特征等,构成前置定语。
The standing boy is my little brother.那个站着的男孩是我的弟弟。
They built a highway leading to the mountains.
十、To us,a Miss is as good as a mile.对我们来说,失之毫厘,差以千里。
1.miss n.错误,过失
That was a bad miss.那是一个严重的失误。
If you want to learn more about Chinese art,don't miss the opera shows there.
everyoneisno.1你如果想更多地了解中国艺术,不要错过那儿的戏剧演出。(7 下 Unit 3 P32)
I miss you so much!我十分想念你!
2.as good as 和...几乎一样,简直是
The car is as good as a new one after washing
(1)as good as 和...一样好
十一、We can't afford to make any mistakes.我们承担不起任何错误所造成的后果。
1.afford v.承担得起(后果);买得起
[动词]通常与can、could 或 be able to连用。
afford +n./to do sth.买得起..../承担得起做某事
Amy can only afford a cheap mobile phone now.
十二、All of us know that it's necessary to pay attention to every detail.我们所有人都知道,注意每一处细节很有必要。
1.pay attention to 注意