    He Made Me Moved
    My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. I used to live in a small town called Sunnybrook. It was a nice place with lots of parks and friendly neighbors. My best friend Billy lived right next door. We did everything together - played video games, rode our bikes, had sleepovers. Life was good!
    Then one day, my dad sat me and my little sister Sarah down. He had a serious look on his face. "Kids, I have something important to tell you," he said. "I got a in a different city called Westerly. We're going to be moving there in a few weeks."
    Moving?! I couldn't believe my ears. Leave Sunnybrook? Leave my friends? My stomach f
elt like it dropped to my toes. "But Dad, I don't want to move! All my friends are here," I protested. Sarah started crying.
    Dad sighed. "I know this will be hard, but we have to do what's best for our family. My new job pays a lot more money. You'll make new friends, I promise."
    The next few weeks were a blur of packing boxes, having a garage sale, and saying goodbye to everyone. Billy gave me his favorite baseball cap as a going away present. "I'll miss you, man," he said, trying not to cry. I was really gonna miss him too.
    Finally, moving day arrived. I watched sadly as our furniture and belongings got loaded into the big truck. Taking one last look around my empty bedroom, I felt tears well up. So many good memories here.
    The drive to Westerly took forever. I just stared out the window, thinking about how my life was changing completely. When we finally arrived at our new place, it strange. A new house, a new neighborhood, a new everything.
    Starting at my new school a few days later was terrifying. Being the new kid is never fun, especially in 3rd grade. Everyone already had their friend groups. Who was gonna want to be friends with the weird new kid?
    Recess time came and I found myself standing alone in the corner of the playground, scuffing my shoes in the dirt. A couple boys walked over. "Are you the new kid? Timmy, right?" one of them asked.
    I nodded shyly. Please don't be mean to me, I thought.
    "My name's Marcus. Wanna play kickball with us?"
    You know that feeling of shock and relief, all mixed together? That's what I felt in that moment. "Yeah, sure!" I said, smiling for maybe the first time since the move.
    Marcus and his friends were really nice. We had fun playing together that day. As the weeks went on, I started making more friends like Jessica, Amir, and Lily. They showed me all the cool spots around the neighborhood. I even joined the school baseball team.
    While I'll always miss Sunnybrook and my buddy Billy, I realized something. Moving to a new place doesn't have to be all bad. Sure, it was hard at first, having to leave everything I knew behind. But now I have a whole new world open to me in Westerly. New friends, new experiences, new adventures awaiting.
    My dad was right - our move really was for the best, after all. I just had to give it a chance and stay positive. Now when I think about that day he told us we were moving, I'm not mad or sad anymore. I'm proud of my family for being brave. I'm excited for the future and what other amazing things life has in store.
    So to any other kids out there worried about moving, I'll tell you what I wish someone told me: It'll be okay! Things might seem scary at first, but keep an open mind. Be yourself, be friendly, and the friends will follow. Home isn't a place, it's the people you love wherever you are.
    I'm sure gonna miss this place when we move again!
    He Made Me Moved
    Hi everyone! My name is Joey and I'm 8 years old. I have to write an essay for English class about something that "made me moved." At first I didn't know what that meant, but then my teacher Ms. Martin explained it. She said it's when something happens that really touches your heart and makes you feel strong emotions.
    Well, let me tell you about the time my baby sister was born last year. That definitely "made me moved!" I was super excited when my mom told me she was pregnant and I was going to be a big brother. I helped pick out names and set up the nursery. I couldn't wait to meet my new little sibling.we made you
    But then my mom went into labor way earlier than the due date. She had to go to the hospital in an ambulance because there were some problems. I was really scared something bad might happen to her or the baby. My dad tried to explain that sometimes babies come early and the doctors would take good care of them, but I was still worried sick.