I like music.                      我喜欢音乐。                      I want to participate in the singing club can be fun,                    我要参加歌唱俱乐部因为可以娱乐, you can relax,melody club                    可以放松,                        you can go to the music party.          可以去参加音乐派对。            When listening to one song after another song,                      当听着一首首歌曲时,            I will feel very happy and hope that all stopped at this moment,        我会感觉十分快乐,希望一切在这一刻停止,                          I would intoxicated.                我会陶醉其中。                        If you would like to participate in singing the club,                    如果你也想参加唱歌俱乐部,  along with your welcome!          欢迎一起!                        I like the club, especially the singing club.