U校园 Quiz2(unit2)
A.  Parents are out of touch with their children’s daily life.
B.  Parents can’t understand their children’s sense of humor.邓紫棋lady marmalade
C.  Parents rarely talk about certain problems with their children.
D.  Parents don’t trust their children to tackle any problems.
A.  Because they want to prove themselves superior in style and taste.
B.  Because they choose to be different from their parents.
C.  Because they want to make their parents appreciate them.
D.  Because they want to make them leaders of their parents.
A.  Because they don’t want to betray the adult world.
B.  Because they want to be responsible for themselves.
C.  Because they don’t care about being taken as losers.
D.  Because they are completely under parents’ control.
A.  Be obedient.
B.  Be charming.
C.  Be cooperative.
D.  Be impressive.
1) D      2) B      3) B      4) C  王一楠
A.  The feelings of peace, love and goodwill during holiday seasons.
B.  The feelings of stress, fatigue and pressure during holiday seasons.
杨宗纬 流浪记C.  The feelings of physical confusion during holiday seasons.
D.  The feelings of seasonal disorder that comes from holiday seasons.
A.  Shopping and decorating.
B.  Cooking at late night.
C.  Winter’s shorter nights.
D.  Doing spiritual tasks.
A.  Family reunions becoming too frequent.
原来你也在这里B.  The eagerness to have more family gatherings.
C.  Families becoming much more complex.
D.  The anxiety to help families without jobs or in debts.
A.  By arranging family reunions more frequently.
B.  By accepting the feelings and trying to deal with them.
C.  By denying that there are any feelings of holiday blues.
D.  By doing things such as exercises to satisfy other people.
5) B      6) A      7) C      8) B
Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once.
This $250,000 pipeline (水管) project will bring water from a rock quarry (采石场) seven miles away to Groesbeck. In a peaceful state park in central Texas, workers are busily 9)  piecing  together massive yellow pipes that spell 10)  salvation  for this city. The pipes run along a park road, wind their ways between trees, cross a street to avoid an ancient graveyard, 11)  hug a hill and then land at a treatment plant.
Without it, what everyone fears most would come true: The water would stop running. By Tuesday — the date that state officials 12)  monitoring the drought (干旱) said the town would run out of water, finally sucked dry by drought. But it is only a six-month supply. That’s enough time. The mayor hopes to find a 13)  permanent  solution.
“We will do anything, anything short of hauling water,” He said.
The towns in danger across Texas are finding 14)  short-term solutions to water-supply problems brought on by the drought, some just in time to avoid a 15)  crisis. But finding a permanent solution is tricky and, in many cases, expensive. That makes the 16)  plight of finding water doubly difficult: Even if they could find a fix, they also have to 17)  scramble to find the cash to pay for it.
They hope that is long enough to find and complete longer-term projects, many of which these 18)  cash-strapped communities had delayed for years.
A.  crisisB.  verticalC.  salvationD.  piecingE.  hugF.  permanentG.  deemedH.  wearyI.  cash-strappedJ.  scrambleK.  plightL.  abortingM.  monitoringN.  short-termO.  proximity
Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.
Recently there has been a tendency to sympathize with thieves whose operations have been carried out on a grand scale, and no attempt whatever has been made to hold them responsible. Some of the most thievish (像窃贼的) transactions have flourished and are still flourishing. Their success and their wealth are the only things recognized. They are honored as financiers and men of affairs, looked up to and respected.
In reality they are nothing more and nothing less than a lot of merciless and heartless thieves. Fraud is fraud and cheating is cheating despite the artistic manner in which it is committed or the size of the scale upon which it is operated.
It is time these men were classed properly and placed where they rightly belong, for they are no better than the miserable sneak-thief who steals a penny from a blind man’s dog.