Lesson 35
              Stop thief!
    First listen and then answer the question.
    How did Roy stop the thieves?
    Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi. A short while ago, however, he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it. He is finding his new work far more exciting. When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag full of money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves. The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get away in their car, Roy drove his bus into t
he back of it. While the battered car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police. The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.
New words and expressions 生词和短语
while  n. 一段时间
regret  v. 后悔
far  adv. 非常
rush  v. 冲
act  v. 行动
朴诗妍straight  adv. 径直
fright  n. 害怕
battered  adj. 撞坏的
shortly  adv. 很快,不久
afterwards  adv. 以后
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
★while n 一段时间
while = some time 一小会儿
wait for a while等一会儿
隔了一会儿after a while
★regret v 后悔 pt pp regretted
1、regret sth
you will regret it你会后悔的, 你一定会后悔的
2、regret to do : 很遗憾要去做
3、regret doing很遗憾已经做
I regret to tell you a bad news我很遗憾要告诉你一个坏消息 (还没说)
I regret telling him the news我真后悔告诉他这个消息
I regret to steal your money
4、regret that
遗憾 : pity、sorry、regret
pity n.  it's a pity / sorry adj.  I am sorry / regret v.
★far adv 非常
代乐乐微博比较级前可以加修饰词, 表示程度
多一点点用a little, 多很多用much
far=much, 修饰形容词或副词的比较级, 注意most 是修饰形容词或副词的, 而不是比较级
★rush v 冲
rush(用腿)冲 run 跑(速度很快)
★act v 行动
take action 采取行动
act! (口语) 行动!
盛况是顶级富二代★straight adv 径直
go straight on径直往前走
★fright n 害怕
frighten [      ] vt.使惊吓 vi.惊恐
frightening : 令人感到可怕的 / frightened : 自己感到可怕的
frightful=terrible adj 可怕
左麟右李2003演唱会your handwriting is frightful你的字真糟糕 / cold is frightful寒冷是可怕的
一个动词能够加ing/ed, 证明这个动词跟人的情感有关, 他的宾语就会是人
This doesn't worry me. / You frighten me.
get a fright得到惊吓的感觉, 类似get a surprise
I get a fright我吓了一跳 / you give me a fright你吓了我一跳
give sb sth
give: 给人带来感觉, 如 : give me a pleasure/an excitement/a fright
★battered adj 撞坏的
batter [    ] n.击球手 v.打坏, 猛击
动词+ed : 被
battered : lose one's shape 被撞变形的(shape[    ] v n)
damaged : 被刮坏的
destroyed car车子被损害不能修 / damaged car车子坏了, 但能修 / battered car 车变形
battered bag破旧不堪的包(“battered” 与软的东西连用时, 表示用旧了, 破旧不堪的)
★shortly adv 很快, 不久
★afterwards adv 以后
shortly afterwards不久以后=soon
shortly=soon;  afterwards=later后来, 以后
soon: 不久以后 (可直接用)
he used to drive a taxi, but now he doesn't drive a taxi any more
a short while ago=a short time ago不久以前
1、可以放句首, 可以放句中
2、如果一个词两边有逗好, 证明这个词是插入语
you will regret it
find 可以用一般现在时态, 可以用进行时态
he is finding his trip very exciting
far more exciting更有趣
along 沿着
a waiting car : 正在等候的车子
see sb do sth看见某人做某事(强调全过程) / see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事
I see them dance (看了全过程) / I see them dancing (只看了一部分)
hear sb doing/hear sb do
如果全过程用do, 过程中的一瞬间用doing
另外还有类似的词有 : smell, feel, hear, watch, notice等
full of 装满 : I have a cup full of tea.
at: 强调瞄准概念
with 一旦出现在名词后代词后就做定语, 出现在动词之后做状语
零点乐队演唱会he came in with a book.(作状语) / the boy with a book came in.(作定语)
get a fright吓了一跳
/so... 如此...以致于
一旦有名词, 就认为形容词修饰的是名词, 前面的词也修饰的是名词
drop/fall : 掉
sb drop sth, drop vt(及物).由于不当心抓什么没抓住掉下去
fall vi(不及物) : sth fall从上往下落
drop the money / the money fall
The chalk is falling./ I drop the chalk. (chalk [    ] n.粉笔, 白垩 vt.用粉笔写, 和以白垩)
as = when: 当.....时候
get away = run away逃跑
by car /in the car
drive into 撞