. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)
A. In the end      B. thankful      C. reduce      D. uncomfortable    E. However
Few of us have heard of Nils Bohlin, but whenever we take a car journey, his invention is important to us. Found in almost every modern car, the three-point seat belt can ___1___ our chances of death or injury by at least 50%. While feeling ___2___ to this engineer from Volvo, you may also wonder how he came up with such a great idea.
Having worked as a plane designer before, Nils knew clearly that the pilots were willing to put on anything to keep them safe in an accident, but to his surprise, most people in the car
s didn’t want to be ___3___ for even a minute.To improve the safety for people in the car, he decided to find a perfect system which should be simple, effective and convenient. ___4___, he invented the three-point seat belt, which has been considered as one of the greatest inventions in history.
A. produce      B. importance      C. slow down      D. protect      E. suddenly
  Seat belts prevent people in the cars from serious injury in the following ways:
神秘园简谱To keep people inside. People who are thrown out from a car are four times more likely to be killed than those who stay inside.
To ___5___ the strongest parts of the body. Seat belts are designed to fix your body at its strongest parts. For an older child and adult, these parts are the hips(臀部)and shoulders.
To spread out the force in an accident. Seat belts spread the force of the accident over a wide area of the body. Seat belts also help keep your upper body away from the hard parts of the car if you stop ___6___, or are hit by another car.
To help the body to avoid a fast and deadly hit. With the help of the seat belts, your body can have more time to ___7___, the speed in an accident.
  Therefore, it’s of great ___8___ to help both the drivers and the passengers. It takes only a few seconds to buckle up(系好)once you get in the car, but this simple action could save your life. Why wouldn’t you?
2018年宝山(嘉定区)二模:1-4 CBDA  5-8 DECB
III. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once
A. managed to      B. showed off      C. products    D. death      E. research
    What can you do with nuts? A scientist named George Washington Carver answered that question, over and over again. We should say thanks to him for more than 300 __1__.
    When Carver was born in 1864, he was a slave(奴隶) on a farm in Missouri. Later, he got freedom. As a teenager, he worked on a farm and __2__ finish high school. At the age of 30, he became the first black student at the college in lowa. Several years later, he took a job at a college in Alabama, where he worked until his __3__ in 1943.
    Carver studied agriculture, the science of farming. His __4__ made huge improvements in farming in the southern United States.
A. remained    B. embarrassed    C. similar    D. material    E. gained
    Carver studied peanuts. He knew that the south couldn’t grow just cotton. Planting cotton year after year wore out the soil and made it useless. Carver learned that if farmers planted cotton one year and peanuts the next, the soil __5__ healthy.
    To encourage this practice, Carver thought of new uses for the peanut. Would you like to try peanut and raisin ice cream? How about using peanuts as a kind of __6__ to make shampoo? Perhaps you would prefer to make paint from peanuts, or maybe you would like to bake with peanut flour. Glue? Paper? Rubber? The list goes on and on. He also thought of __7__ uses for pecans(山核桃) and other nuts.
    Carver __8__ little from most of his inventions. He didn’t feel that it was right to sell his ideas. He gave them freely to help farmers and fellow scientists. Carver’s life is one that we could all use as an example.
2018年闵行区二模:1-8 CADEADCE
陈小艺的老公是谁III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次) (8)
A)rings         你的爱情给了谁B)safety         C)smaller         D)earliest         E)latest
Locks help protect our homes and the things inside them from thieves. Keys that open thoselocks are really Important to home ____1__!
Some of the___2_____keys, dating back to , were large and made of wood. Theyopened palace gates and looked like glant toothbrushes.
Hundreds of years later, the Romans made ___3____,metal keys. In fact, rich Romans woresome of them as ____4____.  They locked boxes that contained valuables with thes
e keys.