《新概念英语》Book 3A)卷
I. Fill in a(n) or the where necessary. If not, mark “X”:  (1X10=10%)
___1___ Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days, but they can still stop you when you are going through ___2___ Green Channel and have nothing to declare. Even ___3___really honest people are often made to feel guilty. ___4___ hardened professional smuggler, on ___5___ other hand, is never troubled by such ___6___ feelings, even if he has ___7___ five hundred gold watches hidden in his suitcase. When I returned from ___8___ abroad recently, ___9___ particularly officious young Customs Officer clearly regarded me as ___10___ smuggler.
II. Supply the correct prepositions or adverbs:  (1X10=10%)
1. People who work in offices are frequently referred to as “white-collar workers” _____ the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.
2. Mr Smith used to be an ordinary dustman. Now he was prompted to the post of manag
er. His rise _____ status certainly has given a surprise to all his friends.
3. Editors of newspapers and magazines often provide their readers _____ unimportant facts and statistics.
月亮花儿开简谱4. The Bank of England has a special team to deal _____ accidentally damaged banknotes.
5. The famous monastery of St Bernard lies about a mile _____.
6. Most cats remain suspicious _____ humans all their lives.
7. A cat’s ability to survive falls is based _____ the fact that cats have nine lives.
8. The old man who fell from the stairs suffered _____ a broken tooth.
9. Seeing the gold ring on the road, the girl’s face lighted _____.
10. “Did you go out to play computer games?” mother asked, looking the boy _____ the eyes.
III. Give the correct forms, tenses, or voices of the verbs in parentheses:  (1X20=20%)
Our vicar ___1___ (always raise) money for one cause or another, but he ___2___ (never manage) ___3___ (get) enough money ___4___ (have) the church clock ___5___ (repair). The big clock which used to ___6___ (strike) the hours day and night ___7___ (damage) many years ago and ___8___ (be silent) ever since.
One night, however, our vicar ___9___ (wake up) with a start: the clock ___10___ (strike) the hours! ___11___ (Look) at his watch, he ___12___ (see) that it ___13___ (be) one o’clock, but the bell ___14___ (strike) thirteen times before it ___15___ (stop). ___16___ (Arm) with a torch, the vicar ___17___ (go up) into the clock tower ___18___ (see) what ___19___ (go on). In the torchlight, he ___20___ (catch) sight of the figure of Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.
IV. Choose the best answers. (Most of the sentences are made up according to the stories in the text book):  (1X15=15%)
1.    So faint _____ that no one thought that the ship had been damaged.
    A. the noise was                            B. had been the noise       
C. it was the noise                        D. it had been the noise
2. The great ship _____ sharply to avoid a direct collision.
A. cornered            B. changed            C. went back            D. veered
3. We sometimes think of a desert island _____ a sort of paradise.
A. to be                B. as being            C. is                D. be
4. _____ were scarce there and there was no water.
A. The trees            B. Trees                C. any trees            D. Trees on the island
5. The goddess 民谣吉他谱turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.
A. appeared            B. resolved            C. proved            D. changed
苦鬼6. Alf was _____ anything to his wife.
A. so embarrassed he said                B. very embarrassed and said
C. very embarrassed, so he said            D. so embarrassed that he did not say
中国声音 残酷月光7. Manual workers often receive much higher _____ than people who work in offices.
A. gains                B. fees                C. payments            D. wages
8. The magazine would soon go to press. It would soon be _____.
A. pressing            B. printed            C. typed                D. impressed
9. _____ the first sentence, the editor refused to publish the article.
齐秦毁容A. Having read        B. Read                C. He read            D. Being read
10. He informed the journalist he would be fired unless he _____.
A. the reply            B. was replied            C. no reply            D. a reply
11. Using bars made _____ iron, the thieves smashed the shop window.
A. of                B. from                C. by                D. with
12. Even if the bridge were packed with cars, it could still _____ three times the load.
A. be able to carry    B. be carrying        C. only carry            D. carried
13. The bridge is located in a very agreeable situation with two small hills lying _____.
A. on either side        B. on every side        C. besides            D. side by side
14. The notice prohibited people _____ the exhibits.
A. to touch            B. from touching        C. touching            D. not to touch
15. She searched for him but could not find him _____.
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