Unit 1
common  continent    embarrass  flight    immediately    misunderstanding
passenger  search      serious    similar    traffic        wonder
1. About seventy of the train’s 500 passengers were injured in the accident.
2. When mother saw my face, she knew immediately that something was wrong.
3. These two Chinese words look quite similar , but they are opposite in meaning.
4. I haven’t seen Mary for 20 years. I wonder what she looks like now.
5. Asia is the largest continent in both size and population.
6. On streets and highways, a red traffic light tells drivers to stop and a green light tells then to go.
7. Cultural differences between people from different countries can sometimes lead to misu
8. John got very drunk at the party, and his wife felt really embarrassed about it.
9. Because of the bad weather, most  flights have been cancelled(取消) today.
10. Earthquakes(地震) are common in this part of the world.
11. Traffic police in Shanghai are again warning that overloaded vehicles (超载车辆) are dangerous and can cause serious accidents.
12. The police have searched the area for about two days, but so far have found nothing.
by the time    feel like    get on/off    head for
instead of      in the end  pull over      result in
tap (sb.) on the shoulder      turn out (all right)
1. I ran to the railway station as fast as I could but found the train was almost full by the ti
me I got on .
2. Having finished his work ahead of time, Philip was happy to leave his office and  head for the airport to enjoy his holiday.
3. You should have seen Boris’s face when Max tapped him  on the shoulder. How surprised he was at that moment!
刘智嫒4. When a policeman saw the bus driver running a red light, he called to him to  pull over and walked towards the bus.
5. His poor English has resulted in misunderstandings between him and his American boss.
6. What a lovely day it is ! Do you feel like a walk along the mountain path?
7. By the time we got to the bus stop, the last bus had already left.
8. Though there were quite a few difficulties, I was sure that things were going to  turn out
all right.
9. At the meeting, there were many different suggestions for our holiday, but  in the end we decided to take George’s suggestion and went to the seaside again.
10. I can’t understand why they chose him instead of you - you can do the job much better than he.泳装歌曲
Unit 2
bother      companion    describe    notice      official
politely    recognize      scene      shame      vacant
1. The boys say they wouldn’t bother the girls if the girls don’t bother them!
2. Lisa is looking for a travelling companion to China,
3. Shame on me ! I forgot my mother’s birthday again.
4. A number of foreign officials attended the forum(论坛) last week.
5. His attention was so concentrated on the road ahead that he failed to notice he was running out of gas.
6. I hadn’t seen him for 20 years, but I recognized him immediately.
7. Turn left to Mirror Street, and you’ll find a vacant spot in the parking lot there,
8. A quiet  country scene can take you out of a stressful situation(状况).
9. Today we look at how to politely refuse an offer of food or drink.
10. Could you please describe what we are supposed to do?
白敬亭荧幕初吻a couple of        at sb.’s disposal    at the same time    cut sb. short
in sb.’s face      look around        turn one’s back on    turn sth. inside out
1. “Well, well, that’s enough,” Grandpa  cut him short just as he was about to tell another
2. Guests will find a television room, a swimming pool and a library at their disposal.
3. You’ve got to be firm, but at the same time you must be sympathetic,
4. After that he walked out of the room and shut the door in her face.你纯在我深深的脑海里
5. You cannot turn your back on this problem and leave us with the responsibility.
6. Not until yesterday did I know that the Whites live just  a couple of doors up from me.
7. We turned the house inside out 香烟最懂得男人心 and upside down but didn’t find Gwen.
8. Look around in your garden or school - plants and flowers are growing everywhere.
Unite 3
Challenge    failure      level      mental      otherwise
Puzzle        realistic    reasonable    salesman    taste
1. Making a living as a door-to-door salesman demands a thick skin, both to protect against the weather and against having the door shut in your face.