说明: 本卷共有三大题, 45小题, 满分70分。
1. How is the woman going to Shanghai?
A. By plane.
B. By bus.
C. By train.
2. What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in Kate’s country?
A. To bow.
B. To kiss.
C. To shake hands.
3. When will the girl finish her homework?
A. At 8:00.
B. At 8:20.
C. At 8:30.
4. Where does the conversation most probably happen?
A. In a shop.
B. At home.
C. In a restaurant.
5. What did the girl do last night?
A. She did her homework.
B. She saw a movie.
C. She watched a match.
6. What did Alice use to look like?
A. She wore glasses.
B.She was short.
C. She had short hair.
7. What does Bob like doing now?
A. Listening to music.
lonely lonely christmasB. Reading on the Internet .
C. Playing computer games. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10三个问题。
8. What’s wrong with
A. He has a fever.
B. He has a sore back.
C. He has a toothache.
9. What match will Paul have?
A. A basketball match.
B. A soccer match.
C. A baseball match.
10. What will Paul do first?
A. Drink some water.
B. Take some medicine.
C. Go to the dentist.
11. How long will the bus ride take to arrive at the hotel?
A. 50 minutes.
B. 30 minutes.
C. 15 minutes.
12. What will the weather be like in the coming days?
A. Rainy.
B. Sunny.
C. Windy.
13. What are the visitors going to do this morning?
A. To go skating.
B. To go shopping.
C. To go boating.
14. When will they visit the villages?
A. Tomorrow morning.
B. Tomorrow afternoon.
C. Tomorrow evening.
15. What phone number should they call if they need help?
A. 6828-0970.
B. 6828-0790.
C. 6826-0790.
Last night my friends and I went out for a party. The four of us were enjoying ourselves but it was
getting very late. Calls started coming from our 16 , asking about where we were. Delhi is unsafe
for women, especially at night and parents are sure to be 17 about their kids.
Unluckily, our car broke down. The two boys in our group 18 everything but the car didn’t
start. We girls were getting 19 . The boys decided to call us a taxi. We tried a lot but failed.
20 of the taxi drivers would like to go to our destination (目的地).
Finally, we stopped a taxi and asked the driver 21 he would go to our destination. We also
added we were ready to pay extra (额外). The driver asked us to get in. We asked him how much he would
22 and he said, “First you get in, and then I’ll say.” We got in and the boys took pictures of t taxi’s license plate.
The driver looked up and asked if the boys were taking pictures. They said 23 as the girls
were traveling alone at night and that they wrote down the 24 for safety reasons. The driver
surprised us by saying, “Take 25 picture as well in that case.”
He showed us a newspaper in which one 26 about him was printed along with his photograph.
In the article it was written that this driver took an initiative (主动行为)to 27 women passengers
and make sure of their safety. He 28 asks extra money from anybody. He believes that dropping
people in their home 29 is the best reward (回报) for his services. The feeling of self-worth comes
to him not by making extra money 30 by doing his job.
16. A. teachers    B. friends    C. parents    D. kids
17. A. worried    B. crazy    C. serious    D. excited
18. A. got    B. tried    C. prepared    D. finished
19. A. relaxed    B. angry    C. happy    D. upset
20. A. All    B. None    C. Both    D. Neither
21. A. when    B. how    C. why    D. if
22. A. pay for    B. care for    C. ask for    D. look for
23. A. yes    B. no    C. hello    D. goodbye
24. A. number    B. price    C. time    D. place
25. A. your    B. my    C. our    D. their
26. A. article    B. poem    C. novel    D. letter
27. A. choose    B. protect    C. hurt    D. follow
28. A. sometimes    B. always    C. often    D. never
29. A. quickly    B. slowly    C. safely    D. carefully
30. A. and    B. or    C. but    D. nor
We have seen flying cars in movies many times, but now they will finally
be available on the market.
A Dutch (荷兰) company has developed the world’s first flying car that can
be produced in large numbers. The car looks like a cross between a motorbike
and a helicopter (直升飞机). It has three wheels and can carry two people at a
time. Its blades (桨叶), which usually fold up, will spread like a bird’s wings when you press a button (按钮) in the car.
The flying car weighs 680 kg. It needs a 165-meter-long runway to take off and 130 meters to land. It
can fly 400 to 500 kilometers continuously at the height of 3,500 meters. It has a top speed of around
170km/h both on the road and in the sky and can speed up from 0 to 95 km/h within eight seconds.
The car has a similar operating system as a motorbike. But people who want to drive the car need not only a driver’s license, but also a pilot’s license. With keys in their hands, they can choose to drive or fly to their destination.
The company plans to produce between 50 and 100 of flying cars in 2019. Each flying car will cost
about 400,000 pounds. The company will develop a cheaper type of the car several years later.
31. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us the___________of the flying car.
A. speed
B. shape
C. height
D. price
32. From the passage we know ___________.
A. the flying car can fly 3500 meters continuously
B. with a driver’s license, everyone can drive the flying car
C. the price of the flying cars will be lower several years later
D. the flying car has two wheels and can carry three people at a time
33. The purpose of this passage is to ___________.
A. introduce the flying car to readers
B. compare two different kinds of cars
C. show the importance of flying cars
D. encourage readers to buy flying cars
As Amy Hagadorn rounded the corner across the hall from her classroom, she met with a tall boy from
the fifth grade running in the opposite direction.
“Watch it, dwarf (矮子),” the boy shouted, as he kept away from the little third grader. Then, the boy imitated(模仿) the way Amy limped(跛行)when she walked.
Amy closed her eyes for a moment.
“Ignore (忽视)him!” she told herself as she headed for her classroom.
It wasn’t as if he were the only one. It seemed that ever since Amy started the third grade, someone teased her every single day. The teasing made Amy feel lonely.
Back home at the dinner table that evening, Amy was quiet. Her mother knew that things were not going well at school. That’s why she was happy to have some exciting news to share with her daughter.“There’s a Christmas Wish Co m petition on the newspaper,” she said. “W rite a letter to Santa Claus and you might win a prize.”
Out came the pencil and paper and Amy went to work on her letter. She wrote:
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Amy. I am 9 years old. I have a problem at school. Can you help me, Santa? Kids laugh at me because of the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral palsy(大脑性瘫痪). I just want one day where no one laughs at me.
Amy The next day, a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa Claus made the front page of the News Sentinel. The little girl’s story spread quickly. She asked for such a simple, yet unusual Christmas gift - just one day without teasing.
Many people thanked Amy for being brave enough to speak up. Others encouraged her to ignore teasing and to carry her head high.
Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing. Teachers and students talked together about how bad teasing can make others feel.
34. The underlined word “teased” means___________.
A. argued with
B. talked about
C. cared for
D. made fun of
35. Amy’s mother shared the news of a Christmas Wish Competition that day because she knew
A. Amy’s school life was not good
B. her daughter was teased by a fifth grader
C. the competition would change Amy’s life
D. Amy’s sickness went much worse than before
36. We can infer(推断)from the underlined sentence “Back home at the dinner table that evening,
Amy was quiet” that Amy was___________.
A. nervous
B. sad
C. happy
D. moved
37. What’s the best title(标题)for the passage?
A. Amy’s Day
B. Mother’s Love
C. Amy and a Tall Boy
D. Amy’s Christmas Wish
Common people have always been interested in the world of movies and movie stars. One way to get
closer to this world is to become a movie extra(临时演员). Extras are the people seated at tables in a restaurant while the two main actors are in conversation. They are the guests at the wedding(婚礼)of the
s, but they help make the scenes look real.
main characters. Extras don’t normally speak any line
Being a movie extra might seem like a lot of fun. You get to see what life is like behind the scenes. But don’t forget that being an extra is really a job, and it’s mostly about doing nothing. First-time extras are often shocked to learn how slow the process of movie making is. In a finished movie, the action may move quickly. But it can sometimes take a whole day to shoot a scene that appears for just a few minutes on the screen.
The main requirement for being an extra is the ability to wait. You may report to work at 5 or 6 a. m.,and then you wait until the director is ready for your scene. This could take several hours. Then there may
be technical problems,and you have to wait some more. After the director says “action” and you do th
e first “take”, you may have to do it again if he or she is not satisfied with the scene. In fact,you may have to do the same scene over and over again.
So who would want to be a movie extra?Although they work for long hours and get low pay, many people still ask for the job. Some people truly enjoy the work. They like being on a movie set, and they
enjoy being together with other extras. Most of them have flexible (灵活的) schedules(日程表), which allow them to be available. They may be students, waiters, homemakers, retired people, or unemployed (没雇佣的) actors. Some unemployed actors hope the work will help them get real acting jobs, but it doesn’t happen often.
The next time you see a movie, don’t just watch the stars. Take a closer look at the people in the background. Maybe there is someone in the crowd who is just like you.
38. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A. What a movie extra does.
B. Who is usually a movie extra.
C. How much a movie extra gets.
D. Why being a movie extra is popular.
39. What might shock movie extras the first time they do the job?
A. The action moves very quickly.
B. They do the same scene many times.
C. It is very slow to make a movie.
D. Being an actor seems like a lot of fun.
40. To be a movie extra, one mainly needs to___________.
A. be good-looking
B. be patient
C. start working very early
D. have a part-time job
the writer’s opinion about movie extras?
41. What’s
A. Their behavior is foolish.
B. They should get higher pay.
C. They need us to pay attention to.
D. They are more important than the main characters.