I never thought that you, of all people, would become the one I hate the most. I used to admire you, respect you, and look up to you. But now, all of those feelings have turned into bitterness and disappointment. (我从未想到你,成为我最恨的人。我曾经很钦佩你,尊敬你,仰慕你。但现在,所有这些感情都变成了苦涩和失望。)
You were once my role model, someone I aspired to be like. You were successful, intelligent, and charismatic. I looked up to you and wanted to follow in your footsteps. But as time went on, I started to see a different side of you. (你曾经是我的榜样,我渴望成为你那样的人。你成功,聪明,有魅力。我仰慕你,想追随你的脚步。但随着时间的推移,我开始看到你不同的一面。)
You became manipulative, selfish, and cruel. You put your own interests above everything else, even if it meant hurting those around you. I couldn't believe that the person I once looked up to could be capable of such despicable behavior. It shattered my perception of you and left me feeling betrayed. (你变得狡诈自私,残忍。你把自己的利益置于一切之上,即使这
Our relationship deteriorated as a result of your actions. The love and admiration I once felt for you turned into resentment and anger. I couldn't stand being around you, knowing that you were capable of causing so much pain. It changed the way I saw the world and the people in it. (由于你的行为,我们的关系恶化了。我曾经对你的爱和钦佩变成了怨恨和愤怒。我无法忍受和你在一起,知道你有能力造成那么多的痛苦。这改变了我看待世界和其中的人的方式。)
I found myself questioning everything I believed in and everyone I trusted. It was a difficult and painful process to come to terms with the fact that you, the person I once admired, turned out to be someone I despised. It shattered my faith in humanity and made me second-guess my judgment of people. (我发现自己对我所相信的一切和我所信任的人都产生了质疑。接受这个事实很困难,很痛苦,我曾经钦佩的人,竟然变成了我厌恶的人。这打碎了我对人性的信念,让我对人的判断产生了怀疑。)
Even though I hate you, a part of me still holds on to the memories of who you used to be. I wish things could've turned out differently, and that you could've lived up to the image I had of you. But the reality is, you let me down, and I can't bring myself to forgive you for that. (尽管我恨你,但我心中的一部分仍然拥有你曾经的记忆。我希望事情能够有所改变,你能够符合我对你的印象。但现实是,你让我失望了,我无法原谅你。)
In the end, I've come to terms with the fact that you are no longer the person I once admired. I have accepted that you are the one I hate the most, and I've made peace with the fact that our paths have diverged for good. It's a painful realization, but it's one that has allowed me to move on and let go of the resentment that has consumed me for so long. (最终,我接受了你不再是我曾经钦佩的人。我接受了你是我最恨的人,我已经和我们不再相交的事实和平相处。这是一个痛苦的认识,但这让我能够继续前进,摆脱那种长久以来充斥着我的怨恨。)