The Giant’s Garden(巨人的花园)
2.一棵大树,城墙,牌匾,花草地, 雪花(制造下雪场景),泡泡机,柳条,许愿棒
【角1】:The Giant (巨人)
【角4】:Miss Spring(春女神
【角5】:Miss Summer(夏女神
【角6】:Miss Autumn(秋女神
【角7】:Miss Winter(冬女神
The Giant (巨人):性格孤僻,极度自私,不愿与人相处,不喜和人分享。
Miss Spring(春女神):女神之首,拥有绝对的领导权,心地善良,但嫉恶如仇。
Miss Summer(夏女神) :活泼热情,脸上总是带着阳光般灿烂的笑容。
Miss Autumn(秋女神):多愁善感一词,说得便是这秋姑娘。
Miss Winter(冬女神):如冰一样寒冷,爱憎分明。
配有一个很可爱的大花园,长满了绿茸茸的青草,美丽的鲜花随处可见。一天,花园里来了两位可爱的小朋友:Lily, Tom。他们喜欢在花园的大树下或者草坪上玩耍,十分的开心,无忧无虑。然而,这天,城堡的主人回来,发现了孩子们在他的花园里玩耍,他暴怒地赶走孩子们并建立了一堵隔绝外来人的高墙。这一幕,被四季女神发现后,春姑娘决定不给巨人带来春夏秋的气息,只有严寒大雪在城堡内肆意蔓延。经过这次事件后,巨人逐渐反省到自私带来的严重后果,转而推倒墙,开心地迎接孩子们和春姑娘的到来。
【第一幕(Act 1)Lovely children and Selfish Giant
旁白:A long time ago, there was an old castle sitting outside the city with a beautiful garden. It was full of flowers and grass. One day, four children found the garden.
Lily: Come on, Tom, I found a beautiful garden over there! Let’s go and play!
Tom,出场,聚在大树旁。(配乐: I am Lily, hello, hello; I am Tom, hello, hello)(小朋友定点摆pose。)
Tom(缓缓地用手指着不远处的城堡): Look! There is a castle over there. What if this garden belongs to someone in the castle?
Lily(拍拍Alice的肩膀,安慰道): Don’t worry! I know that the castle has been wasted for many years. No one lives there. So, we can all relax. Let’s play now!
玩过桥游戏配乐London bridge is falling down,旁白上来和Lily、Tom一起玩)
The Giant 愤怒地出场每一步都使大地震撼!小朋友们立马吓退了几步,缩成一团。
The Giant(暴躁地说): What are you doing here?  So annoying! You are not welcome in my garden! Go away! Right now!
Lily(镇定了会儿抱歉地低了头): We are very sorry. I thought no one lived there.
Tom(真诚的眼神,望着巨人): You have such a big and nice garden, we love it so much!
Lily, Tom(手做祈祷状): Please, please…
The Giant(决绝大手一挥怒气地说道): No way, no one can share my garden, no one! Get out of here!
Lily, Tom (垂头丧气快速掉头跑了Alice 哭出声 ): Fine.
The Giant(终于放心,嘀咕着):I will build up a high wall. No one can come into my garden.
The Giant(巨人建起了高墙并挂了一块牌匾说道): No Entry!
【第二幕Act 2)Season Goddesses】
旁白: At that day, four goddesses saw the situation. They were very angry for what the giant did to those lovely children.
Miss Spring(对着另外三位女神说,微怒的样子): The Giant is so selfish. He won’t let children play in his garden.
so fell autumn rain
Miss Summer(点头赞同): I think so. The children begged him so hard. But he still didn’t
Miss Autumn(哭泣的声音): How can he do that? They are so cute.
Miss Winter(冷若冰霜,突然嘴角一斜): I have an idea. Since his heart is cold as ice, why don’t we turn his garden and his castle like that too?
Miss Spring(若有所思)OK, then, Miss Winter, he is all yours. (转身和Miss Summer以及Miss Autumn一起离开)
(播放歌曲: Let it go(改编版))Miss Winter 用魔法棒一挥, 城堡和花园所在位置变得暗下来,紧接着温度骤降,风声呼啸,鹅毛大雪,漫天飞舞,与围墙之外的阳光普照和鸟语花香形成鲜明对比。(小鸟在围墙外舞蹈)
The Giant (唱Let it go 配伴奏): The snow glows white in the garden tonight. Not a footprint to be seen. A castle of isolation, and it looks like I am the king. The wind is howling, like this swirling storm inside, couldn’t keep it in. Heaven knows I’ve tried. (唱完叹气)
第三幕Act 3)The Poor Giant
旁白: Ever since after, the Giant lived in his castle all year round without spring, summer and autumn. All his eyes could see, it’s just white snow and dark sky. He began to question himself why this happened.
The Giant(望着灰的天空,同时忧伤得抱住自己,声音颤抖唱道): I’m so cold. What have I done wrong? The season goddess left me with a world without spring, summer and autumn, a world without colors, a world without birds.
The Giant(若有所思,用手摸了摸自己的大脑袋): Oh, my god! Is this a punishment for me? For being rude to those kids one year ago
Miss Spring(突然出现笑着说道): Yes, you finally understand. Giant, this was a lesson for you. I suppose you know what to do next.
The Giant(憨笑):Thank you, Miss Spring.
巨人转身回到花园,用力把墙推到(加 墙倒的音效)
第四幕Act 4Giant’s redemption】
旁白: The Giant found Lily, Tom playing outside the garden and invited them to his garden.
The Giant(十分抱歉的样子,单膝下跪,伸出右手邀请孩子们): Please accept my sincere apology. Now, I welcome you all coming to my garden to play. I was wrong back then, now I will undo my mistake.