The Love That's Always Been There
The word "love" is often mentioned by us, but do we really understand it? I once thought that love only existed in romantic stories or far-off places. But as time passed, I gradually realized that love is always right by my side.
When I was a child, whenever I fell ill, my mother would always be by my bedside, gently wiping my forehead and saying softly, "Don't be afraid, baby. Mommy is here." At that moment, I understood that motherly love is the companionship that never leaves.
At school, whenever I encountered difficulties, my classmates and teachers would always lend a helping hand, helping me solve problems and giving me encouragement. Their care and help made me understand the preciousness of friendship and the profoundness of teacher-student affection.
And then there are those strangers in society. They may have only briefly encountered me, b
ut they have left a deep impression on me. Once, I got lost, and a stranger patiently showed me the way, even accompanying me to my doorstep. At that moment, I felt the care and warmth among strangers.
Now, I understand that love is not far away; it's always by our side. Whether it's the care of family, the concern of friends, or the help of strangers, they are all manifestations of love. Originally, I have been surrounded by love all the time, but I just didn't notice it.
Love is the warm sunshine that lights up our path forward; love is the sweet rain and dew that nourishes our hearts. Let us cherish every bit of love around us, feel it with our hearts, and also warm others with our own love.