1.When is it convenient for you?
2.About what time?
4.When you have time.你方便的时候
5. I`m free today.
6.I`ll be busy tomorrow.
7.How about the tenth?
8.When are you free?
9.That`s a bad day for me.那天我不行
10.That day is fine.那天可以
11 When can I come over?
12.You decide "when"
13.You decide "where"
14. Is seven convenient for you?
15. When can you come over?
16. Is it too early?
17. Is it too late?
18. It`s a date.这天可以
19. See you then.到时候见
1.I want to talk to you.  有话
2.Are you seeing anyone now? 你现在和谁在交往 
3. What do you think of me?
4.I love you.
5.You`re  the  most  beautiful  woman  I`ve  ever  seen 
6. I`m crazy for you.
7.Don`t play hard to get. 不要装腔作势
8. I don`t want to get serious yet 我还不想那么认真
9.It was love at first sight.一见钟情
10.I  wish  I  had  never  met  you.
11.You`re my type.类型
12.You make me happy. 
13.I`m happy to have known you.很高兴能够认识 以前
14.You have beautiful eyes.   
15.You`re sweet. 甜美
16.Let`s walk hand in hand. 
17. May I hold your hand?  牵手
18.You`re beautiful. 
19. I want to know all about you.
20.I want you. 
21.I need you. 
22.You`re everything to me. 你是我的一切
23.You`re mine.
see you tonight
24.I`m yours.
25.I can`t live without you.
26.Come closer.
27.What`s on your mind?  你在想什么
28.I think of you night and day.想你
29.There will never be another you. 
30.I like your dress.
31.Nothing is too good for you.  不顾一切为你
32.Are you seducing me? 诱惑
33.Hold me tight.
34.Don`t go away. 离开
35.I can`t help falling in love with you.
36.I`ve never felt like this before.从未有过的感觉
37.You`re the one for me.你是我的唯一
38.I`ll love you forever.
39.I always speak my mind.我说的是心里话
40.Love me ,love my dog.
41.Be gentle. 
42. Love me more.
43.Look at me.
44.I felt in love with Rose.
45.I`m deeply  in love with Rose.
1.When is this due? 付钱
2.It`s due on the thirtieth.
3.Could you give me change?  可以给我换零钱吗
4.DO you have change for 1,000 yuan ?
5.I need to deposit 50,000yuan 寄存
  in my savings accounts.
6.I need to withdraw 50,000 yuan  提出
  from my savings accounts.
7.I paid out of my own pocket. 自付
8.I`m out of cash. 没有现金
9.I don`t have much money on me now.
10.I`m broke. 身无分文
11.I have a lot of money on me now.
12.I can`t afford to be lazy. 无暇偷懒
13.What a waste! 真是浪费!
14.He didn`t pay the debt and disappeared.
  临时需要的一句话(唱卡拉 OK )
  1.Let`s go to karaoke
  2.What is Karaoke?
  3.Sing along with recorded music.    跟着 录音音乐
  4.Are you good at singing?
  5.I`d like to request a song? 点唱
  6.You sing first.
  7.Let`s enjoy ourselves.
  8.How about a song, John?
  9.What are you going to sing?
  10.Let`s sing a duet.二重唱
  11.Now it`s my turn. 
  12.I don`t have the nerve to 
    sing in front of people.
  13.I can`t keep up with the new songs. 跟上
  14.I`m tone-deaf.五音不全
   15.What`s your Karaokay specialty? 特长
  16.I`ve never heard of that song? 听过
  17.You`re a good singer.
Every day make a little progress, you`ll become perfect!
1. Are you ready?
  2. Ready.
  3. I`m not ready.
  4. What time shall we leave?
  5. What time do we arrive?
  6. Let`s get going!

1.I`d like to play golf.
2.Would you like to golf tomorrow?
3. Do you want to join me?
4.Are there any golf courses around here?
5.How much is it per person?
6.How much is it per day?
7.Are there any extra charges?
8.Can I rent the equipment?
9. Please make a reservation for golf?
10.I`d like to make golf reservations.
11.When would you like to play?
12. This Friday is possible.可以的话,请帮我预订星期五
13.There are four of us.
14.What time are we starting?