I would tell you that I love you tonight
But I know that I've got time on my side
Where you going
Why you leaving so soon
Is there somewhere else that's better for you
不够稳That's not balanced.
What is love
If you're not here with me
What is love if it's not guaranteed
What is love
If it just ups and lea
我需要你唱得跟明天就要死去一样I need you to sing like you are going to die tomorrow. 好像这是你此生最后一曲Like this is the last song you will ever sing.
明白了吗You hear me?
用你的灵魂去唱Show me your soul in this music.
再来Hit it again.
I would tell you that I love you tonight
But I know that I've got time on my side
Where you going
Why you leaving so soon
Is there somewhere else that's better for you
What is love
If you're not here with me
What is love if it's not guaranteed
What is love
If it just loves
你没事吧老大You okay, boss man?
see you tonight还不行It's not there yet.
邦基醒醒Bunkie, wake up.
快给我滚起来Wake your ass up!
回想一下一年前Go back in your mind to a year ago.
你刚得知你弟弟被杀时When you just found out your brother had been shot.
那是什么感觉How did it feel?
你去辨认尸体的时候是什么感觉How did it feel when you had to go and identify his body? 再来Hit it again.
Is there somewhere else that's better for you
What is love
If you're not here with me
What is love if it's not guaranteed
What is love
If it just ups and leaves
What is love
What is love
If you're not really sure
What is love
If it just loves
你这妞真是太坏了You are a bad, bad girl.
我们去甲板看看我的儿子们吧Now, let's go up on deck and see my sons. 给我来点虾吃Somebody get me some shrimp!
帮嘴巴Will you wipe my face for me?
Empire state of mind
Let's go
Things are looking up
I'm ready for the night
I feel good, real good
Can't nobody hold me down
I'm gonna take advantage of
All these flashing lights
'Cause it's the best time
The best time for it
We can do it
All right now
Can't nobody
Tie me down
If you want it I got it
Tomorrow's not promised
So live inside ment
Oh, no
Tell me what are we waiting for
Tell me what are we waiting for
I wanna live inside the
看看他们Look at 'em.
你的弟弟们又秀上了Your brothers are showing off again.
他们就是这样亲爱的That's what they do, babe.
I wanna live inside the momentYo, Ma
Yo, when I was five years old
I realized there was a road at the end
Pretty girls, cars and bank rolls
Gold and platinum plaques
哈基姆居然也在表演Surprised Hakeem is performing now.
他通常只有爸爸在的时候才来劲He likes to save it for when Dad's around.
我们去爸爸吧Let's go find Dad.
Gotta believe in yourself and gotta know your worth
I did it clean as a whistle stayed away from dirt
Ah, I told you I'mma get it
Everybody, they talkin' I dreamt about how I'm livin'
Reality was written
I put effort in my vision
That's why I hustle so hard
To be the best that ever did it
希望你准备好发表重大声明了I hope you're ready to make your big announcement.
我们走吧Here we go.
贝基安妮卡Hey, Becky. Hey, Anika.
贝基这是你今天的行程And Becky. Hey, these are for today.
谢谢好Thanks. Okay,
夹克衫线条的设计需要中午前敲定the designs for the jacket line need approval by noon,
《今夜秀》想请你去唱...and The Tonight Show wants you to
不去好Pass. Okay.
还有总统想...Uh, the
不好意思Excuse you.
我在这里呢I'm back here.
今天别闹贝基Today is not the day, Becky.
好吗Hear me?
你去看医生的情况一切都好吧Everything go okay at the doctor?
挺好的继续吧Yeah, good. Come on.
好总统要你参加Okay. Well, the President is asking
招待中国客人的国宴that you'll attend the China state dinner.
好告诉奥巴马...Okay, tell
我去但是之后几个月我不会再去了yes, but this is the last one for the next few months.
还有这场新闻发布会结束后And after this press conference,
你把我所有的会议会面都取消I want you to cancel all my meetings.
所有的吗All of them?
对告诉我的儿子们在家里等我Yes. And tell my sons to meet me at my house.
我九岁的时候开始在费城I started selling drugs when I was nine years old in Philadelphia. 我那是为了谋生I did it to feed myself.
但当我面对口时...But it was
是萦绕在我脑海中的音乐that played in my head that kept me alive
让我活了下来when I thought I was gonna get shot.
当我露宿街头时And it was the
是我梦中的旋律I dreamt about that kept me warm
给了我温暖while I was sleeping in the streets.
Lyrically, I'm on point
Flowing double joint
You just a little boy, you a boy
I'm a man, you should be playing
With your toys
音乐拯救了我You see, music saved my life.
但时过境迁Times have changed, though.
网络毁掉了音乐家赚钱的能力The Internet has destroyed the musician's ability to make money, 因为我们的作品在网上可以免费下载because our work is downloaded for free online.
而那些在贫民窟里长大的And now it's impossible for the disenfranchised kids
弱势的孩子们growing up in the projects
无法像我当年那样摆脱贫穷to overcome poverty the way that I did.
我们要改变这一切We are gonna change all of that.
我在此自豪地宣布I am proud to announce
帝国娱乐公司已经正式提交申请that Empire Entertainment has filed to become
在纽约证券交易所上市a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange.
瑞塔拿鹰嘴豆泥来了吗Rita, did you bring the hummus?
大家好Hey, y'all.
贾马尔你那个朋友怎么样了Jamal, how's that friend of yours?
挺好的上周二你为什么没来一起吃饭Good. Why you flake on dinner last Tuesday?
实在是太忙了Schedule was crazy.
那你也该打个电话嘛I mean, but you could've called or something.
我们都做好饭等着你你也太无理了Like, we cooked and everything. That's so rude.
我忘了I forgot.
很高兴大家都来了I'm glad you're all here.
把你的臭脚从我四万美金的桌子上拿下来And get your bigass feet off my $, table!
我是用来吃饭的I eat there!
我和你们大哥一直在努力Your brother and I have been working hard
让帝国娱乐成为上市公司to turn Empire into a publicly traded company.
上市的好处之一Now part of us going public
就是能确保这公司会代代相传means ensuring a legacy for this company,
可现在你们中根本没有一个人准备好and right now it seems none of you are prepared
在我身后接手to take over after I'm gone.
虽然那不是今天或明天就会发生的事Now, it won't happen today,
但我会尽快开始培养接班人but I will start grooming someone soon.
而且只会是你们三个中的一个And it can only be one of you.
什么情况这是要上演《李尔王》吗What is this, we... we King Lear now?
随你怎么说小鬼Call it what you want, smartass,
但是接下来几个月...but over the next
等等你这话什么意思Wait, wait. What are you saying?
我们要竞争角逐公司未来的继承人吗We're all in competition to be the future head of the company?
为了公司的生存In order for it to survive,
我需要你们中的一个黑鬼I need one of you Negroes
振作起来挑起重担to man up and lead it.
不让公司被任何人或事搞垮明白了吗And nothing or no one is going to tear it down, hear me?
我还以为不会有今天呢Thought I'd never see this day.
按手印下一页Ink. Roll it.
这应该是最后一次了Last time I'm gonna be doing this.
琦琦要回家了Cookie's coming home.
你知道我们会从You know how much money
这个孩子身上赚到多少钱吗we're gonna make off this boy?
你这口气好像唐·金爸爸You sound like Don King, Dad.
别说金博士的坏话Don't say nothin' bad about Dr. King.
邦基让我们单独待一会Hey, Bunkie, give us a minute.
现在吗对现在What, right now? Yeah, right now.
我要跟我儿子谈谈家族事业I need to talk family business with my son.
还记得你十一岁的时候吗儿子You remember when you were , sonny?
穿着小西装Dressing up in a little suit,
老想着进办公室trying to run into the office,
给大家帮忙接电话helping everybody, answering phones.
我在宾大期末考试的时候Even during my finals at Penn,
都回去帮你做账呢I was still coming back, doing your accounting.
为了我们公司你也是呕心沥血Put your heart and guts into this company.
你的整个人生都围绕着帝国娱乐I mean, your whole life is Empire.
你读了研究生You went on to grad school.
也教了我一些东西Taught me a few things, too.
所以我最适合掌管公司爸Which makes me the most qualified to run the company, Dad.
你不觉得And don't you think,
这是由名人效应所驱动的品牌since this is a celebritydriven brand,
所以也该由名人来运营吗it should be run by a celebrity?
我不觉得No, I don't.
我们要上市了我得好好理理头绪We're going public, Dre I got to think about all of this stuff.这场继承人的讨论和琦琦无关吧This successor talk have anything to do with Cookie?
怎么突然说起琦琦What you talking about, Cookie?
她出狱后我还没跟她联络I haven't spoken to her since she got out.
我以为你联络过了I figured you had.
琦琦出狱了吗Cookie's out?
你的工作就是知道这事It's your job to know.
我疏忽了你疏忽了Slipped by me. Slipped by you?
听我说小钞你知道她迟早是要出来的Look, Money, you knew she was gonna get out eventually.
你怎么说起琦琦了Why you starting with Cookie?
她不值一提She ain't nothin'.
从现在起From this moment forward,
我要知道她的一切动态I want to know everything she's doing.
一点不落I mean everything.
好吧All right.
小钞啊我需要万千块Oh, hey, Money, I need .
这是最后一次我发誓Oh, that's the last time, I swear.