第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1.From my point of view, there’s little chance that we will be successful in trying to change the present situation. ________, it is important that we try our best.
A.Meanwhile    B.Otherwise
可爱淘C.Therefore    D.Nevertheless
2.Martin Luther King, Jr. put it that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means _____we arrive at that goal.
A.that    B.where    C.by which    D.with which
3.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it ________ and is beyond our control.
A.passed    B.will pass
C.has passed    D.had passed我的答铃 郭美美
4.We’d better discuss everything ______before we work out the plan.
A.in detail    B.in general    C.on purpose    D.on time
5.— Which classical Chinese poem do you like best?
—Don’t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground; how many soldiers ever came back______.
A.old and young    B.up and down    C.safe and sound    D.right and wrong
6.If you ever aren’t sure whether you have bought the very best smartphone, just _________ “good enough.”
A.make for    B.settle for
C.answer for    D.account for
7.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies.
A.Having exposed    B.Being exposed
C.To expose    D.Exposed
8.        ,dear! Things won’t be as bad as you think. There certainly will be chances for you.
A.Hurry up    B.Look up
C.Cheer up    D.Make up
9.We should organize useful activities, which will ___________ the relationship of the students.
A.appoint    B.employ
C.promote    D.commit
10.The police are investigating the company, three of ________ managers have already been arrested.
A.whose    B.that
C.which    D.where
11.Was it from the lake ______ he often went fishing ______ he saved the drowning girl?
A.that; that    B.where; where
C.where; that    D.that; where
12.______ he was 12, Einstein had learned advanced mathematics by himself.
想唱就唱电影A.The first time    B.At the time
C.By the time    D.During the time
13.—I was informed that you won the lottery?
—Are you kidding? Maybe I will win a lottery when______.暴风女
A.you cry for the moon    B.pigs fly
C.all good things come to an end    D.you get a new lease on life
14.The film Mei Lanfang, Li Ming plays the starring role,has again drawn the world’s attention to our traditional Chinese art.
A.what    B.that    C.which    D.where
15.___________ and they will finish off the challenging job.
A.In a week    B.A week later    C.After a week    D.Another week
16.Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek ________ food safety problems.
A.in    B.to
C.on    D.after
17.—Which do you prefer, the former option or the latter one?
—I think the former one is no better than the latter one. So I’ll choose ________.
A.the former one    B.the latter one
C.either of them    D.neither of them
18.The debate has only a few moments that might be inspiring to those who ______ this issue.
A.followed    B.had followed    C.have been following    D.were following
19.Taking online reading into consideration, we can challenge the assumption ____ reading for pleasure continues to decrease.
A.whether    B.that    C.where    D.when
20.The new playground to be built next year will be ____________ the old one.
A.as three times big as    B.three times as big as
the hanging tree歌词C.as big as three times    D.as big three times as
第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
21.(6分)Accommodation at University College Cork, Ireland
On-campus accommodation
UCC Campus accommodation is more than just a place to eat and sleep—it provides social, cultural and sporting shops and the chance to develop friendships that will last a lifetime. Our accommodation services are divided into our two areas of operation, one being the safe, modern accommodation for those studying during the academic year. The other one is the excellent summer accommodation for holiday or summer course visitors who are seeking what is a very special environment to stay in with every modern convenience but dipped in history and the atmosphere of one of Europe’s oldest and most highly regarded universities.
Rental Housing
This is where the student lives with a family and 1~5 other students and you get your breakfast, evening meal and light supper. Rates are available for both single a
nd shared rooms, five days or seven-day board. Prices are set and no landlady can charge over this agreed rate. This is a very economical and safe accommodation option and particularly well suited to freshmen. Lists of landladies are available free from the Accommodation Office by post, fax and email.