Do you realize this is the last time we'll   你们知道这是最后一次 我们以六个单身朋友的身分
as six single people?  共聚一堂吗?
What's happening to the coffeehouse?  咖啡厅怎么了?
From now on, it's you four and me and the missus.  从现在开始,是你们四个好朋友 我跟我太太了
The little woman. The wife. The old ball and chain.  我的小女人,好老婆 老的系绊
-Old? -The young, hot ball and chain.  -老的? -你是年轻性感的系绊
-Much better. -We gotta go.  -好多了 -我们得走了
-Where? -Get the dress and lunch with mom.  -去哪里? -我要去拿婚纱,跟妈妈一起吃午餐
Joey, you too?  乔伊,你也要去?
I just heard "lunch."  我听到了“午餐”
Yeah, I can go. Sure.  对,我可以去,当然
Actually, I'm glad they're leaving.  事实上我很高兴他们离开了
I need to talk to you about something.  有件事我得跟你谈一谈
-What's up? -This may be a little awkward.  -什么事? -这或许会有点吓人
If you need money, it's a bad time. I'm buying 128 dinners tomorrow.  如果你需要钱,时机真的不太对 明天晚上我得请一百二十八个人吃晚餐
No, it's not that.  不,不是那样的
I'm not gonna say this as   我不是以你朋友的身分 跟你说话…
but as Monica's older brother.  我要以摩妮卡大哥的身分跟你谈
-But you're still my friend? -Not for a few minutes.  -但你还是我朋友吧? -接下来的几分钟
-Right now, are you still my best man? -No.  -现在你还是我的伴郎吗? -不是
Do I still call you Ross?  我还是可以叫你罗斯吗?
You guys are getting married, and I couldn't be more thrilled.  你们要结婚了,我真的很高兴
But as her older brother, I have to tell you this:  但身为她的大哥 我得告诉你一件事
If you ever hurt my   如果你敢伤害我妹妹…
if you ever cause her any unhappiness of   如果你敢让她不快乐…
I will hunt   天涯海角我都会到你…
and kick your ass.  我会痛扁你
younique unitWhat? I'm serious.  什么?我是认真的
-Dude! Stop it! I'm not kidding. -I hear what you'  -兄弟,别闹了,我不是在开玩笑 -我听到你的话了…
and thanks for the warning.  谢谢你的警告
No problem.  别客气
Are we friends again?  我们又是朋友了?
Yeah.  对
You won't believe what Monica's brother just said to me!  你不会相信刚刚摩妮卡的 哥哥跟我说了什么!
The One With Monica and Chandler's Wedding  摩妮卡和钱德的婚礼上集
36  你在做什么?摩妮卡
I'm listing things that could go wrong at the wedding.  我在列出 婚礼上可能会出差错的事情
So I can be prepared.  那样子我可以做好准备
-What are they? -"The dresses won't get   -哪些事会出差错? -到目前为止有婚纱忘了拿…
veil gets lost, and I'm missing something blue."  我的头纱不见了 或是我忘了拿蓝的东西
I'm responsible for all those.  那是我负责的事
I had to go with the odds.  我得做好万全准备
Remember I didn't get that part?  你们还记得之前我去试镜 没有拿到那个角的事吗?
-The commercial? -That play?  -那个广告? -那出舞台剧?
That other play?  另一出舞台剧?
-The movie? -Yes!  -那部电影? -对
The one about the dog who flies planes?  那部狗会开飞机的电影?播放周深的歌
No. But man, that one hurt.  不,但我真的很伤心
-This is the one about WWI soldiers. -Oh, yeah.  -这部电影在描述一次大战的士兵 -喔,对
Back then we called it "The Great War."  以前我们叫它“大战”
It really was.  它真的是大战
A guy they wanted backed out! I start shooting today!  他们录取的那个角不演了! 我今天就要开始拍戏!
Congratulations!  恭喜!
-Today's the dinner. -I'll be done by then.  -今天有彩排晚宴 -我一定会赶过去的
Oh. Then way to go, you big movie star!  喔,那么太棒了 你成了电影明星!
See you. I'm off to fight the Nazis.  待会见,我要去跟纳粹作战了
Wait, Joey. We fought the Nazis in WWII, not WWI.  等一下,乔伊,纳粹是我们 在二次大
Whoa.  等一下,乔伊,纳粹是我们 在二次大战的敌人,不是一次大战
Who was in WWI?  谁是我们在一次大战的敌人?
Go ahead.  你说吧
You're gonna be late! Go! Go!  你要迟到了!快去…
Who did we fight in WWI?  谁是我们在一次大战的敌人?
-Mexico? -Yes. Very good.  -墨西哥? -对,非常棒
(五十九号码头片厂)  -墨西哥? -对,非常棒
-Hey, Joey. We're ready. -Yeah, me too.  -嘿,乔伊,我们准备好了 -我也是
Richard, we're ready for you.  理查,我们准备好了
Joey Tribbiani, Richard Crosby is playing Vincent.  乔伊崔比亚尼,这位是理查克洛斯比 他要饰演文森
-I'm acting with you? -Nice to meet you.  -我要跟你演对手戏? -很高兴能认识你
I can't believe this. Incredible. You just won an Oscar.  我不敢相信,这太不可思议了 你刚刚拿下奥斯卡金像奖
No, I didn't.  不,我没有
I think you did.  我知道你有
I think I lost, three times.  我想三次我都输了
-Cookie? ? -No.  -饼干?你要…? -不
We're about an hour away from getting the scene lit.  再过一小时我们就要正式开拍
-Can you guys run it a couple times? -Yeah, sure.  -你们能对一下戏吗? -没问题
All right. Let's do it.  好了,我们开始吧
action!  好了…开始!
-We have to find the platoon! -Forget it, the platoon is gone!  -我们得到其他士兵! -算了吧,他们已经不在了!
-What? -Platoon's dead! Face facts, Tony!  -什么? -他们都死了!面对现实吧,东尼!
What'll we do? We have no reinforcements or food.  我们该怎么办? 我们没有援兵或食物
There's food in the basement. Potatoes and some pasta.  地下室有食物 有马铃薯跟一些意大利面
Hang on. Joey, you keep touching your face.  等一下,乔伊,你一直在摸你的脸
Something wrong?  有什么问题吗?
No.  不,没有
I thought it might be a cool character thing.  我以为这么做会很酷