Unit 5  What were you doing when the rainstorm came综合素质评价
(限时: 120分钟 满分: 120分)
一、听力(共30 分)
I.情景反应 根据听到的句子,选择恰当的应答句。(5 分)
(    )1. A. I was taking a shower.
B. He was helping his mom make dinner.
C. He is sleeping.
(    )2. A. He was sleeping.
B. He enjoys reading.
C. He is doing some cooking.
(    )3. A. I played computer games.
B. I’m going to the park.
C. I often play basketball.
(    )4. A. He is walking home.
B. He takes some photos.
C. He was watching TV.
(    )5. A. Yes, sure.    B. Don’t worry.    C. Thank you.
II. 对话问答 根据听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5 分)
(    )6. A. Folding the clothes.
B. Doing his homework.
C. Cleaning the living room.
(    )7. A. Jim.           B. Amy.       C. Sandy.
(    )8. A. Take out the rubbish.      B. Sweep the floor. 
C. Clean the room.
(    )9. A. To the library.    B. To the swimming pool.
C. To the music room.
(    )10. A. On the grass.     B. In the tree.
C. On the bed.
III. 图片理解 看图听描述,选择与听到的描述内容相符合的选项, 下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关。(5 分)
A.     B.     C.
D.     E.     F.
11. _________ 12. _________ 13. _________ 14. _________ 15. _________
IV. 短文理解 根据听到的短文内容,完成对应信息的匹配。(5 分)
(    )16. Jenny
(    )17. Jenny’s grandparents
(    )18. Jenny’s mother
(    )19. Jenny’s father
(    )20. Jenny’s brother
A. playing with a model plane浮夸林志炫
B. reading a history book
C. preparing for the lessons
D. writing a letter
E. watching TV
V. 听填信息 根据听到的短文内容,完成信息表。(10 分)
A School Trip
Susan and her classmates had a nice trip last 21. _________.
The weather was 22. _________ when they started.
Time that they spent on the road
It took them 23. _________ minutes to get to the foot of the mountain.
What they saw
Along the way, they saw many strange trees and 24._________ monkeys.
What they did
They had 25. _________ at the top of the mountain.
二、基础知识(共10 分)
Ⅵ . 单项选择 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确的答案。(10 分)
26. He did all this _________ silence, and very rapidly.
A. at     B. in     C. of
27. Yesterday when I got home from work, my brother _________ for dinner, so he invited me to join him.
王柳雯A. goes out     B. has gone out    C. was going out
爱的供养 伴奏
28.【2022·长春期末改编】I met a good friend of mine while I _________ on the street.
A. walk     杨幂袭胸B. am walking    C. was walking
29. 【2022·菏泽成武县实验中学期中】— Let It Rain is a very beautiful song.
— I agree with you _________. I enjoy listening to it in my free time.
A. completely     B. suddenly     C. luckily
30. Mom is strongly _________ buying candies for me because she thinks they’re bad for my teeth.
A. with     B. against     C. for
31. When the applause(掌声) had _________, she began her speech.
A. died out     B. died of    C. died down
32. Unluckily, he didn’t _________ his spelling mistake until the exam was over.
A. explain     B. control     C. realize
33. We were all _________ when we heard that a plane crashed with 132 people on it.
A. interested     B. shocked     C. hungry
34. — Bob, why do you want to change the bed?
— Because it’s not comfortable and I can’t _________ quickly.
A. get up     B. fall down    C. fall asleep
35. — I heard Frank would join the music club.
_________ He’s not interested in music at all.
A. You’re kidding!     B. No problem.    C. It’s up to you.
三、交际运用(共10 分)
Ⅶ . 完成对话 从文后选择正确选项,其中有一选项与对话内容无关。(5 分)
A: Sue, I called you yesterday afternoon. 36. _________
B: Sorry, I went to an old people’s home with my friends.
A: Really? It rained yesterday afternoon. 37. _________
B: We were having a party for the old people when the rain came.
A: 38. _________
B: Well, I think they were. And some of them were singing and dancing with us.
A: That sounds interesting. By the way, what did you do at the party?
B: 39. _________ And they made all the old people laugh.
A: How great you are! 40. _________
B: Sure.
A. I was having fun with them.
B. May I join you next time?
C. What were you doing when the rain came?
D. But you didn’t pick up the phone.
E. I told funny stories.
F. Were the old people happy at the party?
Ⅷ . 补全对话,根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确,每空词数不限。(5 分)
A: Hi, Linda. You look sad. 41. __________________________________________?
B: Well, I love music, but my mother doesn’t allow me to listen to it.
A: 42. ______________________________________________________________?
B: Because she thinks listening to music is not good for my study.
A: 43. _______________________________________________________________. I also love music. It makes me relaxed and helps me study better.