My Cognition of Urban Planning At the first of this dissertation, I would like to make a self-introduction.My name is **, a stubborn girl.I like sports, reading, listening to music and so on.I am eager for knowledge.Also I have many bad habits.I like sleeping, I loaf on the job sometimes.Just as many people, I have my dream, I want to be a successful person.It’s not easy, so I should pay more endeavor than others.I am a common junior student, my profession is urban planning.When I first enter my college, I don’t like this profession.I even don’t know what I will learn.What I only know is its name, urban planning.But that I don’t know is how to plan and what to design.But I am glad I can study here, in my three years learning, I gradually find the joy of design, something in my mind can be a real drawing.In the future, it may become a building or a city in front of us.My three years in college is spending in constantly raise the study interest and continuous learning.Facing the fierce competition for talent, I was aware that my knowledge is limited, but I know I have a more u
nwilling to lag behind, and I have the spirit of continuous learning and the desire of continuously enhance.I own my young and persistent career enthusiasm, I believe that I will do better.After more than two years of study, we've been learning architectural design.The knowledge of urban planning isn't too much.But more or less, There is a certain degree of the understanding of urban planning.And get a great progress.We will not be as a freshmen what all don't understand.We already have a preliminary understanding of the city planning.The city is a giant engine of economic growth, and is the window of the social civilization.The planning of city is especially important.The urban planning profession is an architectural discipline which created by country to adapt to the city's planning and development.It raises person who has the talent of urban planning and design, urban planning and management.It requires the students get the basic training of the city planning and design, and be the basic skills master of urban planning and design and management the basic skills.Urban planning is a mixture of science and art.It encompasses many different disciplines and brings them all under a single umbrella.The simplest definition of urban planning is that it is the organization of all eleme
nts of a town or other urban environment.However, when one thinks about all the elements that make up a town, urban planning suddenly seems complicated-and it is.Urban planning is the study of the city's future development, urban rational layout and management of resources, arrange the city construction.In China, the city planning usually including overall planning and detailed planning two stages.China has five thousand years civilization of this great country.China ancient city emphasis on strategic planning thought and the overall concept, it stressed that the city and nature combination and strict hierarchy.War, economy, population, migration, these reasons cause city constantly expanding, and all of these make the city land changes, which has made urban planning.Urban planning involves so many other professional knowledge, such as sociology, economics, meteorology, information technology, geology.So, the city planning of professional talents are all-round talents.Urban planning is also a very sensitive professional, it not only to deal with good social and natural ecological harmonious relationship, but also to coordinate the
contradiction between social classes.Urban planning also became popular because of th
e growing need to get factory workers into healthier housing, rather than stuffing them into fire-trap tenements.With the advent of unions, workers had advocates to help lobby for better housing.Nowadays, urban planning takes all aspects of a city into consideration.It includes plans for safety, aesthetics and common sense placement of everything from houses to factories.Parents wouldn't want their children's playground next to the water treatment plant, for instance, and urban planning helps eliminate such problems.Goals for attractive architecture for city buildings are put into place and pleasing green spaces are planned.Good urban planning gets schools into the neighborhoods where they are needed most, places hospitals in centralized locations, allows for growth and plans highways accordingly.Because so many disciplines make up the larger concept of urban planning, a group of urban planners may have widely divergent degrees: civil engineering, architecture, botany, landscape design, electrical engineering, business administration, and so on.Urban planners who are good at what they do are highly sought after by municipal governments.When efficient urban planning is used, cities are more attractive and serve their citizens to the best of their potential.An
urban planner is a person who determines how to use various areas of a city or town for the most effective purposes.We will perform studies to figure out how to relieve automobile congestion, lay out roads, determine where commercial and residential areas should be built as well, and much more.If we want to become an urban planner, we may want to consider earning a master's degree after we complete our bachelor's degree coursework.We can become an urban planner with just a bachelor's degree, but our advancement opportunities will be limited.Earning a master's degree will make us a more competitive job candidate and will qualify us for management or other leadership positions.Advanced degrees will also give us specific training in statistical and economic analysis, planning, theory, and other subject areas that will be useful in the field.Five years of learning will change our a lot.And our biggest harvest is to learn to our skill, our professional.And most of the profession decide our path.Its basic set a person's life.I choose this major, urban planning, I want to plan our beautiful city.Author: ** Class: ***** Number:***********
lindsey stirling路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。
一、城市规划管理的含义 城市规划管理包括城市规划编制管理、城市规划审批管理和城市规划实施管理。城市规划编制管理主要是组织城市规划的编制,征求并综合协调各方面的意见,规划成果的质量把关、申报和管理。城市规划审批管理主要是对城市规划文件实行分级审批制度。城市规划实施管理主要包括建设用地规划管理、建设工程规划管理和规划实施的监督检查管理等。
二、城市规划管理的重要意义 首先,城市规划是城市建设和管理的基本依据。要把城市建设好、管理好,必须先规划好,以城市规划为依据建设和管理城市。其次,城市规划是综合发挥城市经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的前提和基础。城市作为一定区域内的政治、经济和文化的中心,应当格局合理,富有特,对本区域内的城市化发展起到示范和榜样作用,充分协调好经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。科学合理的城市规划,自然就成为城市建设和管理以及综合发挥其各种效益应遵循的依据。再次,城市规划是实现经济和社会发展目标的重要手段。城市的合理发展,必须通过科学的预测和规划,以确定城市的发展方向和发展格局,也只有在科学合理规划的引导和控制下,才能最 终实现经济和社会发展目标。最后,城市规划经法定程序批准,即具有法律效力,非经法定程序不可任意更改。因此,它的实施具有强制性和不可变更性。
3、规划覆盖范围小,重城市、轻农村问题突出。《城乡规划法》第二条指出:“制定和实施城乡规划,在规划区内进行建设活动,必须遵守本法。本法所称城乡规划,包括城镇体系规划、城市规划、镇规划、乡规划和村庄规划。本法所称规划区,是指城市、镇和村庄的建成区以及因城乡建设和发展需要,必须实行规划控制的区域。”该法将农村地区纳入规划范围,改变了农村建设无规划的状况。但是,许多地方的规划还不健全,有些规划正在报批,还有不少地方没有完成规划编制。譬 2 如,我市规划区向东延伸至四十里铺平政桥,向西延伸至崆峒聚仙桥,北至北山根,南至南山高压线,但是像官庄村、马庄村、杜家沟、十里铺至大岔河以东等处都是新纳入规划管理区的区域,这些地方还缺乏详规,影响了这些区域规划管理工作的开展。