Elephants are smart.They are friendly.They ’re family -centered.Think more about that and ask:Why not to love the elephants?Now,many elephants are killed every year for their ivory by greedy 1poachers 2.大象很聪明,它们是友好的,以家庭为中心。好好想想,不禁发问:为什么不去爱护大象呢?现在,每年都有许多大象被贪婪的偷猎者为了获取象牙而杀害。
World Elephant Day is a good time to learn more about these animals and what we can do to protect 3them so they do not go the way of the danger.世界大象日是一个很好的时间来了解更多关于这种动物的知识,以及我们可以做些什么来保护它们,这样它们才不会面临危险。
爱转角铃声World Elephant Day starts from 2011by two Canadian and first celebrated 4on August 12.世界大象日是由两位加拿大人在2011年发起的,首次庆祝是在2012年8月12日。The first World Elephant Day was to draw attention 5to the difficulty of these lives.Because they are interesting and smart,they are the world ’s largest land animals that are loved.But,at the same time,these lives are in great danger.第一个世界大象日是为了让人们关注这些动物生活的困境。由于它们有趣又聪明,作为世界上最大的陆地动物,它们深受人们喜爱。但是,与此同时,这些生命处于巨大的危险之中。
selina俞灏明One big problem is the ivory -selling.Today,the need for ivory is the biggest in China,and the price of ivory is often more than the price of gold 6.That makes elephants in danger.其中一个大问题是象牙买卖。如今,中国对象牙的需求是最大的,象牙的价格往往超过黄金的价格,这让大象陷入了危险中。
Also,the parts of the world that need ivory are becoming wealthier 7.That is to say,they can pay more for ivory.These make elephant -poaching one of the most lucrative 8activities.此外,世界上需要象牙的地方正变得越来越富裕,这也就是说,他们可以为象牙支付更多的钱。这使偷猎大象成为最有利可图的活动之一。
Habitation 9loss is also a danger to the world ’s elephant because it makes elephants lose their food for every day.It becomes more difficult for them to breed 10and easier for poachers to kill them.文
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World Elephant Day is a good time for everyone to get together to find ways to save the relationship between humans and elephants.The best way to celebrate it is to learn more about the elephants with others.Share with the world about the dangers.These animals can make a big change for them.世界大象日是一个让所有人聚在一起寻方法来挽救人类和大象关系的好时机。庆祝这一天最好的方式是和其他人一起更多地了解大象。要和这个世界分担这些动物的危险,对于它们来说,就会有一个很大的改变。
Watching the video on protecting elephants will only take half an hour of your time,but it is sure to surprise you,not just the beautiful photos in it.If you want to do more for them,you can make a donation 11for protecting elephants from poachers.观看保护大象的视频只需要花你半小时的时间,但这一定会让你感到惊讶,决不仅仅是因为里面美丽的照片。如果你想为它们做更多的事情,你可以为保护大象免受偷猎者的伤害而捐款。
There are also many suggestions from the group leaders of World Elephant Day:世界大象日的负责
1.Follow the World Elephant Day rules and do not buy products with ivory in it.第一,遵守世界大象日规则,不购买含有象牙的产品。
2.You can also follow the people in your country who are working hard to protect natural
elephant habitats.第二,在你们国家,你也可以跟随那些致力于保护天然的大象栖息地的人们。3.If you have some money,you can invest 12for the groups that work out more ways for saving the elephants,for example,get some people take care of the elephants as a job.第三,如果你有一些钱,可以为那些想更多办法拯救大象的组织投资,例如,让一些人把照顾大象当作一份工作。
Whatever you do and the ways you take,it is sure that you spend this day in a way that helps elephants all over the world and it is useful.By joining it,you can make a big difference.无论你做什么,选择什么样的方式,可以肯定的是你在这一天去帮助世界各地的大象,这是有用的。通过加入活动,你可以大有作为。(英语原文选自:daysoftheyear )【Notes 】1.greedy []贪婪的  2.poacher [)]偷猎者poach []偷猎3.protect []保护,防卫  4.celebrate [].庆祝;过节5.attention []关注draw attention to 吸引对……的注意力6.gold [].黄金;金币7.wealthy [
]富有的;充分的(wealthier 是比较级)8.lucrative []获利多的9.habitation []居住;住所habitat [][生态]栖息地,产地10.breed [](使)动物繁殖11.donation []捐款;捐赠12.invest []投资;耗费美文欣赏
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