边做边爱完整版《苏菲的世界Sophie's World》经典英文语录和用法!!!让你的英文运用手到擒来!!!--米粒不断更新中 2009-08-07 17:19 |曹芙嘉 (分类:默认分类)
Nature was in a constant state of transformation 自然是个不断转换的状态---适用于能量守恒的表达哦!
There had to be "something" that all things came from and returned to. 必然会有这个一种物体存在,世间万物来自于它,又变回为它。
There must  be  an underlying substance that is the source of all natural change.
Everythng that exists had always existed.每个存在的事物都是一直存在着的。(现在看到的某个存在的个体其实古往今来都一直存在。)
Nothing could become anything other than it was。 没有任何动起可以真的变成除其本身以外的东西。
Cannot step twice into the same river.不能2次踏进一样的河流。
涛声依旧简谱When I step into the river for the second time, neither I nor the river are the same.当我第二次踏进一条河流时,我和河流都已近与以前不同了。
The world is characterized by oppoites. If we never ill, we would never know what is was to be well. 世界以被相反证明的方式得以被感知。如果我们从来不生病,也就永远不会感觉到什么是健康。
Both good and bad have their inevitable place in the order of things.Without  this constant interplay of opposites, the world would cease to exist.  好与坏在事物的秩序中都有其位置。没有相反事物不停的相互作用,世界的存在也就停止了。
Understanding  will always require some effort. 理解总是要付出努力才能达到的。
Philosophy  is was not something you can learn; but perhaps you can learn to think philosologically. 哲学不是通过学而能得到的,但也许你能学着哲学地去思考问题。宛瑜的扮演者死了
注意can,表示 be able to=能力可及。看到第一句话的第一反应是他认为苏菲没有这个天资学习哲学,后来一想应该指的是哲学本来就不是科学一样可以通过学习去掌握的一门学科,但哲学的思考问题的思维方式是我们可以去学习的,所以出现后面那句:  perhaps you can learn to think philosologically
 How they arrived at this idea is hard to say  得到这个观点,想到这点
liberate itself from religion。liberate one from。。。从。。。解放出来
all life originated from water 源于。。。
He calculated the height of a pyramid by measuring its shadow at the precise moment when the height of his own shadow was equal to his height. 他通过在他影子和他的高度正好相等的那一刻,测量了金字塔的影子从而测量出一个金字塔的高度。---此句小时候看中文的时候一直在想怎么表达。。。
。。。does not tally with our reason 与。。。相吻合,符合
take (no) pleasure in doing sth纸月亮 并不因做。。。而感到愉快
any number of  c.npl. 任何数量的。。。(可数名字复数)
Nature is built up of 。。。有。。。构成。这个形象的表达常被中国人遗忘=be composed of,consist of
Getting a love letter two days in row would be doubly embarrassing. 两倍的尴尬=真是尴尬
They don‘t just appear out  of thin air 凭空出现
She decided to keep a careful wathch the following day. 仔细观察。keep 与 the fllowing day 连表示时间的延续
She has he whole week ahead of her。与时间连用,指接下来有多少时间。
嘿嘿,大家一定不知道我们小时候搭房子汽车的积木和塑料三维拼凑的玩具怎么说吧,就叫lego!一块块分来,叫lego block
what had it to do with philosopy was beyond her. beyond sb.--超出了某人的理解范畴。
eternal and immutable  永恒不变的----相反:come and go
“a-tom “means “un-cuttable“  “原子”意思是“不可切分的”