Hello New York! I'm Bobby Rydell. And I'm glad to be here. 纽约你好我是鲍比·莱德尔很高兴来到这里
Thank you all for coming to see us tonight. It's Saturday night at the Copa! 感谢大家今晚的光临来到科帕的周六晚场
We think you're gonna have a great time tonight. 希望大家今晚玩得尽兴
We're gonna do our best to make sure of that. 我们会尽力给您带来美好的一晚
As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell for having us out. 再次感谢朱尔斯·波戴尔先生给我们上台的机会
Let's get started. 开始吧
Hello sweetheart. 亲爱的你好
Here is my coat. 大衣在这
And you see this here hat? 然后这顶帽子
I want you to guard it with your life. 你一定要好好保管
- it was a gift from My mother. - Yes, Mr. Loscudo. - 是我母亲送给我的- 好的罗斯古德先生
Yeah. That's for you. 好这你收下
Thank you sir. 谢谢您
Gio! 吉奥
Hey Carmine!How are you pal? - Good to see you. - 卡迈恩怎么样啊- 见到你真好
Oh thank you! That's unnecessary. 太谢谢了不必客气的
Come on! Let's go. On the album. 不说了进去这张唱片啊
I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago 鲍比·莱德尔这小子我两年半前
in South Philly. Nobody knew who he was. 在南费城就听过了那时还没人知道
They know him now. 现在他可出名了
Hey! 嘿
Gimme Loscudo's hat. 罗斯古德的帽子给我
american idiot- But he said to - I know, I heard. Give it to me. A'right? - 但他说了要好好…- 知道我听见了交给我好吧?
Tony Lip! 托尼·利普
You put your hands on me, you punk? 你也敢动我你个小瘪三
Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends. 你别麻烦了带上朋友回家吧
You don't tell me where to go! Do you know who I am?! I'm goin' back in there! 还轮不到你指挥我你知道我是谁吗我要进去
You tell Julely Podell. If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down. You hear me?! 告诉朱利·波戴尔我要是不到帽子就把这地方一把火烧了
I swear to God it's gonna turn up. 会到的我保证肯定会到
Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard I don't get my hat, I'll burn the Copa down! 是吗告诉那个死犹太肥佬帽子没了我就把科帕烧了
I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks. 看来我要回去开垃圾车了
Jesus Christ! 老天啊
'scudo's out of his mind. 罗斯古德真是疯了
We earned our money tonight. 我们今晚钱没白挣
Lip, I thought you were gonna kill that guy. 利普我以为你要把那家伙打死了
Yeah! 是啊
Better him than me. 总好过挨揍
< What are you gonna do while we're closed? 那…停业期间你们什么打算?
I don't know. Maybe go work at my uncle's pizza joint. 不知道可能去我舅舅的披萨店打工吧- You? - I'm gonna drink for 2 months. - 你呢? - 烂醉个两个月
Take me home, Lip. 带我回家利普
See you Carmine. 回见卡迈恩
- No! You shouldn't. That should not happen. - I don't wanna -不不应该这种事不应该- 我也不想做个…
My hat! 我的帽子
Heard it was missing, so I looked into it. 听说不见了我就调查了一下
- I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasn't her fault. - 我都想要了那蠢女人的命- 不不不是她的错
Who had the balls to clip Gio's hat? 什么人有胆偷吉奥的帽子啊?
- Don't worry about it, I took care of him. - Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating. - 不用费心我已经搞定他了- 那就好最好揍得够狠
Here. Take this. Put it in your kick. 来拿着就当是存点小钱
No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo. 不必客气罗斯古德先生这是我的荣幸Bullshit! Take it.
And from now on, you don't call me Mr. Loscude, ya hear me? 从现在开始用不着叫我罗斯古德先生了明白吗
tf家族王源吻照I'm your pal Gio. 我是你的朋友吉奥
Good morning. 早上好
Good night! 晚安
- Come on, Roger! Hit one out! - Johnny quiet! You're gonna jinx it. - 加油罗杰来个全垒打- 别吵强尼说出来就不灵了
Hey Johnny, think you can yell a little louder? 喂强尼你也够吵了吧?
- Maris is up. - Yeah, so am I now. - 罗杰马里斯上场了- 嗯我也起床了
What the hell are you guys doing here? 你们怎么跑这来了?
We came over to keep Dolores company. 我们是来陪德洛丽丝的
Come on! 加油
[意大利语] 你不要只顾睡觉让我女儿一个人{
Come on Roger! Please! 加油啊罗杰拜托
- I'll walk you out. - Sure. - 我送你们出去- 好的
We need to get back in this ball game. Come on! 我们得反超比分来一个啊
Thank you so much! 谢谢你们
We got it! We got it! Yeah! 有了有了全垒打
Do it again. Let's do it again. Come on baby! 再来一个再来一个加油
No! Tony, go get dressed. We're gonna eat. 别闹托尼去换衣服要开饭了
Alright! 好样的
No game seven. No game seven. 拿下这场别拖到第七场生死赛
From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen. 感谢我主基督赐予我们丰盛食物阿门
And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know. 如果听说有托尼能干的活就告诉我们
- Dolor!Please. - what? - 德洛别提这个- 怎么
- What happened? Did you get fired? - No. -怎么了?炒了你吗?- 不是
No, The Copa's closing for repairs. So he just needs something for a couple months. 没有啦科帕要停业维修所以这几个月他需要一份短工
All the people he knows, he'll find something in no time. 他人脉那么广肯定很快就能到活的
Oh. He had a great job at the sanitation department. 他之前在卫生部的工作就很好啊
You shouldn't have punched out the foreman. 你不应该打领班的
He shouldn't have woke me up. 他不应该吵我睡觉
That's Tony. 这就是托尼
I'm tellin' you, this is gonna be the easiest fifty 我保证这肯定会是你赚得最轻松的
- bucks you ever gonna made. - Yeah we'll see. - 五十块- 看情况吧
Hey! There they are. 嘿你俩来了
Hi Johnny. 嗨强尼
- Tony! - Hey Paulie. How you doing? - 托尼- 你好保利怎么样?
I'm good. I'm good. So, Johnny here tells me you ate 挺好的挺好强尼跟我说你一次性
forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting. 吃下过四十八个白城堡家的汉堡Cheeseburgers. 是芝士汉堡
- You tell him Frankie. - I don't believe it. - 没错弗兰基- 我不信
What do we care if you believe it? 你信不信关我什么事
Hey Gorman. 戈尔曼
- What's the record here for Hotdogs? - Eighteen. Fat Paulie.- 这里吃热狗的记录是多少个?- 十八个就是肥保利
- Why wasn't Lip in on that contest? - What contest? I was hungry.- 怎么没让利普参加比赛?- 比赛?我饿了而已
Bet's simple. Half a C-note. 赌注很简单五十块
- Most hotdogs in an hour wins. - with toppings. - 一小时内谁吃的热狗多谁就赢- 要加配料的
What the hell you weigh? 多重啊?
- Two sixty. - Aaaaay. Your left ass weighs Two sixty. - 一百一十八公斤- 放屁吧光是你左半边屁股就一百一十八公斤了
May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'. 我要是撒谎我丈母娘就原地暴毙
- Alright. You're on. - Good. - 好吧来- 好
Pick it up Lip! The baby elephant just hit nineteen! 提速啊利普那头小象都十九个了
Let's go Lip! Let's go. Come on. 加油利普快来啊
You are embarrassing. You're embarrassing your son. He's killing you. 你简直丢人你儿子都没眼看了他要碾压你了
- Hey Nicky. You doin' your homework? - Yep. - 尼基在做作业吗- 嗯
Good. 那就好
- Where have you been? - Gorman's. - 你去哪了?- 戈尔曼的馆子
I'm making dinner! 我都做晚饭了
Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks he could eat more hot dogs than me. 肥保利跟我赌五十块赌热狗谁吃得多
He knocked off twenty four. Guy's an animal. 他吃了二十四个简直疯了
Are you crazy? 你才疯了吧?
You lost fifty dollars? 你输了五十块?火烧的寂寞简谱
Dolores. Please. 德洛丽丝拜托
I ate twenty six. 我吃了二十六个
You're so lucky. 你真是走运
You know that? 知道吗
Rent is due on Monday. 周一要交房租的
You're gonna get that? 接一下啊
Yeah? 喂
Hey Lip. Some guy called over here, a doctor. He's looking for a driver. 嘿利普有个人打电话来是个医生他想个司机
- you interested? - Yeah. - 你感兴趣吗- 当然
They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon. 他们明天下午面试
The 地址是…
Eight eighty one, 7th avenue, two fifteen. 第七大道八百八十一号两点一刻
Hey! 嘿
- Excuse me. - We're not open right now. But you're - 请问- 音乐厅还没开门但你可以welcome to purchase tickets to tonight's performance. 在外面买今晚演出的门票
Nah. That's alright. 不是我是…
I think I got the wrong address. But is there a doctor's office in here? 这地址可能错了这里有一位医生
A doctor's office? 医生办公室?
Dr. Shirley? 谢利博士?
You have the correct address. Dr. Shirley lives upstairs, above the hall. 哦地址没错谢利医生就在音乐厅楼上
How you doing? 你们好
I'm here for the driver job. Tony Lip. 我是来面试司机职位的托尼·利普
No Tony Lip. 名单上没有
No I should be on there. 肯定有我
< Um... 呃…不是…唔
- I have a - Vallelonga. Yeah, that's me. - 有一位托尼·瓦伦…瓦伦拉…- 瓦伦拉纳对就是我
- Fill it out while you wait. - what? - 边等边填好- 啥?
Fill it out while you wait. 填好表等着
Have a seat. 请坐
Mr. Vallelonga, sorry to keep you waiting. 瓦伦拉纳先生久等了抱歉
I'm Dr. Donald Shirley. 我是唐纳德·谢利博士
- Tony. - Yes. Please sit down. - 我是托尼- 好的请坐
Some place you got in here. 你这真不错啊
Them horns real? 那些角是真的吗?
Elephant tusks. Yes. 象牙是的
What about that? 那个呢?
That a molar? 是个臼齿吗
a what? - a molar. - 什么? - 臼齿牙齿
Like a Shark tooth? 鲨鱼牙吗
Tiger's maybe. 或者老虎牙
It was a gift. 是一个礼物
I thought, I thought I was going to a office. 我以为是要来一个办公室面试
They said a doctor needed a driver. 说一位医生需要司机
That's all they told you? 就说了这么多吗?
刘惜君写真- Yeah. - Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that. - 是啊- 其实比这个稍微复杂一些
Have you ever driven professionally before? 你以前做过开车的工作吗?
Sanitation. Garbage trucks. 卫生部开过垃圾车
Plus I drive my boss home at night. But I can drive anything. 后来我每晚开车送老板回家我什么车都能开
Limos, tow trucks. 加长轿车大拖车
Snowplows, whatever. 铲雪车啥都行
I see. What other experience do you have? 明白了你还有什么别的工作经验?
- in What capacity? - What Do you mean? - 什么样的工作?- 啥意思?
- What Did you Do there? - Ah... - 你具体做了些什么?- 呃…
Public relations. 公共关系
Well, first of all, Tony, I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a musician. 好吧先说明一下托尼我不是医生是一位音乐家
- you mean like songs? - Yes. - 写歌的那种?- 没错
I'm about to embark on a concert tour, the majority of which will be down South. 我即将上路巡演大部分目的地都在南部
- Atlantic city? - No. - 新泽西州亚特兰大市?- 不
The deep south. First we're starting in the Midwest, but then we're taking a hard left. 南部腹地巡演从中西部开始然后一路南下
Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and on down through the Delta. 肯塔基北卡田纳西一直到密西西比三角区
Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man? 给黑人打工这事会让你困扰吗?
No! 当然不会了
No no. Just the other day me and the wife had 不会的前几天我和我太太
a couple of colored guys over at the house. 还在家接待了几位黑人
For drinks. 聚会喝酒
Hmm. I see, you're married. 原来如此你有家室
Yeah. Two kids. 嗯两个孩子
I am not sure this is the proper job for a married man. 我不确定这活适合已婚男士