Unit 1 Working at Home
  Most American workers travel each day to jobs in factories, offices, (1)                  , shops and schools. But for a (2)          number of people in the United States, the work place is changing. More Americans are (3)             to work at home. There are several reasons for this (4)           . One reason is many parents want more time to be with their children at home. Another is that people want the (5)           to decide for themselves how and when to do their job. The most important reason, however, is the (6)         in computer technology. With computers, there is (7)         need for people to come together to work. (8)                                                             天黑黑伴奏. A worker can write a report or add information to company records on a computer at home and then send the finished work to a computer in another city. (9)                                                                   . Many highly skilled workers, for example, ask their computers to work at least part of their time at home. They say (10)                
Unit 2 Listen to the personal account of runaway slave Linda Brent and answer the following questions.
1. What were Linda’s biggest fears?
2. What conditions did she have to endure?
3. Why was she disappointed with what she found in New York?
Unit 3
President Bushs Address
Ladies and gentlemen:
This is a     moment for America. I, unfortunately, will be going back to       after my remarks. Secretary Rod Paige and the Lieutenant Governor (副州长) will take the podium (讲台) and discuss         . I do want to thank the folks here at Booker Elementary School f
or their         . Today we’ve had a national tragedy. Two       have crashed into the         Center in an       terrorist attack on our country. I have spoken to the Vice President, to the       of New York, to the Director of the     , and have ordered that the full       of the federal government go to help the victims and their families, and to conduct a full-scale       to hunt down and to find those folks who committed this act.
          against our nation will not stand. And now if you would join me in a moment of       张韶涵阿刁. May God bless the victims, their           , and         .
Thank you very much.
Planning for Safer Buildings
Experts are beginning to study ways to       large buildings against       attacks. They are reacting to the attacks that         the World Trade Center buildings in New York September eleventh.
The American Institute of Steel Construction has created a working group of experts to    
      the reasons the buildings fell. The A-I-S-C is the organization           developing the rules for the design of       buildings in the United States.           developed by the working group will help A-I-S-C decide if the design rules should be changed.
The south World Trade Center building fell fifty-six minutes after a         plane crashed into it. The north building fell about one hundred minutes after a           . Each building was four hundred ten meters tall. Experts say the buildings could not             the extremely hot fires caused by the airplane fuel.
Unit 4 1. Listen to the passage and answer the questions.
1) Was Edison the only child who survived to adulthood in his family?
2) Why did Edison hatch eggs by sitting on them?
3) How did Edison’s mother respond when his teacher called him “addled”?
4) Was Edison greatly affected by his poor hearing?
5) What do you learn from the story?
Unit 5
President Obamas Address
Watch a video clip and fill in the blanks.
For centuries, in peace and in war, in       and in adversity, Americans have paused at this time of year to gather with loved ones and give thanks for life’s blessings. This week, we carry on this         American tradition.  All across our country, folks are coming together to spend time with family, to catch up with old friends, to cook and enjoy a big dinner — and maybe to watch a little football in between.
As always, we give thanks for the kindness of loved ones, for the joys of the         year, and for the pride we feel in our communities and country. We keep in our thoughts and prayers the many families         this Thanksgiving with an empty seat — saved for a son or daughter, or husband or wife,       in harm’s way. We say a special thanks for the
      山楂树之恋 主题曲those men and women in uniform are making for our safety and freedom, and for all those Americans who     the lives of our communities through acts of kindness,         and service.
                                                                                                . Many have lost jobs in this recession — the worst in generations. Many more are struggling to afford health care premiums and house payments, let alone to save for an education or retirement. Too many are wondering if the dream of a middle class life — that American Dream — is slipping away.                                                         为了爱为了你. These are not strangers.  They are our family, our friends, and our neighbors. Their struggles must be our concern.