Unit 1 The four seasons  Period:1 Page: 26
1. 知识目标:Words: spring, summer, autumn, winter, cool, cold, hot, warm, sunny, windy, cloudy
Sentences: I like spring. Spring is… It is… in spring.
2. 能力目标:1.学习单词的正确读音
2.运用It is… in spring.表达四个季节的气候变化情况。通过学习儿歌,运用句子I like...表达对季节的喜爱。
3. 情感目标:唤起学生热爱大自然的情感。
Ⅰ. Pre-task preparation
1. Read a rhyme: I like dogs…
2. What’s your favourite animal?
3. Talk about your favourite animal.
They are .
They have .
They can .
They like eating .
Ⅱ. While-task procedure
1. T: Animals are our friends. I like animals. And I like insects, too. I like bees. Look! The bees are flying in spring.
1) Read: spring
2) Let’s say: I like spring. I can… in spring.
3) T: How is the weather in spring?
It’s warm.
4) Read a rhyme: Spring, spring,
赵韩樱子为什么改名为赵樱子Nice and warm.
Spring , spring,
I like spring.
2. T: Spring is warm. But now the sun is shining. ( Draw the sun.)It is summer now.
1) Read: summer
2) Let’s say: I like summer. I can… in summer.
T: I don’t like summer. Because summer is.. S: Summer is hot.
3) Ask and answer: How is the weather in summer?
It’s hot./sunny.
4) Replace the rhyme: ,
Sunny and hot.
I (don’t) like .
3. T: (Draw the wind.) Look !The wind blows and blows. Is it summer? No, it is autumn.
1) Read: autumn
2) Replace the rhyme: ,
Windy and cool.
I (don’t) like .
3) Let’s say: Autumn is windy and cool.
I can in autumn.
I like autumn.
4. T: ( Draw a snowman) Oh, it’s a snowman. What season is it now? S: It’s winter.
1) Read: winter
2) Read a rhyme: Winter is cold.
Put on the hat on my head.
Cloudy and cold.
Don’t be late for the bed.
3) Let’s say: Winter is cloudy and cold.
I can… in winter.
I like winter.
Ⅲ. Post-task activities
1. Play a guessing game
1) It is sunny and hot. What season is it?
2) It is nice and warm. What season is it?
3) It is windy and cool. What season is it?
4) It is cloudy and cold. What season is it?
2. Choose your favourite season and talk about it.
It is .
It’s and .
I can see in .
I can in .
I like .
•Ass ignment
1. Copy the new words.
2. Talk about your favourite season.
M3U1 The four seasons
Weather Can
spring nice and warm ride a bicycle
summer sunny and hot swim
autumn windy and cool fly a kite
winter cloudy and cold skate
2B Module 3 Things around us
Unit 1 The four seasons  Period: 2 Page:27,28
fine乐团1. 知识目标:Words: very, ice, ski, make a snowman
Sentences: I like(doing) …in/on…
2. 能力目标:1.学习单词的正确读音
2.学会用I like(doing) …in/on…的句子表达自己在每个季节喜欢做的事情。
3. 情感目标: 唤起学生热爱大自然的情感。
二、教学重点、难点:I like(doing) …in/on…
Ⅰ. Pre-task preparation
1. Read a rhyme.
2. How is the weather in spring/summer/autumn/winter?
What can you do in spring/summer/ autumn/winter?
3. Talk about your favourite season
Ⅱ. While-task procedure
1. T: Spring is warm. I can ride a bicycle in the park. I like riding a bicycle in the park.
1) Practice: I like ( doing) … in the park.
2) Let’s say. I like (doing)…in the park in spring.
2. T: Summer is very hot.
1) Read: very
2) Make some sentences: …is very …
3) T: I like swimming in the water.
Practice: I like swimming in the water
3. T: It is autumn. Look! I like flying a kite in the park.
1) Read: I like flying a kite in the park.
2) Practice: I like (doing) in the park.
3) Let’s say: Spring is warm.
I like riding my bicycle in the park.
红星照我去战斗 李双江
Summer is very hot.
I like swimming in the water.
Autumn is cool and windy.
I like flying a kite in the park.
4. T: I like flying a kite in the park in autumn. And I like skating on the ice.
1) Read: ice
2) Make new phra ses: ice juice….
3) Ask and answer: What do you like doing on the ice?
I like skating on the ice.
4) Let’s say: I like skating on the ice in winter.
5) Practice: I like skiing outside in winter.
I like making a snowman outside in winter.
5. T: Do you like winter? S: Yes, I do. In winter, I like skating on the ice. 1) Work in pairs: Do you like…?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. In …, I like (doing)…
2) Do a survey: Do you like….?
Ⅲ. Post-task activities
1. Look and match
ride my bicycle in the water
swim on the ice
skate in the park
ski outside
2. Talk about your favorite thins in four seasons.
< In spring, I like (doing) ….in/on…
1. Copy the new words and sentence.
2. Talk about your favorite thins in four seasons.
M3U1 The four seasons
In spring, I like riding my bicycle in the park.
swimming in the water very hot
flying a kite in the park.
skating on the ice skiing
making a snowman
2B Module 2 My favourite things
Unit 1  Period: 3 Page: P29
1. 知识目标:Words: we, fruit , snowmen
Sentences: We like (doing)
2. 能力目标:1. 学习单词的正确读音
2.能用We like (doing)...句子表达,并能复述课文内容。
3. 学习s和z的发音。
3. 情感目标: 唤起学生热爱大自然、热爱生活的美好情感。
二、教学重点、难点:能用We like (doing)...句子表达,并能复述课文内容。
Ⅰ. Pre-task preparation
1. Ask and answer.
How is the weather in spring/summer/autumn/winter?
What can you do in spring/summer/ autumn/winter?
Do you like spring?
2. Talk about four seasons.
In spring, I like riding a bicycle in the park.
In summer, I like swimming in the water.
In autumn, I like flying a kite in the park.
In winter, I like skating on the ice.
Ⅱ. While-task procedure
1. T: Come here, xx. Let’s ride bicycles together. S: O.K.
T: Look! We like riding our bicycles.
1) Read: we
2) Let’s say: We like riding our bicycles.
3) Practice: It’s……in…
We like……
2. T: It is cool in autumn. In autumn, we like eating fruit.
1) Read: fruit.
2) What is fruit?
3) Read a rhyme:
Fruit, fruit
Apple is fruit.
Orange is fruit.
Peach is fruit.
We like eating fruit
Every day.
4) Work in pairs:
What do you like eating in autumn?
We like eating….
3. T: After autumn it is winter. In winter, we like making snowmen.
1) Read: snowman-snowman
2) Let’s read: We like making snowmen.
3) Ask and answer: Do you like winter?
How is winter?
What do you like doing in winter?
4. Enjoy a story.
5. Learn the sounds
s [s] sun bus
z [z]zebra zoo
1) Read after the teacher.
2) Tell the same sound: spring, six, soft, smooth….nice
Ⅲ. Post-task activities
1. Retell the story
1. Copy the new words and sentence.
2. Retell the story.
M3U1 The four seasons
In spring, we like riding our bicycles outside.
autumn  eating fruit
winter  make a snowman
make snowmen