    1. 长城是中国历史遗迹。(The Great Wall is a historical site in China.)
爱情公寓 歌曲
    2. 我们去爬长城了!(We went to climb the Great Wall!)
    3. 我们学校的图书馆墙壁上挂着长城的图片。(There is a picture of the Great Wall hanging on the wall of the library in our school.)
    4. 长城很长,要走很久才能走完。(The Great Wall is very long, it takes a long time to walk all the way.)
    5. 我们每个人都希望有机会去长城参观。(Each one of us hopes to have the chance to visit the Great Wall.)
    6. 在长城上看到了很多美丽的景。(We saw many beautiful views from the Great Wall.)
    7. 爬长城的时候,我们可以感受到中国的伟大。(When we climb the Great Wall, we can feel the greatness of China.)
林伊婷>埃及王子下载    8. 我们在长城上拍了很多照片,留念这次难忘的旅行。(We took many photos on the Great Wall, to remember this unforgettable trip.)
爱你今生到永远高露结婚    9. 祖国的长城是我们的骄傲。(The Great Wall is our pride as a nation.)从头在来
    10. 长城是中国的象征,代表着中国的文化和历史。(The Great Wall is a symbol of China, representing its culture and history.)